How to update your payment details

To be honest, it’s the membership side of the blog that keeps the show on the road. Frankly, without it there wouldn’t be a blog at all.

So if you’d like to carry on supporting the blog, here’s how to update your details and get your free building:

Step 1

First of all, go to my payment provider’s page, which is here.

You’ll see this screen:

Enter in your email address, then your order number.

If you haven’t got your order number you can click on the blue link for a prompt.

Or just email me and I’ll dig it out and get it over to you.

Step 2

Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see this screen:

Then just find where it says ‘view details’ at the bottom.

Step 3

Scroll all the way to the bottom and you’ll see where you can edit your payment options.

Update all your details and then you’re done.

If you have taken the time and trouble to update your details, thank you – folk like you keep the blog going: it really is that simple.

I’m determined to keep the blog going, I am finding things hard at the moment, but your kind emails and wonderful layouts make it worthwhile.

