N scale freight: Jim’s layout

Jim’s been in touch with his N scale freight layout:

“Info: i used to model the gwr & br many years ago.

But when a good friend of mine started his attic railway i got the bug again.

He sadly passed away with his project just started – this was a very sad time so i thought i would finish his dream layout in my attic with his fleischmenn N scale freight trains i pursched from his brother, as no one wanted them.

My attic railway took a lot of planing as i wanted a dust free attic with a ring main power with 12 plug scockets.

This was completed with the help of one of my friends & the model rail project was born,it took around two years to complete.

The layout which still has no name is based in germany on the db but i run u.s stock as well, as i love all trains all eras any thing go’s e.g electric,gas turbine,steam,diesel.

The layout is like a big number 9 with a big 12foot terminus.

The layout is all dcc with most locos haveing sound. the layout has around 100 lights installed.

There is also a stand alone narrow guage system which runs on the inner edge of the layout which the younger generation use.

The next stage is automation linked to a p.c. & the main command center.


N scale freight and crane

N scale crane flatbed truck

N scale crane

N scale freight crane

N scale freight crane

N scale freight

N scale freight crane

You can see Jim’s Union Pacific youtube here.

Now on to Alasdair:

“Hi al, just a few new pictures of my layout now,I am looking for a 060 pannier tank with dcc sound and lights fitted,so if you hear of one for sale I would be very interested.

thanks again and best Wishes

Alasdair M”

(Images are clickable)

A big thanks to Jim – what a layout. It reminded me of the post Dean did on adding weights to his N scale freight: Rolling stock weight.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you poke boredom in the eye, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

45 Responses to N scale freight: Jim’s layout

  1. Paco Gayon says:

    Congratulation Jim, yo are a genious. Your layout is so great, makes me feel discourage for my lack of ingenuity, but also incourage me to keep trying and enjoy what am doing.
    Thank you for sharing your ideas.

  2. Barry Palmer says:

    Jim I’m impressed with your detail……well done!!!!


  3. Nice one Jim , I said it would be appreciated by other modellers , so worth sharing

  4. Tom says:

    A work of art … a masterpiece!

  5. Richard says:

    I believe Bachmann will be bringing out a sound-fitted pannier in the next few months.

  6. Peter Jones says:

    Nice one Jim, cracking layout loads of detail, very well done, have enjoyed it.

    Pete the Mackem

  7. Rob says:

    Super layout, Jim. Lots of intricate details. The longer you look at the pictures the more you find to see. Great video by hovermotion too.

  8. kenn says:

    I loved to watch the crane. I thought that was so awesome.

  9. Don says:

    Great layout. I liked how the trains would come out of tunnels etc. You would be watching one and another would come out along side of it and surprise you.

  10. 'nother grandpa says:

    Do you issue hard hats to the civilians on the walkway? BWAHAHAHA!!! This is a stunning layout. Makes one wish they had neighbors like Jim and Dave. THANK YOU for sharing this. Beautiful!

  11. paul Otway says:

    How you get such lovely scenery/

  12. Capt. Geno says:

    A 5 star production on your latest creation, no other description could be

    more appropriate. I’m hoping to view more of your terrific works.

    Many thanks

  13. THOMAS says:


  14. builder Kim says:

    That’s a nice layout Jim.Add some garbage and junk laying around stuck in the fences and bushe’s will add to it.scruff up the hedges alittle,sort of weathering.but its nicer than mine.beautiful work.

  15. Jim,

    I have been looking for a working crane. Please, let me know where you purchase your cranes.

    Thank you


  16. TONY says:

    Jim, I have to be negative. Too much going on. Too much clutter.
    I starts to lose realism with so much in a smaller place. And the people standing on platforms on the depot platform need to be
    cutoff and using a plastic “Welding” glue, put into place. The little
    platforms are a distraction. With the harsh weather of England, weathering would help. Buildings, carriages and locomotives all need to look older. There is too much formal and stiff planting along the railroad tracks. Sorry, but that is how I see it. Dave does the same thing.

  17. Ralph Berry says:

    What a lot going on and it doesn’t appear cluttered at all. very clever layout.

  18. Think it would be nice to see Tony`s Layout just to get an idea of what he means by too much going on and clutter ..come on Tony lets have a good tour round your layout …

  19. Paul Goddard says:

    Hi Al, I really enjoy the forum with so many enthusiasts willing to share their ideas & experiences. Unfortunately, with your past 4 or 5 instalments I have not been able to view videos, still pictures only. Any thoughts on what is happening, I just get a big black square.
    Regards Paul

  20. jim says:

    hi all, thank for the comments + & – , its a fun non serious layout which my young girls also use as they like building items etc even my wife builds some of the kits..the cranes are from roco & trix from inported from germany & from specialist sellers on ebay. my user name is hovermotion on youtube there are many reviews of most of the items on my system..
    thanks jim

  21. Cameron says:


    Thanyou for posting your great layout. The automation is fantastic and must be a blast to operate. Would love to hear more about the breakdown crane.



  22. Chris says:

    a very impressive layout, thank you for sharing with us

  23. greg (australia) says:

    great layout

  24. Colin says:

    Hi Well done. Its interesting about detail on a layout. This one is packed full of detail and I think by doing that it becomes cluttered. In the real world it would be much more open. Its again a space and scale thing I suppose. I prefer a very open and basic background and enjoy running the trains more than making scenery. This is not to say that I do not appreciate the amount of work that goes into these layouts and the end result. Anyone else have any views on this. Again thanks for the photos and videos they keep us all inspired.

  25. jim says:

    Must be jealous that his isn’t that nice of a layout. Maybe jim likes it the way he did it. Its all in the eye that did the work. Art is what you see it as not what others see. I like art and all forms of it and i say it looks great.

  26. Gsvh30 says:

    Hi there jim
    What a realy great story and also a great layout a great deal of time and work has been spent on the layout, not to mention expense as well. I believe your friend would be very pleased with your layout, I was going to say finished layout but I guess like mine it never will be finished lol. I just hope that you like and enjoy modelling and like other people , don’t take it to seriously as some people, I can see where the negatives are in the layout but I will keep them to myself and can only congratulate you on you achevement. It’s too easy to find negatives in someone’s work but you don’t need that it’s the positives that keep us modelling. Nice one thanks for sharing you story and I hope you’ve thought about your tracks future as well, for me it’s my little nefew who is 12 years old and can’t get enough of model trains. For him I hope he can see the impact it has on his early education he can work out all scale sizes and the colours that were not noticed in my childhood. Who needs a playstation or Xbox? Just a little imagination can go a long way.
    Thanks for sharing

  27. Rick says:

    Awesome, splendid!!! Thanks for sharing.

  28. Jim Peters says:

    A lot Of Operating Action,Cranes Etc. Good Job!

  29. steve says:

    Extraordinary, Brilliant…The only thing missing are the VIPs getting off the train and walking onto their private jet and taking off. This layout is extraordinary

  30. Garry says:

    Love looking at the post would be great to see track plans of the layouts if possible

  31. dan owiseman says:

    where do you get the crain? I am called bank for a loan now thanks great lay out ,

  32. Doug T of Townsville Australia says:

    Can you advise where you get the operating gravel loader and cranes – top work by both thanks

  33. Neil says:

    Super impressed. Love it !!

  34. Rick Dalton says:

    Ya I’m logged in and pissed. ANYONE with a negative comment can float over here and tell me your story to my face. What an ignorant thing to say to a guy who is trying to preserve his friend’s heritage. We don’t operate like that here in southern Ontario Canada. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  35. Awesome doesn’t quite cover it,well done!!

  36. Erick says:

    Pretty Kool.!!!!! I hope mine turns out that good.

  37. Jim,
    I was so fascinated with your cranes I had to go back twice to see the layout!!! I thought well done!! No its not too cluttered prt Tony.

  38. TJK says:

    Maybe Tony and “the critic” can continue to toss bombs at others who are just plain enjoying a hobby…. nice job…. beauty is in the eye of the beholder..

  39. TJK says:

    I SECOND Rick Dalton’s motion!!!!

  40. george zaky says:

    I’ll say it again-You N guys slay me. What a fabulous layout and very interesting. I for one love to see other working things on a train set. Other things move not just trains. Awesome.
    Ignore the negative comments- they’re just opinions and remember the comparison of opinions & Anuses.
    Please state the gauge. Now that’s a packed layout but its yours and I always marvel at ” How did he plan that “. You have to squeeze a lot of stuff to make your layout and display your talents. Like to see the over all.
    Big Al
    Woof! Colorful bunch of comments Eh.

  41. robert dale tiemann says:

    show what hard work can do. great job.

  42. Kevin McArdle says:

    Beautiful layout, and a wonderful testimonial and homage to your friend who passed. Thank you for sharing.

  43. RICHARD DOUBEK says:

    still waiting to see the two clowns layouts. so easy to knock someone else. where are you layouts–clowns!!

  44. william j plmer says:


  45. Will in NM says:

    Both layouts are fantastic. Jim’s especially so because it’s N-scale with so much detail and operating cranes. I can’t imagine the patience it must take to build such a fabulous layout. Thank you both for sharing.

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