The Big Kahuna Bundle

Thanks for your order - I hope you enjoy the hours of model making ahead of you!

Just click on the below links to get the downloads. There's also quite a few youtubes  on this page to help youget started. There are many more helpful vids on my youtube channel.

Don't forget to bookmark this page so you can find it again!

Wooden bridge - Click below to download:

Print 1

Print 2

Click below to download:

Grain elevator

Click below to download

Blue house - sells for $9.97

Click below to download:

Yellow house - sells for $9.97


Click below to download:

Church - sells for $9.97

Print 1

Print 2

Green house - sells for $9.97

Gray house - sells for $9.97

Factory - sells for $9.97

Print 1

Print 2

Old shak - sells for $9.97

Town house - sells for $9.97

Large shak - sells for $9.97

Corn elevator - sells for $9.97

Print 1

Print 2

Square house - sells for $9.97

Small station - sells for $9.97

Old apartment - sells for $9.97

Old railroad station - sells for $9.97

Sloping house - sells for $9.97

Diner - sells for $9.97

Auntie's house - sells for $9.97

Hamlet house - sells for $9.97

Derelict house - sells for $9.97

Low relief shops 1 - sells for $9.97

Low relief shops 2 - sells for $9.97

Blue office - sells for $9.97

Print 1

Print 2


Department store - sells for $9.97

Print 1

Print 2 (roof).

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