HO switching layouts

John’s added to the HO switching layouts on the blog with this fab update:

“Hi Al,

I’ve been busy with more stuff since I “retired” than I had when I was working! But the railroad has continued to grow in spite of everything else.

This time I added a few feet to the isle area of the layout, and put in tracks for more industry.

This part of the layout is pinned to switching and moving cars to the various industries. It will be wired and controlled separately from the rest of the layout.

I have always found “HO switching layouts” to be fun and challenging. How to get that tank car to the oil distributer without trapping the engine in the siding, collecting 2 “empty” boxcars and replacing them with “full” ones on a siding only long enough for 2 cars at a time, stuff like that.

I also added the “Almost Heaven RV Resort modeled after on of the worst places the wife and I ever took our RV! Actually this the one on the layout is better.

On a whim I bid on a bunch of Army vehicles, and won, so I put in the West Virginia Coal County National Guard yard post.

The small “Quonset” buildings are cookie holders from Girl-Scout cookies, the bigger ones are stripped cardboard.

As always, thanks so much for all you do for the hobby – world-wide!

I’ll send more pictures in a few days, trying out some interesting camera settings.


John from Baltimore”

HO switching layouts

HO switching layouts

HO switching layouts coal mine

HO scale house on the hill

HO scale military base

model train forest

HO switching layouts

HO switching layout south facing

HO layout track plan

 model railroad quarry

model train park

A big thanks to John for adding to the HO switching layouts on the blog.

I’ve been a fan of his layouts for a long time now.

It also reminded me of this one:

HO switching layout plans.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

model train answers

HO scale layout plans – Ken’s

Ken’s added to the HO scale layout plans on the blog with this fine update:

“Greeting Al from across the pond. I’m very close to be completed on my Willoughby Junction railroad layout.

It’s an HO scale double/triple oval with two loops on the north and south sides, with a town loop to pick up passengers at the depot.

It looks much different from the 1st phase that you posted. I’ve added phase 2 and phase 3.

My idea originally was to have it be industry heavy with lots of switching opportunities. But after my wife discovered Woodland Scenics built-ups, my industry heavy layout went out the window!

So, my contingent plan was to have a continuous running loop with some switching which worked out quite well.

I remember growing up in Flint, MI USA playing around the staging yards on the Grand Trunk box cars. I was too afraid to try to jump from one to another like my big brother did! So, my layout consists of Grand Trunk trains and its successor Chessie Systems.

I even have CSX locomotive which took over Chessie. I have a bunch of LED’s on the ceiling so I can create different moods.

My backdrop was purchased from a company called Wallsauce right there in the U.K. It’s a picture called “Side Pike of Heaven” in Little Langdale, England, United Kingdom. Someone asked me that from my first post.

People that come to visit are really taken back by my train room. I installed a Broadway Limited “Lightning Storm” machines. It does add a very cool effect I dread the day we ever have to sell our house.

I hope you enjoy the photos.


ho scale layout plans mountains

HO scale town scene night

ho scale layout plans town

HO scale layout plans:

HO scale motel

 model railroad street

model railroad truck loading

HO scale farm

HO scale loading platform

HO scale horses

ho scale layout plans freight

model train park bikers

model train farm

 HO scale brake car

ho scale layout plans street

ho scale layout plans freight

ho scale house

 ho scale horse

ho scale layout plans barn

model railroad car tunnel

model train house

model railroad street ho scale

HO scale layout plans:

o scale layout plans building

 ho scale layout plans mountain backdrop

ho scale layout plans tracks

ho scale layout plans double loop

 ho scale layout plans mountains backdrop

HO scale track plan

o scale oval

 ho scale layout plans mopuntain backdrop

A huge big thank you to Ken for adding to the HO scale layout plans and sharing his stunning pics.

I asked Ken about the chimp which you can see at the end of the video, and replied with this:

“Yes, he’s Winston our porter. He has a glass of bourbon on ice on his tray. It’s actually colored epoxy and fake ice cubes that I had leftover from pouring my pond.”

I do love all the personal touches on your layouts. Jack’s 60 model railroad was full of them.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

Need buildings for your layout? Have a look at the Silly Discount bundle.

HO model railroad mountain town

The talented Dan has been back in touch with more pics of his HO model railroad mountain town:

Diamonds, even if in an industrial area, require a lot of maintenance.

HO model railroad mountain town

Work gets interrupted, too.

HO model railroad mountain town

Help is on the way.

HO scale train train truck

There is a truck (bogie) repair place on the layout.

HO scale bogie

You need oil to make the place run.

model train oil tank

On the oil dock.

model train loading

Hard at work.

model train freight car

Break time at the Swift Meat works.

ho scale facotry loading

HO model railroad mountain town:

I have to explain to my urban friends what is going on here. Keeping the cow pens clean.

passenger train model train

Section gang.

ho scale work gang

Bottling works.

 ho model railroad mountain town

HO model railroad mountain town

Railway Express. The yellow part on the roof is a skylight so some light can enter the scene.

HO model railroad mountain town

Getting the trunks ready for the train.

HO scale construction

HO construction worker

Moving the 300 pound blocks of ice for the reefers.

HO model railroad mountain town

Gotta check the oil.

HO model railroad mountain town store

Another section gang’s work place.

HO scale work gang

Busy at the fueling racks.

model train loco refuelling

HO model railroad mountain town:

In many Western American towns and universities put their names in high places. The town of Sharon Springs is getting a new sign. The sign is almost done. The letter “S” is being sent up. The pulley actually works!

western rockface for model train

model train rock face

Getting a new “speeder” for the railroad.

model train speeder

 HO model railroad mountain town

At the Goins Valley freight house.

HO model railroad mountain town

I purposely do not weather much of mt layout. However, here is an example to show I know how to weather. These painters have been painting for over 25 years. Just a little slow.

HO model railroad mountain town

Another guy taking a break at the stock pens.

HO model railroad mountain town

HO model railroad mountain town

The town of Almost is getting an addition to the station. The local coal mine has expanded and the station needed an expansion.

This is enough for now. I hope I haven’t overwhelmed you. I have a few more I can send.


A huge big thanks to Hall of Fame Dan for sharing more more pics of his HO model railroad mountain town.

I do love the scenes he creates with the people on his layout. He did a great post on adding people to your layout which is here:

Model train people.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

model train answers