BNSF model train

Lawrence has been in touch with his BNSF model train – I do love a layout with a backstory:


I wanted to make a small version of the Lincoln Nebraska BNSF rail yard.

My sister works there as the bus driver for the train engineers when they have done their designated hours, and replaced with new engineers.

The trains stop where ever they are when the engineers work time is up.

The first set of pictures shows the actual BNSF Terminal. The first picture is the front of the terminal taken from the street using the Bing maps.

BNSF terminal

The second picture shows the back of the terminal using the Google maps. I actually took about twenty pictures of the terminal from different angles.

BNSF terminal

Some of the pictures are show at my work desk as I prepare to start cutting out the styrene.

Due to space limitations I did not make the terminal as long as the real one. From the pictures I took the model is the length of one BNSF engine too short.

bnsf model train scratch build

The printed pictures of the terminal the colors darker then from actually looking at the terminal on the maps on the computer.

The next email of three pictures:

The first picture shows almost all the styrene pieces needed to build the terminal. I ordered Chooch walls to cover the front of the terminal, they were close to the original.

The next picture displays the back of the model terminal with personnel in the observation deck.

The last picture displays the front of the terminal, the power sources, sign, radio tower, and external building. The stairs on the front of the building and flags have not been constructed at this time.

To prevent brush strokes, I used a paint sprayer to paint the roof. Looking at the terminal on line did not show any weathering so I will not weather the model.

I will send more pictures of the rail yard in the near future.

bnsf model train scratch build

bnsf model train scratch build

bnsf model train scratch build


I absolutely love what Lawrence is doing. If you missed his last post, it’s here.

Now on to Cassio. A man of few words, but the pics make up for it:

“Dear friend Alistair, I am sending some more photos of the evolution of the decoration of my model.

Thank you.


shelf layout

shelf layout

shelf layout

shelf layout

shelf layout

A huge thanks to Lawrence for sharing his BNSF model train, and to Cassio too.

I should also thank everyone that has supported the site over the last few days, and taken the plunge with the Beginner’s Guide.

(Frankly, without you, there wouldn’t be a site.)

What has surprised me, however, is this.

This year – and I have no idea why – I have had lots of comments thanking me for the site and the Beginner’s Guide.

I’m only human, and when I get a nice mail in my inbox it really does make my day, so thank you.

Thank you for all your kind comments.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

17 Responses to BNSF model train

  1. Rob McCrain says:

    Great work. Very impressive. It must be nice to have the model for your layout nearby.

  2. John Frye says:

    Great job of scratch-building Lawrence, the depot is well done and looks great. I always have trouble cutting the window openings and looks like you’ve mastered that one!
    John from Baltimore

  3. Lawrence’s terminal is a great piece of work… Well dome!
    Cassio’s developing layout is very nice also…. Love his structure placement.
    As to the “Silly Sale”…
    Your page is inspirational and a highlight of every weekend. That which inspires deserves support. Your print out buildings have definitely made me a better modeler.

  4. Jeff Borst says:


    I have not yet built a layout yet. My future train room is currently a storage unit for our three daughters. When it gets cleaned out (soon) I will have two walls against which I will build my layout. The pictures from others have changed my mind about bench work, as opposed to a deep table. I’m thinking I will do both! One question I have at this stage is this:
    My bench work side will cross in front of a south facing window which is three feet wide. Width aside, will I need to do anything special to protect against u.v. damage? The widow is argon filled, but I don’t I that is sufficient to protect colors, plastics or anything else directly inside the window.
    I will talk to a window person at some point, but wondering if there is any practical experience out there with this potential issue.

    Thank you,

    Vancouver, USA

  5. Joe Kincaid says:

    Al, I love it when you pick pictures of guys like Cassio’s railroad. Damn, now here’s a guy, havin a blast, makin his “stuff.” He is the Barron of his railroad as far as his room will let him, a magnate in the very truest since of the word, and his joy adds to mine. You sir, should take a bow for all the wonderful work you do to keep this hobby alive and growing. Without people like you, and Dangerous Dave, and…good Lord there are so many, this wonderful hobby would be consumed by a bunch of entitled knuckleheads millennials, who have absolutely no idea what the business end of a flathead screwdriver looks like. Keep on keepin on you guys, and a very hearty, How ya’all adoin out there; And greetings from the land of milk and honey…and, oh yeah, all the fruits and nuts in Californey,

  6. Jeff; solutions for the south window: provide shade outside to keep the sun off the window; put dark film on the window. Good luck.

  7. DJfromNJ says:

    Two awesome works of art. Congrats to both men, and to Al for his hosting duties!

  8. Glad to see the Standard Oil Logo. I worked for Amoco Pipelines out of Texas City

  9. Jim Logue says:

    Very nice excellent work.

  10. Rich B. says:

    Still seeing the dreamers out there, where and what THEY will do? No names… nobody cares. Now there is some serious construction going on with today’s feature. This is about the journey and will never get to finish line. What a great approach, the pastime is actually creating the empire and this is the best. Never though going that direction, still in learning mode of coarse.

    Rich, again

  11. Brian Olson says:

    Thanks for sharing. BNSF Coal operations a key part of my 6×12 N Scale Layout. Great work!

  12. Greg Marples says:

    Love what you’re doing! I’m right down the road in Marysville, KS, and model the UP Central Division Hub here from around 1929. All from old pictures and drawings. I understand the need to shrink everything a bunch to fit into a model railroad layout, do it all the time!

  13. robert dale tiemann says:

    a labor of love, great job.

  14. Steve Ruple says:

    Very nice model of the BNSF building Lawrence.
    Cassio, awesome pictures of your layout.

  15. David S. says:

    To Jeff from Vancouver,
    My HO layout is in the loft over a large garage. It has windows at each end, facing east and west. My spouse made custom dark curtains for the windows, with tie-backs. When not in use, the curtains are closed to prevent UV damage. You could also mount a pull down roller shade that would do the trick as well.

  16. Bruce M says:

    Great job Lawrence, I hope to do something similar here at Bailey Yard in North Platte

  17. william james palmer says:

    great job

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