Old oo gauge model railway – Mike’s

Mike’s been back in touch with his old oo gauge model railway.

There’s something about an old London bus that sets the scene!

(his last post is here if you missed it.)

“Hi Al,

As you’re always saying, you love an update, so here’s my latest one.

It’s been about nine months since my last one, so hopefully you’ll see quite a bit of progress.

Actually, I’m at a bit of an hiatus at the moment as I have a mysterious short which I can’t find, even with the help of an expert from my local club. Anyway, we press on!

Just to remind you, when finished, there will be 1000ft of track in a 22’x20’ room. I’ve had to do a lot of the scenery which I wasn’t originally intending to do until much later in the construction but as I’ve gone along, I’ve realised that quite a lot has to be done before I lay more track as the scenery & track are sometimes inter-dependant & some I won’t be able to reach later.

Talking of which, in order to get to the far corners for derailments etc. (& I remember one of your other readers commenting on this difficulty), I have constructed a right angle ladder that will self support when pushed against the wall & will allow me to reach those far off places.

As well as the video, I have attached a few photos taken from a oo gauge man’s eye view! I hope you enjoy them.

On my cancer front, things aren’t so good, as the immunotherapy has stopped working & the next pill they gave me didn’t work at all, so we are now on plan D. However, I will continue fighting & the knowledge that I have to finish the railway, which is probably another three years work, is a powerful incentive & focus.

Still really enjoying all your blogs & look forward to seeing them in my in-box; keep up the great work.



old oo gauge model railway

old oo gauge model railway

old oo gauge model railway

old oo gauge model railway

model railway viaduct

model railway london bus

model railway market

model train london bus

old oo gauge model railway

old oo gauge model railway

old oo gauge model railway

old oo gauge model railway

A huge thanks to Mike for taking the time for this update on his old OO gauge model railway, and I wish him well and I’m really looking forward to see him finish his layout.

Which reminds me – some of you may remember Barry from Minnesota. He made this stunning layout.

Well, he’s been through a lot too recently. But he’s picked himself up and brushed the dust off and he’ll soon be making another stunner. Can’t wait.

That’s all for today.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if you want to get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



42 Responses to Old oo gauge model railway – Mike’s

  1. Paul Schofield says:

    Hi Al,

    I thought the bath house scene very funny indeed. Perhaps when I get round to the secenery I’ll put a gooseberry bush in somewhere and have a stork flying over it.

    And to those gents going through the mill at the moment, keep with it. You’re an example to everyone.


  2. Rob says:

    To be fair the bath house scene was adequately afore warned as ‘adult’ so if anyone was offended then it must have been self-inflicted. No apologies necessary in my opinion. Easy enough to scroll past the pictures without lingering if you are easily offended. I find these overly sensitive types are becoming a real pain in the butt to us normal souls these days and if anyone is offended by that then tough luck in my view.

    Al – Publish this or not as you see fit.

  3. Eric says:

    Looking very good Mike, but please slow your camera action down as it is like being on a roller-coaster ride. I’m not the steadiest with a camera but wow. What I saw before being dizzy, your farm and street scenes are excellent, Well done.

    I agree totally with 10.00 am and Paul.

    Eric (Leeds) UK

  4. Brian Messenger says:

    Mike, your layout is nicely detailed and by what I see, well thought out. I lost my sister after a 10 year battle (doctors gave her 6 months). She said at the outset that cancer CAN be beaten. She did NOT die from it but other complications not related to her cancer. Keep up the good work and we hope you finish your layout. I agree with the above, if you are offended by something then DON’T look at it.

  5. Cary B says:

    Mike, enjoyed the pictures and the video. Very nice layout indeed. Keep up the progress on the layout and fight about your health, I will be pulling for you.
    Cheers from Cary in the states

  6. Leo j Hoonakker says:


    I love your layout very realistic and inspiring. Stick to your goal. In fact some of your pictures makes me want to change some things on my layout as well. Thinking and praying for you bud, hang in there. Leo USA, Ketchum, OK.

  7. Greg Schaefer says:

    Suydam in the US sold a pretty popular line of traction equipment and building kits. They sold a theater building with a lighted marquee. “Nelda the Nudust”. I bet Ed Suydam never apologized. No need for you to apologize either.

  8. Jim says:

    I loved the pictures from OO size perspective. If you are like me it is fun to use a camera and place yourself in the layout. It feels like you are part of it not just building it. You can ‘hear’ the place come alive and it gives you ideas on what to do to make it even better.

    My wife has been battling breast cancer so like many in this group I understand more then I want to the ups and downs you are going through. A saying I heard years ago has stuck with me ever since; ‘life, like golf, is a game you can never actually win, only play’. From the sounds of it you are playing it well. Keep the pictures and videos coming and all the best.

  9. Warren Ferguson says:

    Lovely work, Mike. I wish you all the best with your treatments, and your layout. My wife is recovering from colon cancer, and it has taken a lot from both of us. But it can be beaten! All the best. Warren, Birmingham, AL, USA

  10. Marklin ed says:

    Thanks Mike great video a little fast but I got great enjoyment from your layout. Keep going and enjoy everyday, let’s see tha finish layout.OO. is the same as HO in size Yes.

  11. David A. Massimi says:

    Mike…i hope that when you FINISH your wonderful layout, you are able to enjoy it for a LONG TIME…dont EVER GIVE UP !
    To those offended by the “bathhouse scene”… grow up !
    And to Barry…Porter is very fortunate to have such a great Grandpa…you’re giving him something he will remember for the rest of his life!
    Dave, in NY

  12. Jonathan says:

    Mike, thank you for you wonderful update. Quite a project you have going there. I especially liked the flower market. Showed it to my wife, the head gardener here on our old farm in Pennsylvania. Her comment, “spreading beauty throughout the land!” See, sometimes it is the smallest details that capture the attention!! Anyway, we wish you nothing but the best with your health and on the completion of this project. Ah, let’s hope it takes you a lot longer than the 3 years you mentioned!!!! Keep it up, you have lots of fans around the world. Best, Jonathan

  13. Kenneth Seegert says:

    Very well done Mike, keep up the good work and keep us posted.

  14. Rob Shuman says:

    Great work Mike! Hopefully the fun you’re having with the layout is a form a therapy.
    Let us not get offended but such small things as a model bathhouse.
    There are more important things one could put their energy into.

  15. Patrick Hanlon says:

    Mike the detail is unhooked. Loved watching it. Have gotten great ideas from how well your scenery and the detail you put into it. It is inspiring. I have found that perseverance is a powerful thing in everything we do, what we build and what happens to us in life so keep it up and keep up the fight. Kind of corny but true. Hope you get my meaning. Patrick from Md, USA.

  16. Rob McCrain says:

    No need to apologize or even mention it. When I see something I don’t want to see, I just skip past it. The ones who objected should do the same. I was not offended in the least.

    Mike, lovely layout, lots going on and your back scenes could stand on their own as works of art.
    Rob McCrain – Farland Howe

  17. dangerous daveErmnie has done a nice jhob says:

    Nice work you have done there on your layout Mike , plenty going on as we can see……well done all round …dangerous Dave

  18. Joe Gennari says:

    Wonderful pictures. GREAT layout. Hope you solve the short problem.


  19. Thomas Murphy says:

    Wonderful concept Mike, really enjoyed your pictures, keep them coming as they’re so enjoyable to see.
    And the best to you on the health front. God Bless.

  20. christine says:

    Looks like a lot of work.

  21. paul vogel says:

    Wonderful layout with great detail. Keep the updates coming. Can’t wait to see it finished Mike ! Paul Ohio USA

  22. David McClelland says:

    Mike, your layout is fantastic! I love the attention to details you have put into it. Please continue to send more pictures of your layout project. You and I belong to a brotherhood of model craftsmen and I will be Praying for your recovery.

    Conductor Dave, Dayton, Ohio.

  23. Skip L. says:

    Nice, very nice to look at! Especially enjoyed the scenes at dusk. Didn’t see any ‘bath house’ tho and yes I looked very closely for it! ;>}) Only slight criticism I have is that the farm house at night could use some interior darkening insulation for the brick walls, as the whole house glowed like a nuke plant about to blow! Enjoyed the farm, the shops, and the scrap yard very much, and the ‘lil folks placed there all looked just like they lived and belonged exactly where they were..!!.


  25. Rod Mackay says:

    Lovely low level views, wonderful what these modern little cameras are capable of. Best of luck Mike and keep up the good work.
    As for the bath house, it’s life we’re modelling after all, and life would be pretty dull without a bit of nookie to look forward to now and again. The little bare plastic people on my layout are minding their own business in discreet places and not perceptible to a casual glance – just like the rest of us!

  26. Ellen says:

    You have created a world that is truly a work of ART! Amazing details and design. You are a master craftsman as well as an artist!!!!!

  27. Gerry Keffer says:

    Anything that has a disclaimer at the beginning is fair warning to the reader/watcher, so if they continue on and are offended by any of the content then that is on them.
    So sorry to here about your battles with cancer aren’t going so well but continue to trust in the Lord and he will give you peace no matter the outcome.
    You have a lovely layout and a gentle spirit, keep up the excellent work and the good fight.

    Gerry, from Alaska, USA

  28. Richard Fath says:

    Great job, and good luck with your health.
    No ‘bathhouse video’ in this series. wish I could have seen it, from the comments it must have been a hoot.
    A few years back I went to a local club’s open house, they had a bordello with girls hanging out windows and buff ladies on the rooftop sunbathing, not obvious to the casual observer. One club member notice I was finding these gems, he pointed me to a utility shed in the train yard; upon viewing closely through the shake window there was a guy on the toilet reading a paper, I got a good laugh from that. That train club had a real sense of humor, there were several other funny scene’s, to many to describe here.

  29. Mike,

    Praying for you to enjoy your personal healing miracle.
    Great job. I’m claiming at least five more years of great layouts for you.

    Send me an email if you need to vent or need a prayer.

    Stay Blessed.

  30. Bob From Towson says:

    Hey Mike, I would love to see some pics of the ladder you made to go over the layout….

  31. Trevor GIbbs says:

    Hey MIke,

    You said you have an electrical short but perhaps a diagram of the layout and any particular information about your system? DCC? Blocks? Return Loops? Electro Frog Turnouts? Perhaps a track plan and a little explanation of operating might widen your help base. Good Luck,

    Editor and Publisher Railway Modeller Australia

  32. John Birch says:

    Lovely detail Mike. I love it.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. I lost my wife from cancer just over two years ago and have been through the whole journey alongside her. Not easy. It’s only now that I am managing to get back to my layout (a little at a time) as she was so much part of the hobby with me.

  33. Mike Street says:

    Great layout, I too am a cancer sufferer, still surviving! But what video? And no bath house scene that I can see ??? No video on this page.
    Mike S

  34. Robert Kent says:

    Prayers and best wishes. Keep up the outstanding work on your layout. Good for you both physically and mentally and emotionally. All the best

  35. Mark T. Pianka says:

    Very nice looking layout, Great Job!!

  36. Stephen Boisvert says:

    How did you make your roads?

  37. Steve Ruple says:

    Great looking layout and keep fighting the cancer, GOD BLESS !!!!!

  38. Jim AZ says:

    Really like that street market scene. Something you don’t often. Your camera views are interesting and unique as well.

    Hope you find a way to “K A” on the big C.

    Jim AZ

  39. robert dale tiemann says:

    very nice work. good layout.

  40. Rich from NJ says:

    Power on Mike. Focus on the future. I’m going through my own battle with it – Prayers are with you

  41. Marc Robert Recker says:

    Bath house, what bathhouse as I didn’t see anything in the pictures!

  42. Chuck Carlson says:

    Hi Mike, Keep fighting that cancer. I beat bladder cancer. To reach far into my layout I ordered online from Home Depot (a hardware store chain in the U.S.) a high creeper used to work on truck engines. I can reach 4 to 5 feet into my layout and reach over the 4+foot high fenders of my pick-up truck.
    Keep Fighting Chuck Carlson from Illinois

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