HO scale river

Jeff’s been in touch with a ‘how to’ on his HO scale river:

“Hi Al… thought I would pass this along.

Maybe it not a new idea, but thought I would try it.. I’m happy with it.

I poured white glue over to top of the falls so it ran down the way water might take the same path.

Then after it was almost dry, tacky, I combed out some cotton wool and placed it over the edge.

I used some clear glue on the top and bottom to keep the cotton wool in place. Once dry, I sprayed it with hair spray.

It’s a bit of a sticky job but turned out ok for me. Thought I would pass it along. You can post it if you think it might be helpful to others.

Stay Safe…

Jeff ”

HO scale river

Rob also has some good model train water effects.

It also reminded me of this post too:

HO train layout with rivers.

And now on to Ronald, who needs some help identifying a train set:

“Dear Alastair

I received several sets of trains as a kid from my cousin before he went off to the Korean war.

Most of the trains were Lionel 027 gauge pre world war 2 that he enjoyed as a kid.

One set had three passenger cars without markings to who manufactured them.

They have couplers I have never seen before.

The trains have been stored away for the last 60 years.

I would appreciate if you or your readers could give any information on who made them, and any website that I could get parts.


“Hi Al …

I look forward to your e-mail every day and enjoy it very much.

See the attached … Do you think California high speed rail is off to a bad start ?

I don’t think I’ll see it in my lifetime !!!


San Jose, California”

Next, Wayne’s been back in touch with a few more pics of his progress.

If you missed his last post, it’s here.

A big thanks to Wayne, Ronald and to Jeff for his HO scale river pics.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming – it’s getting a bit thin on the ground this end, so now’s a great time to send anything in.

And please don’t forget the the Beginner’s Guide is here if you want to make that start on your layout.



24 Responses to HO scale river

  1. Chuck Frank says:

    Ronald, your cars are known as tinplate, were made by Ives Manufacturing,
    the largest manufacturer of toy trains in the US from 1910-1924 when it was surpassed by Lionel. I have a set of Ives trains that were my Grandmother’s when she was a young girl. I’m 75!

  2. David Schaffner says:

    In relation to your three rail passenger cars….
    They could be Lionel Ives Circa 1931- 1932 ?
    Or they could be Ives model trains Value about $600.00

  3. Robert Brady says:

    To Jeff, From what I can see the water fall came out next to perfect. I may try that myself. The color was great also. Bravo.
    The Critic

  4. JW Snyder says:

    Nice water job.
    I’m dubious about the “high-speed rail pic” photo shopping is so good these days. Do you have a source on that?

  5. Mark E. James says:

    Ronald, this car is an Ives Manufacturing toy train trolly from 1931 -1932. See ivestrains.org.

  6. Al DiPrima says:

    it looks like an IVES tinplate coach. I had a green one that looked just like it but the couplers were different, butterfly type and it was a Lionel. Three cars and an engine and tender.

  7. dan robinson says:

    Seems over time on vintage, trains there have been a number of different coupling systems. always like seeing the water scenes and how they were done. Looks like someone had a concrete idea, lol

  8. David T Chrest says:

    I love the layout , how ever the demensions of the room and layout were cut off. Can you please give them to us again?

  9. Dave says:

    HA HA HA HA HA! Ya, high speed rail could be a ways off.

  10. DAVID INGRAM says:

    Never underestimate what idiot things that will be done when the bosses say “get it done , no mater what”.

  11. Somehow my Pop’s IVES locomotive and cars vanished many years ago.
    I do not know if it was lost in a move or fell to some other fate.
    My Pop’s Marklin trains were stolen from a shed as was much of my brass.

    The cars in the photo look like IVES standard gauge. Very nice.

    As to the “high speed rail” photo. That picture has been around for a few years and I seriously doubt it is California as I have seen it credited to several locations.
    As to California’s “High Speed Rail” being off to a bad start… The less said, the better. California and “High Speed” anything is “boondoggle” and graft writ large. The specs could have been met with Britain’s HST on conventional right of way. BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) runs at conventional speeds and was just 6 inches shy of Brunel’s “ideal gauge” of 6 feet. Need more be said?

  12. Erick says:

    Pretty Neat.!!!!

  13. Danofive0 says:

    Califs high-speed rail is at a dead end.
    And a waste of $$$$.
    Vegas has it 95 to 1. In 20 years from now. It will still not be done.

  14. Gary M from Long Island says:

    Jeff…..excellent water scene……..vibrant colors……..

  15. Don McClellan says:

    I also have a complete set of these cars. The engine is a 2-4-0 style with tender.
    The set I have was made by Lionel between the 1928 -1933 . It was called the Junior Lionel Passenger set, rare enough as the freight sets sold 100 to 1 of the passenger sets . These were made to compete at the time of Marx train sets being sold for $i.99, the Lionel set was $3.99. Still very collectable.

  16. Michael Battista says:

    Thanks for your e-mails.
    new ideas for my model railroad projects.

  17. Al says:

    The tinplate cars shown look like they were made by Ives of Bridgeport, Ct about 1930. There was a transition period in the early 1930 after Lionel bought out Ives. It would not be unusual to find Ives car bodies riding on Lionel chassis. The latch couplers on these cars appear to be by Lionel, but possibly Ives. I would guess they are O gauge, but 027 came into being after WWII.

  18. Doug Godbey says:

    Love the waterfall effect. Please spend a bit of time to describe it, methods and materials. Would like to implement on my layout!

  19. Berniedoc says:

    The couplers are on my prewar Lionel passenger set which is standard gauge, twice the size of O gauge.

  20. Ray USA says:

    Roland: Your Ives coach has “latch” couplers. Popular in the 30’s with Lionel.

    Nice cars: Ray

  21. Wayne Watts says:

    The water falls very good, I need to make two 8″ & 12″ high. Can I do this with your method?

  22. Tom Provo says:

    i absolutely loved the waterfall

  23. Everett Nichols says:

    As for parts and information, try to get in touch with a local chapter of The Train Collectors Association (TCA). They are the authorities on these Pre-War Trains!

  24. Thomas C McKelvey says:

    Check out this website The Train Collectors Association Western Division at: http://www.tcawestern.org/ives.htm .

    Near the bottom of the page you will find your train “Ives O Gauge” a 3 car set plus Engine

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