Walthers bascule bridge – Dave’s

Dave has been in touch with his Walthers bascule bridge:

“Hi Al,

My name is Dave. I’m 73 and still play with toy trains.

So impressed with your site that have decided to discontinue my subscription to train magazines.

Kindly allow me to introduce you to the ITARR:

ITA is the name selected because it resides IN THE ATTIC.

As a test, I will try to show a few pictures of the bridges on the ITA.

The first bridge is the bascule bridge. It is controlled by a motor too small for the job and thus the need for two sets of counter weights. One set of weights to help the deck go up the other set to eases the pain of going down.

The second bridge swing up to open from the right side The third bridge swings open like a gate when needed. All threes bridges operate with the track wiring in tact from scrap material that I was able to locate without cost.



walthers bascule bridge

walthers bascule bridge

walthers bascule bridge

walthers bascule bridge

walthers bascule bridge

Next on to Hall of Fame Mark:

“Hi Al.

My “Tip for the Day” is that when a scene on the layout is complete, or even fairly close to completion, take a few minutes to snap some pictures and perhaps even a short video. Study these and they will reveal any items that need correction.

Then enjoy you creation with some “run time”. Attached is a short video of some action down at the roundhouse early one morning. Turn up the sound and wait for the action

Model railroading is FUN!


model train layout

model train steam engine roundhouse

I thought Dave’s layout looked fantastic – and no wonder the kids the love the Walthers bascule bridge, I did too. It’s funny how one feature of a layout really can transform it. More pics please, Dave!

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

34 Responses to Walthers bascule bridge – Dave’s

  1. Tom says:

    Dave, the three bridges add and blend very nicely in your railroad. Also, I must comment on the 2nd and 5th pictures … Is that the skeletal remains of a prehistoric raptor uncovered in the mountain? The Bascule bridge is a high light for sure. Great work!! Thanks Dave and Al for sharing!

    Central Maryland, USA

  2. John Deamer says:

    great stuff Dave bridge is brilliant nice movement well counter balanced hope when ive finished mine its as neat and tidy

  3. Dan Marso says:

    Loved the bridge, makes for a great gate into layout, thanks for sharing.

  4. Patrick says:

    More pictures of the layout please…

  5. Bill Wiles says:

    Great bridge! Scenery is great and blends well. Keep going Dave, I am just getting started and turn 79 in April. My step son says you are only as old as you feel, he is a complete quad and cannot feel a thing. He has a quick wit and good outlook.

  6. Dangerous Dave says:

    DAve , the Bridge just puts that finishing touch to your great layout ..well done fron another 73 year old Dave

  7. christine says:

    You mean you have a moving bridge video with no train going across it?

  8. john wisnieski says:

    Very nice, loads of planning and I’ll bet you have gotten loads of lumps on your
    head from above. Don;t forget DUCK!

  9. James M. Dempsey says:

    How big layout I like to build Winter snow. I have 60 house . I lived Las Vegas. You know anybody who lived in Las Vegas. to help me to set up..

  10. Pete Evangel says:

    What a genius use of space. Love the bridge, it works great. Would love to see more photos of the entire layout and of course video! I think you’ve nailed your ITARR right down to smallest detail. Keep the pics coming.
    Pete-Cloudy Silicon Valley Calif.

  11. kevin says:

    Wow!!!!:-):-):-)…… That is the first time I have ever seen a movable bridge on a lay out……. What a great addition to a layout!!!!…….. Excellent job:-):-):-):-)

  12. john oliva says:

    I’ve been a fan of site for a long time now.I especially like Dave’s layout,but the again who wouldn’t a layout with a dinosaur fossil in it(2nd photo).Or is that just my imagination?
    Thanks for all your hard work in putting this site together,John

  13. John says:

    I really love your bridge it goes great with the layout and scenery I bet the kids get really surprised when they see your bridge my 11 year did when I showed him the video

  14. Michael Day says:

    Good looking bascule. I tried a double track drop-down span on an earlier layout, with wiring cut-offs arranged ahead of the span so trains could not dive off into the abyss when span (in my case) lowered. But how do you get precise alignment of rails at each end when lift is in running position (in your case, down)?

  15. Lawrence says:

    Now that’s what I call model railway Engineering !!!!

  16. JEFFREY SIKES says:

    very cool looking good !!!.

  17. Ben Taul says:

    that draw bridge is just awesome. I have one on my ho gauge but it’s manually operated . what do I need to be like yours.

  18. Bob O'Neill says:

    Great job. I collect American Flyer trains and Gilbert Erector sets. Also some Meccano Later-Bob.

  19. Dave Ewing says:

    Dear friends,
    Wow, thanks for your comments about my bascule bridge. There were a few questions that can be answered here but I will also have to send some more pictures to try to answer with more details.
    To Tom: Yes, the skeleton remains of a dinosaur that was uncovered while building a tunnel through the mountain.
    To John: Neat and tidy can only describe the ITA RR when these pictures were taken and everything was moved to the other end of the attic.
    To Duck: You’ve got that right.
    To the eleven year old: Kids that visit here are allowed to operate the bridge and the trains and move the animals around.
    Dave in Eden North Carolina

  20. Rene Vanderneut says:

    Love that bridge video. Layout is also very interesting.

  21. tadd says:

    good job with the motor and counter weights. very creative idea and layout

  22. Thomas Murphy says:

    Enjoyed the pictures Dave, but that bridge video was the icing on the cake. hank you for sharing!
    Tom from Maryland.

  23. Ken Stramel says:

    Looks great. Great addition

  24. Rich B. says:

    What a awesome niche for a layout. A space out of the way- anything goes. The theme is perfect, is this O gauge? No, it’s S, nice choice. You can actually work with that at 73 lol, me too.

  25. Bruce says:

    Very good. With 3 bridges, please provide a layout plan.

  26. Can you add more pictures? Please comment more. I am about to start my S gauge layout in my attic and am looking for inspiration.

  27. John Duryea says:

    Dave very impressive working bridge. I’m also in S would love to see more of your layout. Like you I have roof trusses to work around.

  28. Mike Balog says:

    Hello Dave: Very Impressed with your working Bascule Draw Bridge.. Reminds me of those I have seen built with A. C. Gilbert Erector Sets…Have seen one of these in O Scale at the Big E Model RR Show in Amherst, MA a few years ago. It was motor controlled at slow speed, with working Red / Green Approach Lights with a dead approach track when the bridge started raising or lowering. Interested if you used a “step motor” to control your bridge. Had a Chuckle with the Giant Dinosaur Skeleton in the hillside. You made great use of a Steep Attic.. Hope you have a lot of insulation and can operate year round. Would like to see the track plan too. ~ Mike in N.H.,,, age 70 going on 71.

  29. Will in NM says:

    Dave, It looks to me like you’re having way too much fun for a 73 year old.:-) Your operating Bascule bridge is the bomb and that’s the neatest looking attic I’ve ever seen. I have to admit that I totally missed the dinosaur excavation site the first time around — didn’t find it until I read others comments. That is a truly unique bit of modeling. I also liked your natural stone arch in the first photo. It reminded me of my trips to Moab, Utah and Arches National Park. Keep up the great work and send my photos and videos.

  30. Erick says:

    Pretty Kool.!!!! I like it send more pixs

  31. Terry Patti says:

    Outstanding looking layout, especially like the fact that children are allowed to touch and move things . My granddaughters enjoy touching and operating my 70 year old American Flyer trains and accessories.

  32. robert dale tiemann says:

    i have always loved good bridge work. that draw bridge is great.

  33. william j plmer says:


  34. Liz P in Texas says:

    I love both of these layouts!

    Dave: your rock work and dinosaur skeleton are wonderful (I definitely would love to see more!) and your bridge moves so smoothly!

    Mark: absolutely amazing! I’m in awe!

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