Model railroad track plans and pics
Jim talks us through his 12ft x 9ft track plan and pics. You can see it here.
Cal's 4×8, plywood base, HO scale. It has to be the most popular size when dipping you toe in to the world of model railroads. And Cal's done a great job - have a look at his track plan and pics here.
Arnie's layout despite its impression of size, dimension and depth, is only 8 feet by 5 feet. You can see some of the layout overview pics and track plan here.
Tom has a wonderful back story behind his layout: his Dad J.G.Irwin Sr. was a Real Railroad Engineer on the Santa Fe who bought President Harry Truman in to San Diego in 1948. You can see Tom's track plan and pics here.
John from Baltimore shares his track plan and stunning pics. He's nearly finished the coal mine and then it's back on to the mountains. You can see his track plan and pics here.
There's a lot more than track plans on the newsletter too - readers share their tips and pics. Here John shows us how he makes his scenery.
And just to prove a point - there's a lots and lots of 'how to' posts on the newsletter. Likes Ben's. Here he shows us how to make a trestle bridge.
Perhaps the part of the newsletter I like best is seeing a layout right from the very start, and then take shape. You can see how Kieth built his here.
Cameron's track plan lets you run two trains at once, with another shunting in the yard. It is far from being a prototypical layout but it is fun to play with. Have a look at the plan and pics here.