N scale multi-line layout

Ken’s been back in touch with an update on his N scale multi-line layout.

His first post really does show what’s involved in the groundwork for good layout.

So, if you want to read his original post first, it’s here:

Ken’s N scale.

Now the update – it’s bit of a stunner:

“Hi Alistair

We all know you like an update, and this is what I’ve spent the last year working on, arthritis and all.

I’m still modelling in N Scale, and in keeping with my version of coal trains in the area in the late 60s/early 70s.

I extended the existing layout adding another 1.75 metre extension off the dogbone, and added a through station and shunting yard plus a few industries and a new pub to boot.

To make it all work, I had to reduce the gradient to the girder bridge to 2.5% and add a curve around a rock outcrop which descends into the new through station of Macquarie.

I added a new pub (The Summit) at the top of the western loop and built a trapdoor behind the hill for access (no lift-off top this time around).

I like adding little details as I find things – like the Rural Fire Service facility adjacent to Macquarie station.

I also came across some people making Australian prototype eucalyptus and wattle trees (endemic to this part of the east coast). Lots more to be added and other trees replaced.

I also like these days that there are a variety of Australian themed buildings, which don’t look too out of place with Metcalfe and Kestrel structures.

You get a good idea of the extension from the photo captioned “Macquarie Station & Shunting Yards”.

It’s still very much a work in progress, with lots more detail to add – and a lot of decent wiring into a yet-to-be-built control panel.

Unfortunately I don’t have a program to map out the track layout, but basically it’s a 2 road main with a through and a terminus station, and as many yards as I can squeeze into the space.



n scale multi-line layout sidings

Diesels simmering in Macquarie yard

model railroad town

Down Gradient to Macquarie

n scale multi-line layout trestle bridge

Girder bridge-to-the mountain tunnel

N scale track plan

model railroad park

Grey nomads.

n scale multi-line layout platorm

Looking north over Yanderah station and yard.

n scale model railroad overhead view

Macquarie station shunting yards.

model railroad town

Old town brewery.

model railroad passenger car

Rural fire service

N scale multi-line layout:

model railroad buildings

Saturday fresh produce market.

N scale summit view

Summit Hotel

N scale model railroad bar

Sunny afternoon at the Great Northern.

n scale multi-line layout curves

Tunnel emerges from the mountain into Yanderah.

n scale multi-line layout tunnel

Tunnel under the summit.

n scale multi-line layout coal train

Yanderah repair shops.

n scale multi-line layout freight train

Yanderah station city.

n scale multi-line layout track plan

Most of the locomotive power is NSW Government Railways, and carriages and stock as used from the 1940s to 1970s in a coal-producing region as I am modelling.

Although freelance design, I’m looking to incorporate the short north section into the Newcastle area (lots of license here). We still have lots of coal trains even today as the port is a major coal exporter.


A huge big thanks to Ken for sharing the update on his N scale multi-line layout.

(Here’s his first post again – Ken’s N scale.)

Ken’s layout also reminded me of Jim’s: N scale steam layout.

Hope you enjoyed it as much as me.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if you feel like you’re missing out and what have some fun of your own, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

Need buildings for your layout? Have a look at the Silly Discount bundle.

15 Responses to N scale multi-line layout

  1. santafedan says:

    Well done.

  2. robert dale tiemann says:

    very nice layout. i really like the hills.

  3. Ralph Berry says:

    Well done getting the local look on those buildings.

  4. David Howarth says:

    Thats some layout ..so much detail ..very nice

  5. Stephen Hill says:

    I like the attention to detail that you have applied . Very nicely done , great theme and good job adhering to it . Real nice layout , cool old buildings and really cool trains . Thanks for sharing

  6. Rich B. says:

    Now this IS stunning, mountains look completely different, way more as actually would (re: initial posting). Lack of words seems best review here. As an aquarium… the more you study the way of life there the more you see.

    And Regards, Rich

  7. Brian Olson says:

    Love the “Depth of Field” on the backdrop!

  8. george zaky says:

    This N scale is out of sight. You’ve incorporated all in the most neat & logical manner with modelling skills that put us to shame. So well done.
    Thanks for the time & effort to keep us posted.
    Big Al
    You know you got a good one when you have to go back numerous times so you dont miss anything.

  9. Andrew Aves says:

    Very nice modelling Ken, and no layout in Oz is complete without the grey nomads.
    Andrew in Oz

  10. Gary M from Long Island says:

    Ken…..WOW……..great job…..love the guy walking the dog.

  11. John Hauser, LINY says:

    Ken: Nicely done! I’m especially drawn to the rock work, which looks very realistic. Your layout is very well designed and organized. Bravo!
    John from LI NY

  12. Brian Rockey says:

    Lovely layout Ken, nice work and detail.
    Best to all.
    Brian, Wokingham UK

  13. Rob McCrain says:

    Great layout. It is well thought through and has many interesting details. Bravo

  14. Jerry says:

    Very impressive.

    Jerry RGV,TX

  15. Will in NM says:

    Impressive layout Ken! I especially like that you included plenty of N-scale people and details that bring the scenes and back story to life. So many N-scale layouts don’t have enough figures on the layout to mimic real life, but yours is full of people and animals. Great work!

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