Just short and sweet today – but I absolutely loved this tip!
“Use Play-Doh to make molds for scrap yard parts, cast with any two part resin.
(Image is clickable)
Big thanks to Edward for sharing.
Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

I don’t mind the adds at all. It is a good solution for you. Keep up the good work.
Wow thats what call a good idea. I normally carve from bits of plastic but that is a fantastic and easy way to make parts. I dont have railway set up, as I repair old and forgotten trains and bring them back to life. So this is a brill tip. Thanks.
By the way I have over two hundred working engines and lots more to repair. My wife thinks I’m mad. Keeps me sane!!!! Paul.
Great Idea, I will probably use it to create moulds for rock faces and boulders for my N Gauge layout. The Ads are no problem, hope this will mean that you can continue to send e mails to the unfortunate ones who just can’t afford the afford the Golden Key. Keep up the good work as your e mails are a mine of information to all of us.
dear Alastair how can I send pictures of my experimental garden railway?
regards Andrew Johnson
Missed your column
Glad you are back
Just email me!
I am glad you are still sending out emails. I am modeling a logging layout in HO scale and would like to see pictures of other modeler’s layouts if you have any. I live in Lacey Washington.
glad to see you back in my inbox, the adds are good, don’t mine them at all
Hi, Just think how much our model magazines would be if there were no adverts in them?
We are inspired, and don’t laugh as after 6 years of showing Katie Stars, Castles Kings, Saints in all sizes including 5″ gauge…she falls in love with a 00 Schools Class!!! Great we can now buy some green coaches and start on the design for a model.
Having lived in Devon for most of my life we just have to have The Otter Valley Railway and being a fan of the Madder Valley Railway something Otter is the order of the day.
Railway modeling should be fun not run to a strict timetable, oh and I need some cliff faces so Katies playdoh will come in handy, thanks.
David and Katie.
Hey Paul,
By chance, are your repaired engines available for sale? I’m looking for a small “N”scale, yard switching engine for my layout. I’m currently creating a D.C. layout on a door. I’m disabled and on a very limited budget. Please let me know if you may have something. Thanks in advance, Toni Olivar
The blog is working well with the ads. Thank you for keeping the blog going out to us, who are on limited income. By the way, my e-mail address has changed. No longer using a friend’s account. Toni
I have shaped Play- Dough to form evergreen trees and shrubbery. after letting it dry I paint it the desired shade of green and sprinkle on some Woodland Scenics clump folage.
great tip i will be using it shortly.the ads are no trouble to me what about you Al has it given you more work are adds hard to find.
That’s one great idea. Using play- Doh to make parts. Thanks for a great idea. Good health to you.
This is a terrific idea. It could be used for any number of projects–
* landscape rocks
* stumps
* sidewalks
* diesel & rolling stock parts & scrap
* scrap yard debris and parts
The list is endless
Wow. That play doh technique could be used for a lot of things. It seems that, after molding the dough, one could use some shellac-like stuff to firm it up … Just a wild idea. What do you think of this wrinkle?
excellent was to convey info – dont mind the adds
Just two words, “Thank you”
Very very good to see you back
Those plastic trays they sell meat in at supermarkets have potential as a model making material for buildings etc. Pop sticks can be split and used as rails for rough farm fencing.
don’t mind the ads keep up the good work by keeping we the less informed among us to find tip’s galore
All the best ideas are simple ones
That’s a great idea also you could duplicate a lot of parts that way !!
pleased to hear from you pensioner in aus thanks for the tips the ads are great if it helps you
what a brilliant tip.i would have never thought about play dough.
What a great suggestion! Play-doh is much more pliable than plastalina clay, or as messy as sculpti-mold.
Smart move on the ads, Al.
Fantastic tip….. Lots of Play-doh around this house with 5 and 10 yr old Great Grandkids… Appreciate all your suggestions… Adds are NOT a problem…
Thanks ….
Hi Al, maybe someone has already thought about this. I always have broken or cracked jewel cases for cds or dvds. Instead of throwing them away, I have cut out windows for use on my print out buildings. I use an exacto knife to cut them to size and then I glue them on the inside of the building. Looks remarkably like real windows.
I impressed….that’s on my list of how too’s…👌
Love the tip Edward, who would of thought of using playdoe!!!! And I thought I was open minded since I like to tinker in my garage. I guess you can tech an old dog like myself an new trick. Thanks Edward
SDG St.Petersburg Fl USA
Great Idea on the Play-Doh! I wonder how Hydrocal poured into it would work. I make rock faces from rubber moulds but you could get more variety and size from the Doh moulds? You could probably make copies of vehicles with the Hyrodcal and many other things since it is relatively cheap..
Thank you for the site…
The advertisments are no issue at all.
Clever tip on the play doh
The mould idea sounds good. What is this two-part resin though – is it what I know as “Araldite” (an epoxy glue), or something completely different.
Also – I haven’t seem any adds yet (or are they your own).
Any chance of seeing some more from Cameron? – I love his first layout and would like to know if any changes/additions have been made.
Please keep the emails coming!
Thank You for the great tip. I am a newbie with hopes of making a n scale mountain scene, and the play doe idea is perfect for boulders and rock face. Thanks again. All stay safe and God Bless
The most enjoyable site out there.
Ads, no ads…no problem. Just happy to have you back along with all your wonderful, skillful and happy followers!
Paul : what type of engines do you have? are they for sale? I’m into “o” scale; “ho” scale: and “g” scale trains. Also Edward, great tip on play-doh
Al, I have no problem with adds.
Never thought of Play Doe. Inexpensive and readily available.
Beats that expensive molding clay and rubber mold stuff I’ve been buying. Keep those tips coming.