Static grass applicator

Dave’s been back in touch. This time he shows us how he uses his static grass applicator for his scenery.

There was a bit of a muddle between us over which video to post, but we sorted it in the end.

And what’s more, I know alot of you enjoy Dave’s videos but struggle with his accent, so I thought I’d try the format below – a few pics and subtitles.

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did – I still love watching Dave’s trains run in the second half of the vid.

“Hi Al, note you did not post but it was a bit confusing as I sent the wrong video to start with.

I am away for a few days, but just looking at my vids on my phone, this is the one I should have sent first time.

It does show doing the static grass applicator, ballasting, adding rail rust , rail grime and a good few trees.

Hope to visit the railway heritage museum tomorrow

Cheers Dave”

Cover the area that you want to use the grass static applicator on with glue…

screw for static grass applicator

Attach to the screw…

static grass applicator shake

Give the grass a good shake…

static grass applicator let dry

Let the area dry…

static grass applicator add ballast

Add the ballast to the tracks…

add rust and sleeper muck to track

Here’s what it will look like when it’s finished…

finished scene with static grass applicator

Another view of a finished scene with a grass applicator – so lets get the new one looking like this…

sleeper grime

Sleeper grime…

adding underbrush after static grass applicator


glue for underbrush

Adding the glue for the underbrush…

adding underbrush after static grass applicator

Adding the underbrush…

underbrush added

Underbrush done, now for the trees…

make holefor tree in scenery with screwdriver

Use a screwdriver to punch a hole in the scenery…

adding trees to scenery

Add glue and stick the tree down…

finished scene with static grass applicator

The finished scene! Now here’s the vid:

A huge thanks to Dave for showing us how he uses his static grass applicator.

These related posts might interest you too:

Static grass.

HO scale bushes.

Add grass to layout? John shows us how

Model train grass.

Also, there’s a lot more posts from Dave in the Hall of Fame if you’d like to see more of his stuff.

If you’d like to see Dave’s vid on adding rust to your rails, it’s here.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

12 Responses to Static grass applicator

  1. Rod Mackay says:

    I rather liked that bit of open heathland as it was Dave, it was just begging for Heathcliffe and Cathy.
    I don’t think you need to put grime everywhere, there were always lengths of track that had recently been renewed with fresh ballast and creosote-dark sleepers, it would take months or years, depending on the traffic, to accumulate all the brake dust to blend in fully.
    Glad to hear you’re managing with the old knee, well done, keep taking the Black Sheep.

  2. Stephen Hill Woodstock Ga says:

    Dave, thank you , your videos and posts are always helpful and exciting to watch . Your work us amazing sir , inspiring even … thank you . I’m curious however , how long has it taken to create your masterpiece? It’s stunning and quite full of scenes and vehicles , truly the work of a very tedious individual. Great layout ! Please keep posting

  3. Rob McCrain says:

    Good video Dave. Thanks for the tips.
    Rob McCrain – Farland Howe

  4. George Zaky says:

    So many great people on this site and you are at the top. Much thanks for the time & effort to help us along our bumpy road.
    Big Al is our leader and much thanks to you.

  5. Fred says:

    Sorry, Dave, I couldn’t really see what was going on. Most interesting to me would be to see how much of the static grass you’re sprinkling actually stands up. I’ve had great trouble with my applicator, have to hold it no more than 1/2″ above, or it just shakes down randomly. Any ideas?

    Fred Gevalt

  6. TJK says:

    Dave! Entertaining as always…..

  7. Norman "Pete" McGill says:

    Dave you crack me up. I love the way you install your scenery as it’s the way I do it too.. Just sprinkle on some glue and dump the bushes wherever they land. I also knock over other things that get in the way and I will always have glue drops all over the place where it doesn’t belong. Drives me crazy cleaning it all up but that’s the name of the game. Love your newer layout and your trains run so well. I also love your accent and even if it’s hard to understand for a Floridian I get the gist and enjoy your videos very much. keep ’em coming Brother.

  8. Norman "Pete" McGill says:

    I forgot to mention that if you put some weights on the paper when you sprinkle grass around it would help us see what the heck your doing. Move your arm too. Ha! Pete

  9. Gary M from Long Island says:

    Dave……as always great work and great scenery……your videos are my tutorials

  10. Ed Horst says:

    Great vocal orientation, shame paper curled up along with arm in way.. but hey enjoyed end results.

  11. david howarth says:

    Thank you all for your comments ..I take note that next time I try to show more with the camera of the work in progress and not my elbow …not always easy …and try to speak Queens English ..LOL …maybe time to do a close up of using the static grass appicator at work and close up of the results …Dangerous Dave

  12. william janmes palmer says:

    excellent job

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