HO scale small layout

Liz has been in touch with the story behind here HO scale small layout – and I have to say, it really does show what this hobby is all about:

“Hello from Texas, Al.

I’d like to share a story about my father, and how it took me nearly 50 years to realize that I, too, should have loved model railroading all along.

My father and grandfather (both named Windsor) were hobbyists all their lives. And while they each collected a good sized inventory of trains, neither ever managed to build a layout on which to run their toys.

My grandfather passed shortly after he retired at 65 and never had time. My dad made a couple of good starts on a layout (getting the bench work started) but never followed through because he had no one to share it with.

A couple years ago my dad started exhibiting signs of dementia, and sometimes struggled with daily tasks. He often forgot I was his daughter but he always knew my face. The one thing that brought his memory back was talking about trains and modeling.

So, in December of 2022 I decided to build a small HO scale layout for him. I hoped it would help his memory, but also felt it would grant his lifelong wish of having his own layout on which to run all his trains.

I had to learn everything from scratch… and also picked up a few shortcuts along the way. I don’t do carpentry, so bench work was out of the question. But I once saw in a product review on Amazon that someone used a ping pong table as their platform and laid a foundation on that.

For Christmas that year I got dad a Woodland Scenics Mountain Valley kit…most of what we would need to create a basic 8×4 layout. Most importantly, it came with step by step instructions.

I started out with building structures…and that’s what hooked me. Detailing the interiors became story time and many of the scenes were intended to rekindle memories from my father’s life and my youth.

Windsor Valley is a fictitious conglomeration of one and a half lifetimes of memories. It’s far from professional, and a long way from being finished. But dad’s not doing so well lately, so it will eventually become a legacy project that I carry on with on my own.

My father was always a fan of your site, Al, and he always looked forward to seeing your emails in his inbox. When he stopped reading and checking his emails, I took over and started reading them daily… and this small layout wouldn’t be much at all without everything I’ve learned from your starter’s guide and all the amazing contributors. For that, my dad and I both thank you all.

My apologies for rambling on so much. The details for anyone who might ask:

Size: 8’x4’
Scale: HO
Power: DC (though I do have a DCC controller—but with dad’s dementia, I wanted to keep operations as simple as possible)

All the structures except two were made by me, including the rough attempt at a scratch-built curved deck bridge.

I’ll include a few photos of the evolution of the layout, but also will include a video link showing what it’s like now.

The last photo shows a man and his young daughter walking to the local hobby shop. It’s reminiscent of the occasional Saturday morning trips to Bobbye Hall’s Hobby Shop dad used to make mom and me accompany him on. Now I so wish I could get those days back and enjoy them instead of fussing.

Thank you, and cheers,

Windsor and Liz P. in Texas.”

model railroad benchwork

ho scale small layout

ho scale small layout

model train figure of 8

ho scale small layout

model train town sign

ho scale police station

ho scale small layout

ho scale house

model train fountain

HO scale store

model train town

 HO scale car

model train diner

model train store

ho scale street

A big thanks to Liz for sharing her HO scale small layout – I absolutley loved the narrative behind it. It’s heart warming stuff, so many of us have fond memories of trains and the old man.

So thank you, Liz!

Quite a few small HO scales on the blog now:

If you have a story behind your layout, please do mail me or leave a comment below, it’s what really makes this hobby in my eyes.

Small HO scale switching layout

HO scale layouts for small spaces

HO scale small town

Model railroad HO scale

Small space train layout.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

41 Responses to HO scale small layout

  1. Michael Street says:

    Great job Liz, like the way you have spaced out your township buildings, not to close. Some layouts have houses etc crammed into unrealistic spaces. Your design and whole layout looks absolutely spot on. What wonderful thing to do for you and your Dad, hope he continues to enjoy it for as long as possible. For first timer your work is excellent 👌
    Cheers Mike S

  2. Terry Jacobs says:

    Very touching and love your detail interiors. Thank the Lord you were able to have these precious memories with your father.
    Terry from Oil City

  3. carl says:

    Liz, what a wonderful gift for your dad. Would that everyone could do the same for parents growing old.

  4. Hugh in Aus. says:

    A sad story, but a wonderful tribute. Beautiful layout. Best wishes and thoughts to you both.

  5. Kenneth Fox says:

    Well done Liz. Great job on all the details, buildings, especially the interiors, lifts, tunnel, and mountains. It’s a beautiful layout, to the point with a little bit of everything without being cluttered. I’m sorry that your Grandfather did not get to realize his dream, but hopefully your father is enjoying what you have done to fulfill his. This may sound silly, but I’m about to cry after seeing this. Have fun with the Windsor dream and valley.

  6. Kenneth Fox says:

    Well done Liz. Great job on all the details, buildings, especially the interiors, lifts, tunnel, and mountains. It’s a beautiful layout, to the point with a little bit of everything without being cluttered. I’m sorry that your Grandfather did not get to realize his dream, but hopefully your father is enjoying what you have done to fulfill his. This may sound silly, but I’m about to cry after seeing this. Have fun with the Windsor dream and valley. It’s me again. I can’t get over how well you did on everything, but especially all the detailed work on the interiors of the buildings, exteriors on the tunnel and mountains, and I love the town square. For the first time out, you have done a fantastic job, better, sorry to say, than some of the others on here, good, but not as good. Once again, you did a fantastic job and your father should be proud of his daughter and what she has done for him, the family, and herself. Have fun.

  7. Will in NM says:

    Liz, you’ve done a fantastic job on the Windsor Valley layout. You should be very proud of the layout you’ve created for your dad and you. I especially like how you’ve brought the layout to life with all the figures and period appropriate autos. Your building interiors are fabulous! Perhaps someday you’ll share more info about how you created them.

    I can sympathize with your situation. My mother had dementia before she passed, and my wife now suffers the same ailment. I wish there was something like your model railroad that I could do for my wife to support her memories of good times in her life like you’ve done for your dad. Bless you for your good work and kindness.

  8. Macbear says:

    Daughters are so important to dads. I’ve done many non-railway projects with mine [and with my son], and a treasure bank of memories is so important. The details, especially dad and his cats and the young lass hand in hand with her dad are impressions that I won’t forget in a hurry. I trust that your dad will be able to enjoy many more happy times. Your skills in model making show investment in research, thought and the execution is inspirational. Thankyou, Liz.

  9. Fred Warren says:

    Your solution for the roadblock of carpentry fright will help many over that hurdle and get their layouts started as you did. Your detail of all the quirks of normal life is incredible and refreshing. You have not just created a layout, but one filled with recognizable scenarios of real life. Kudos!

  10. Stephen Hill says:

    What a heart warming story , you’re a wonderful daughter . I never thought this blog would move me to tears , it hits close to home on many levels … thank you for sharing your story and layout both are remarkable. I must say that you have created an outstanding layout , especially considering it was your first involvement with trains . Really a great job in the details and scenes. Truly a wonderful display … enjoy each day .

  11. Chet Karlewicz says:

    God Bless you and your father

  12. Charlie says:

    Wonderful story — you’re a good daughter. I’m greatly impressed by the building interiors!

  13. george zaky says:

    Dear Liz
    You have touched many people with your submission to this great site. The message you leave is that you’re a very loving daughter and a very talented modeler.
    The current day dilemma of dementia’s toll on families is astounding and your way of dealing with your dad is very inspiring and heartwarming. God bless you & your family. Thank you for sharing this part of your story.
    As for your modeling, you are amazing. Your attention to detail is stellar and I can go on & on but you know this already. I so hope you will keep on creating and show us your works of art because now we now know that “Liz” is both very talented & a sweetheart of a person.
    Big Al
    What a wonderful blog. Cant thank you enough. Bless you & yours.

  14. David McElwain says:

    Hello Liz,
    You and your father have created an outstanding layout. The “theater” component of your models is achieved with a completeness and mastery not often seen. I appreciate how you transformed buildings into scenes and then further with details and thoughtful composition developed vignettes. To extol further you have done this all over your humble 4×8.
    The gift of love in exploring model railroading to give something to your father is heartwarming and the gift from your father to you is to be cherished. Blessings to you and your family. Thank you for sharing an intimate story along with a very fine 4×8, oh by the way welcome to the hobby.

  15. Jon Webb says:

    Bless you and your Dad. What a remarkable gift you’ve given to the two of you. The structures are amazing, the detailing wonderful. All the best.
    JCWebb in NM

  16. Scott From Florida says:

    Best narrative I’ve ever read on this blog – wow fantastic – I wasn’t expecting much in the way of a layout based on the your description of your limited skills – was I ever delighted when I got to the detailed pictures of the scenes you’ve built – what a great way to start my day – thank you!!

  17. Matt says:

    Fantastic layout!! I especially enjoyed the town’s welcome sign; it made me think of my home town and it’s a detail often overlooked. All the amazing deals throughout the layout is wonderful and truly all encompassing.
    I hope your father’s health improves. Dementia is a heartbreaking ordeal for everyone involved. I’m glad you were able to create new memories bonding over the layout.

  18. Ed Kilgallon says:

    Hi Liz, what a wonderful tribute to your dad. Everything was filled with love. God bless!

  19. Arthur Romano says:

    In the dictionary, the words detail and patience should have pictures of this layout next to them. Really. All the people doing real interactions, the lighting, you can picture yourself walking into the scene. Small can be very ‘big’.
    Great for both of you.

  20. Bill Lee says:

    What a remarkable narrative and tribute to your father. As an old retired GP, I still find myself getting mad at dementia and the way it robs the affected and their families. Your story says so much and the layout is very impressive for anyone at any skill level.

    I also wish that Bobbye Hall’s was still in business. Every time I drive by it on Live Oak Street in Dallas and see it’s a dance studio I get nostalgic.

  21. Al says:

    Great heart warming and wrenching narrative as well as an outstanding job. Thanks for doing this for your Dad, I pray that he recovers soon.

  22. David Lester in AZ says:

    Your post is the best one I have seen on Al’s blog. It had this 84 year old man crying. Your attention to detail and modeling skills are second to none.

  23. Bob Virnig says:

    Loved the story. You should be very proud of all you have done

  24. Rob says:

    What an amazing person you are. I am very moved by your story and your love for your dad. It is bittersweet for me because I used to run my trains with my daughter in the basement of our little house in Cleveland 40+ decades ago and we had many hours of fun together…but now we barely speak. I am crying my eyes out right now. Thanks for reminding me that we did have good times together even though the present is not exactly idyllic… Love your amazing details especially with the people all over the place. Definitely a woman’s touch!

  25. Jim AZ says:

    A truly wonderful and inspiring story and tribute to your dad. This layout is simple yet filled with interesting, unique and highly detailed scenes. From the lit and interior details of the buildings to the great looking signage and the stunning landscape, this is a class A layout. And you should be very proud and pleased with your modeling skills.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Jim AZ

  26. Steve Ruple says:

    WOW !!!!! LIz, what a awesome layout you have built. You are one talented woman and I love how you designed and built your interiors in your buildings, you should be very very proud of what you have done for your father. GOD BLESS you and your father. I’m very sorry to hear about your father’s health and I will also pray for him to get better. GOD BLESS YOU !!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Gary Thornton says:

    The most meaningful layout that I have ever seen! Your skill at modeling was only exceeded by the heart that you put into your displays. I am truly impressed with your ability to bring your real life into the model and, I am sure, that has helped your dad through his final years, far beyond what you will ever know. What a wonderful legacy!

  28. David Hunt says:

    what a wonderful way to honor your father. You have done a good job with the layout.

  29. Michael Dowling says:

    Thank you Liz! The layout you have built is truly a gift of love to your father. The attention to detail, the wonderful interiors of the buildings, gives a boat load of charm to the entire layout. I find your model building to be inspiring. I’ll be keeping both your father and you in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you both.

    Choo Choo in the Desert

  30. Corrado says:

    Congratulations for your nice layout, the result is exceptionally good for a beginner. Moreover, it will do your old man good as neuropsychologists proved that an environment full of stimuli and social relationships do help people affected by neurodegenerative disease by slowing the progression of the illness and improving the quality of their life. Again, very well done!

  31. Ken from PA. says:

    Hi Liz. Thank you for sharing your story. What a wonderful way to stay connected to your father. your layout is a thing of beauty yet uncluttered.
    God bless you and your Dad during this trying journey.
    I am praying for you and your father. Hopefully he will make a recovery where you can still have some quality time with him.

  32. Daniel says:

    Perfect !!!

  33. Kevin ODoherty says:

    Congratulations Liz,
    Not only on an amazing layout……but a wonderful story.
    You are truly a Blessing and I would be lying if I said this sound 75
    year old didn’t tear up a bit reading your story about your dad and you.
    I just spent the last 10 days with my daughter and 3 of my grands and I thankful
    For my time with them.
    Blessings and Prayers for both your dad and you.

  34. Dave H from Washington... the good Washington says:

    Wonderful job Liz. God bless your father.

  35. stephen G fisher says:

    A very nice layout for yourself and your dad. God bless ya Steve

  36. Liz P in Texas says:

    I want to truly thank everyone here from my heart for all the kind words, prayers, and encouragement. I’ve never seen a more supportive community than this one here on Al’s blog. I wish I could thank you each individually, because every comment sincerely moved me to tears. I wish that my Dad could have a long enough moment of clarity for me to read them all to him so he could see what all he has inspired.
    To Will in NM: my heart and prayers are with you and your wife today and every day from now on…bless you both and I’m sure that your love and presence are exactly what she needs the most.
    To Bill: I remember Bobbye Hall as such a smart, impressive woman. She was shrewd in business and Dad always appreciated that she really knew model railroading as well as anyone else in the business. DFW hasn’t been the same since her shop closed.
    To Rob: I sincerely pray that you and your daughter get back to spending more time together soon. Dad and I didn’t have much of a relationship for a couple of decades after he and my mother divorced…it wasn’t until a few years ago when he started needing more help and support that I came around more. And we didn’t really grow close until we were able to bond over this layout project. I mentioned to my mom this past weekend: I’ve always loved my Dad. But just as I was really starting to like him, he’s slipping away. Time is precious to all of us…I truly pray your daughter comes around while you both have plenty of good years left to share.
    To Al: Thank you again from the depths of my heart for helping me share Dad’s story. Everyone here is amazing and bless you for bringing us all together!
    Work on Windsor Valley will continue, even when its namesake moves on…it’s Dad’s legacy. My husband is an O scale fan and we’ve also been working on our own project. At some point we will have a chance to share that layout here, as well. I’m officially a Rail Fan for life. ❤️

  37. FRED J ORMOND says:

    The sheer volume of well wishes, Blessings and kudos from this community are stark testimony to the obvious love you have for your Dad I can’t add to that, except to say, God Bless you, Liz for loving the way you do…Your Dad is Blessed to have such a beautiful, loving daughter….Keep up the good work!

  38. Sam H. / Baltimore, Maryland says:

    Great back-story. Nothing to apologize for. You are doing a great job. Keep it up.

  39. Benny Rosario says:

    I just don’t understand why everyone has this misunderstanding about cops and donuts, not everyone cop or not likes donuts by putting this on your layout it turns some people off and I’m one of them.

  40. Larry Kenneth Schweitzer says:

    Great job, the model railroad also. The buildings are outstanding.

  41. jeff w says:

    Liz, wonderful story and SUPER layout. You are an inspiration!

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