Keith's track plan and build
I have not seen any British narrow gauge railways in your blogs so I thought your readers might find this of interest.
The Sibford Quarry Railway is a 4mm scale narrow gauge layout set in the British Cotswolds.
There is no railway in the Sibfords where I live but you can find Sibford Gower and Sibford Ferris on the map either side of the river Sib (at its widest about 3feet).
The quarry however is real although worked out before the Second World War. See the black and white photo.
This version is the latest in several built over the last twenty years, is portable and fits easily in my SUV. It measures 2ft 6in by 6ft and comes in two sections that clip together.
Since last year I have been converting all my locos to radio control; quite a challenge considering the size of 009 locos. To date I have completed four. This means I have no problems with track cleaning or electrics. The points (turnouts) are controlled through a ‘wire in tube’ method.
The majority of the structures are scratch built and are based on buildings in or around my village.
The scenic structure uses 5mm foam board which is strong, very light and easy to work with a craft knife. This, where appropriate, is covered with plaster bandage dipped in a dyed water solution to take away the whiteness.
I enjoy the scenic side of the hobby most but have running sessions when the grandchildren come (not since March of course)!
A big thanks to Keith - it's wonderful to see a layout from the start and then take shape.
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