4×6 n scale layouts

Richard’s been in touch – he’s added to the collection of 4×6 N scale layouts:

“I am 77 years of age and at the age of 32 I started a small N-scale layout on a 6 foot by 3 foot wooden frame covered with 3/16 inch plywood.

This was then covered with layers of various thicknesses of foam home insulation. Not having much space, I suspended the layout with a system of 1⁄4 inch Dacron rope and pulleys from the overhead floor joists in my utility room so it could be hoisted up to the floor joists when not in use.

This being my very first attempt at a layout it was a project full of mistakes. My children were the driving force in this project until they lost interest after several years. This along with a
move to a new home with all the new home projects led me to sell the layout to a friend.

Upon my retirement in 1997 I moved once again to a waterfront home in need of a fair amount of TLC. Years passed by quickly and I had to give up my hobby of sailing due to health issues and at 76 years of age I decided to try my hand at another N-scale layout.

So in Sept I purchased several locomotives and a lot of 25 freight cars along with some track and turnouts on ebay. Now living in a 3 bedroom apartment, I turned one of the smaller bedrooms into my train room and started building my layout table.

4x6 n scale layouts

With the four foot by six foot frame and plywood assembled I began placing several versions of my track plan on the table.

4x6 n scale layouts

Base layer of foam glued to plywood base and track plan being finalized in the flat.

4x6 n scale layouts

Working out track elevations took some trial and error with various locomotives.

s4x6 n scale layouts

Many of your card stock structures on the layout came from your site.

small n scale

Church and cemetary.

small n scale

Layout with backdrop installed.

n scale

Mountain View Station with Merchants Row in background.

control panel and track plan

Control Panel and Track Plan


A huge thanks to Richard for adding to the 4×6 n scale layouts collection – really enjoyed his narrative and I think he’s done a splendid job on his layout.

It’s good to see the church on his layout, it doesn’t make it on to many.

Thought the houses looked great too.

Also, Richard’s layout made me think of Jim’s: 4×6 N scale layout.

Now on to Paul.

He’s been back in touch after a few comments on his last post:

“Hi Al, I received a comment from one modeler but more importantly from my wife and daughter that I should put the Mobius on the front of the train. So this is what it looks like. The view of the scenery is better.

By the way I put the cattle in the barn for now so no more MOOING.


Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More N scale layouts here if that’s your thing.

18 Responses to 4×6 n scale layouts

  1. Bill Holt says:

    You “GO ” Richard !!

    AWESOME layout Paul.

  2. Ron Schultz says:

    Loved the ride on the rear of the business car as it was pushed around the lay out would like to see more people put the cameras there or it could be the rear of a “caboose ride” just call it what ever but its the way to see a lay out. and following that other train was a ” real ” feeling .

  3. Roger Coleman says:

    Hi strange question
    I just love looking at other people’s layout rooms especially in s different country. I wonder what the timber is for out of the window ?

  4. Steve Biddle says:

    Loved this layout! Best video I’ve seen posted ever! Keep up the great work Al.

  5. Don Mills says:

    Great l’il layout there and love to see gents really enjoying the hobby in their golden years. Great video also!

  6. anthoney King says:

    OMG the Mobus was Great your layout is really nice thanks for sharing

  7. Norman Rosen says:

    To Richard, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. I will be 78 in October and as soon as the garage is cleaned and painted will be starting my first railroad (N gauge) since the 70’s. Mobius, I like the way you used elevation to separate the tracks; My only question is what is that 1 by 4 underneath the room air conditioner for?


    OUTSTANDING!!! Some one that knows that trees grow everywhere. I have rerun the film several times and think you are a genius. The camera work was excellent also.

  9. John Reynolds says:

    Fantastic posts hi
    Love the n scale especially..

  10. Malcolm hodgson says:

    Richard and Paul

    Great layouts, and good to see people enjoying the hobby.


    North Wales

  11. Terry Miller says:

    PAUL–much better and a great layout video. Now when you have a moment, take your original video with the camera at the back and intercut it with the new video so when you’re passing a station or structure you see the front & the back view. But don’t overdo it!
    Terry–Idaho USA

  12. You commented how You like to see churches on train layouts. My HO layout has two churches. My main church being one that I scratch built from photos of the original Ukrainian Catholic Church of Saints Peter & Paul in Mundare Alberta. I lived in Mundare and attended this church for two years back in the 1950″s. It is fairly large and dominates a hill on the layout. I did take some enhancing liberties with it’s detailing. Also there is a Basilian Fathers Monastery across the way from the church. The other church I purchased from Moscow, Russia, It is a 1/87 scale of one of my favourite churches in the world. It is the small, single domed Russian Orthodox Church of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Suzdal, Russia.

  13. Jim MacLean says:

    Fantastic layout & video Paul — in either direction! All kinds of interesting situations. Would really like to see the track layout plan. Jim from CB.

  14. peter says:

    loved your video

  15. Bill in Virginia says:

    Excellent layout Richard! Your layout definitely shows you took time to think it thru and plan well for what you want. Kudos to you as well for working in N Scale. I’ve got a lot of N Scale gear packed away and I might have to bring it out at some point and see if my eyes are still good enough to give it a try

    Paul great video of your layout. Nice to see it both forwards and backwards with your camera. Really brings the details out

  16. Nice layout you have built there Richard , and paul those Mobius Cameras are great , as you will know I have used them for about 5 years now and always been happy with the results …Dangerous dave

  17. David Ryder says:

    I’m curious Richard as to the thickness of the plywood and how the tracks are attached to the foam? Also, are you using DCC or regulare DC?
    Dave in Maryland

  18. Wes says:

    Wow, Richard! All that in just 4×6?!

    I’m QUITE pleasantly surprised to see that it takes as much as six minutes to do the twice-around loop, about a scale mile at 10 N scale mph, a reasonable speed for a freight, if that’s what it was — of course I couldn’t tell, just looking forward from the engine. On the video I really had to pay attention to be sure that’s all you were doing!

    With the mini camera I can see that you really are going an appropriate speed too. It makes it very clear to me that when I, a full-sized man, look down from above, it’s WAAAY too tempting to drive the trains too fast to look right from the engineer’s eye.

    Maybe the 7.5×9.5 around-the-walls I’ve been re- and re-imagining (not building yet) for a year is quite large enough, maybe even too big for my first real layout since my 1973 4.5×5 that I never got around to scenicking!

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