5 trains running on one piece of plywood, and Dennis is a happy man.
Best of all it doesn’t look crowded:
“Started this with one idea in mind – mining and lumber mill – then added a reverse track for a little pusher car to go in and out of the mine, then added the first raised track, then the second, then another reverse track going from the mine drop-off to the processing shed, and on and on. 5 trains running on one piece of plywood!
And Ben has also got started on his layout and has his trains running.
“This is my work in progress it has no rhyme or reason it all come from my mind as i go it could be anywhere USA.
Also just a little of my stien & coffee cup col.
My train room is 12.5ft. x10.5 ft.
Now on to Vince:
“Just thought you might like to see my latest freelanced railroads most current build
Athearn U-C chassis with an atlas U30/36C shell that I’m building into a Cabless Unit still a ways to go but it’s a start
A big thanks to Vince, Ben and Dennis.
I know I say it often, but even after all these years it’s still wonderful to see what you’re all up to.
That’s all for today folks.
Please do keep ’em coming.
And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.
PS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.
Need buildings for your layout? Have a look at the Silly Discount bundle.
I have a question for you.
Why do some writers/submitters pics, when clicked on, magnify beautifully; yet a few others submit pics that do not open to get a close up view?
Would you please enlighten me?
Many thanks,
Pretty Kool.!!!!!
Dennis, a couple of questions. How big is your layout, what scale is it, and what does your track plan look like?
Thanks, David in Ellicott City Maryland
It is always interesting to see what diverse people are doing. I have enjoyed all of these articles.
I realize the beverage containers are just there for scale, right? But somebody has good taste in beer!
Well done and great idea with exposed trusses/bridges for upper trackage. Very believable and detailed to scale. Exist in real life as such… who cares. Detailed scenery but not too busy, this is wilderness.
Have to say with first photo I thought this was built over the bathtub. 🚿 Great use of space lmao. Must of been the surrounding area looked of maybe marble, stone floor work, now that’s just me.
Regards, Rich
Dennis…… great job…… love the yellow engine……..what scale…..looks like N.
Ben…….so far…..so good…..
Vince…..engines look great.
Dennis. what is: “then another reverse track going from the mine drop-off to the processing shed,” I am trying to find a way to model a large gold mining facility
Would love to see a video of 5 trains running at one time….
I am 72 years young and drank Hamm’s Beer back in the early 70’s. It’s still around. WOW
I have been into trains at an early age starting with a Christmas present of Lionel trains in the late 50’s, to HO (70’s)to graduating to G Scale (90’s)
Have 2 set up One outside and One indoors
Keep up the great work
Keep on chugging
Not nocking the layout but why in pic 1&2 do you have the tracks zig zagging? It has to look odd when a train passes through those areas.
The Critic
Very nice layout. Lots of action.
Where did you find Hamms Beer?
YES… The more trains running, the better.
Can you share the track diagram with us please?
very nice