N scale multi level layout – John’s

John’s been in touch with his N scale multi level layout:

“My layout takes up a 9 X 12 room

over head light is changed to track lights

there is enough room in the center for two people to stand

the main bed is 4′ 8 1/2″ off the floor

the reason being you are looking at the train from the side not the top

all electrical power is on one switch that way I leave nothing turned on

the base is Homasote much easer to work with then ply wood

frame is 1″X 4″s I weight 220 pounds and have been up on it

the ridge is wood frame with window screen covered with plaster

five different levels of track

a little change in elevation can make a big difference in looks

I try to give each person on my layout a personality what’s in their head

that way I can make their environment meet their needs


(All images are clickable)

N scale multi level layout

N scale multi level layout

N gauge hitch hiker

N scale tunnel

N gauge store

N scale multi level layout

N scale multi level layout:

n scale bear

N gauge hills

N gauge bridge

N scale bridge

N scale town

N scale multi level layout

N scale multi level layout

N scale multi level layout

A huge thanks to John for sharing his N scale multi level layout – just loved this layout. And 5 different levels of track too. Wow.

There are quite a few multi level N scales on the blog now.

The one that immediately springs to mind is Bob’s, not only is it multi level, it is stunning too. Have a look and see for yourself:

Bob stunning N scale layout

Brian’s is a lot of fun too:

3 level N scale layout.

And Nigel’s N scale is also multi level:

Multi level N scale

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming because I’m running out of stuff this end.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

Need buildings for your layout? Have a look at the Silly Discount bundle.

41 Responses to N scale multi level layout – John’s

  1. Ernie Stammers says:

    That is a fantastic N gauge layout, must have taken years of painstaking work what with the intricacies of scenery let alone the figures.
    I wish my eyes and sausage fingers could do that, alas I stick to my Lionel O scale layout. Take care and thanks for sharing

  2. Robert Brady says:

    Great layout very involved with detail! Will someone show us a modern layout to date ? Not one for oldies and I’m 69 years young. Bring on the SD’s and the dash 8-40cw’s,lets rock!

  3. NJ Mark says:

    When I’m done with my HO layout (I hope) I’d like to give N gauge a go. Thanks for the inspiration, great work. Cheers! NJ Mark

  4. Frank Cortese says:

    One of the best layouts I have seen. Love the details. Something to be proud of! Wish I had the space for such a layout like yours, not to mention the money. Thanks for sharing.
    Frank, near Mickey Mouse Orlando.

  5. Johnnie Davis says:

    A work of art. Thank you for sharing.

  6. all i can say is WOW!! great job, i am into 0 gauge but your layout is making me consider doing one in N, fantastic job and thanks for sharing..

  7. Appookta says:

    Never saw so much in N gauge – amazed at the possibilities!

  8. Impressive.

  9. steve joyce says:

    Great detail can really appreciate the work put into it. I am closing on my new house in a week. Plan already to remove a wall btwn 2 bedrooms ( i have 5) and finally do a dream layout. But I too am into more modern. Germany in late 70’s to 90’s. with a little side bar of the 40’s to run my Br52 wehrmacht loco. Been accumulating stuff for decades…Started in the late 70’s when I was assigned a tour of duty in Germany

  10. Charles Bartunek says:

    Really nice layout ,could you post a track plan.
    Thanks for sharing

  11. Jim says:

    Nice. Some really neat scenes there. Love the older cars. Thanks for sharing.

    Jim AZ

  12. Fantastic! Any chance of a track plan????

  13. paul vogel says:

    Great layout Al. Lots of unique scenery. Thanks for sharing. Paul Ohio USA

  14. Ralph Samples says:

    Fantastic! But I would really like to see a track plan (even a very rough hand drawing) in order to see how the trains change levels and get around the layout. Thanks.
    Ralph in Missouri, USA

  15. Brian Rockey says:

    A great layout Al, some nice little details.

  16. Minnesota Dan says:

    Wonderful scenes. Saw a 1956 Lincoln Continental, Mark IV, so someone has some money…ha ha

  17. tom in az says:

    Well i`ve been looking a great layouts on this site for several years, I must admit yours really stands out to me. It`s so basic clean and realistic. I wonder where you get the old looking items for this period? Old gas station parts etc. I have a N scale layout, I`m proud of and a HO still in progress. Just found a lot of older trucks and cars at a company called SYLVAN model kits all old and detailed. I`m keeping this post to look at your work again. Keep up the good work and send some more pic`s. Thanks Tom in Payson AZ

  18. Dug Sitowski says:

    Wonderful layout Al. I originally started out many moons ago with O-gauge Lionel then moved down to HO and am now modeling in N-gauge. Probably as you already know you get a lot more “railroad” and “bang-for-your-buck” in N-scale than with the other scales. Not only that but N-gauge is considerably less expensive and more affordable than the others which is a factor for those of us on a budget (like me). I look forward to further progress on your fine work.

  19. Tony says:

    Most impressive!.

  20. David Wibbels says:

    Nice job in the creation of a N scale layout. It gives some ideas in making a Layout of my own.

  21. Rod Mackay says:

    Gosh that’s neat for N. Well done!

  22. Merl Fisher says:

    great job for sure

  23. VictorKoyano says:

    Awww, and I thought NScale was catching up to OScale in details!

  24. Rob Shuman says:

    Regardless of gauge, that’s an awesome layout. Great details! Many great details!!

  25. Thomas Murphy says:

    I switched from “O” gauge to “HO” gauge in 1964. Since that time, I have never considered any other Model RR gauge. I believe that if you’re cramped for room then “N” or “Z” gauge (or a similar gauge) is the route that you should explore.
    I utilize my full basement for my “HO” layout, however if I need expansion, I build up another tier level to accommodate my recent idea. I find “HO” scale to be so realistic and comfortable to model for an old coot like me with failing eyesight.
    Whatever scale’s your choice, keep at it ~ it will keep our chosen hobby thriving.

  26. kathe kozlowski says:

    Beautiful layout and realism in the scene sets. All the posts have inspired my husband and I to finally start a layout after many years of collecting HO trains. Suspect our free lance look will cover many time periods! If it runs it will get a place on the layout. We built a “Rail House” , separate building, to begin our layout. We are taking inspiration from the 3 level look above. Great posts Al.
    Frank & Kathe, Florida

  27. Minnesota Dan says:

    A correction to my comment on the Lincoln Continental, it is a Mark II, and you can buy one for about $67,000.

    Minnesota Dan

  28. Paul Case says:

    Great job, love to see a track plan cause I have the same space available for my next layout.

  29. John McCoy says:

    I did not give that much for the Lincoln
    I will try to come up with a track plan
    I seldom plan ahead
    I just do it
    Thanks for the great comments
    I have to give some credit to a local shop that runs clinics for all aspects of the hobby.
    Tim’s Trains and Hobbies

  30. Ron Schultz says:

    I looked at it and said thats HO not N just figure it was a typo error Very nice layout . love the bear watching the trains .

  31. Will says:

    Great layout!!!
    But 1954 and no caboose on that freight train?

  32. Roy says:

    I love the Hitchhiker scene – nice touch—
    Great layout job & it’s yours too..
    I see some cars, like the truscale 25 ton Brownhoist crane in the yard, that I have only seen in HO scale??
    Is this HO or N???

  33. Tony G says:

    This is truly a museum piece. Expertly done!!! Expressing personalities , way above my pay grade.

  34. Old Taz says:

    A lot of detail very well done. I see storyline written all over this whole day out. Each one of your little scenes has a great story behind it I’m sure. I can see there was many hours put into this layout. Again well done.

  35. Mark T. Pianka says:

    Great looking layout everything looks really nice. Good job on the scenery!

  36. ken melillo says:

    thats what i call dedication, track plan would be nice.and view higher up…. love it

  37. Will in NM says:

    I thought this was a great looking HO layout. I recognized several old structure kits and thought for sure it was HO. The fact it is N scale with the level of detail you have included is amazing! Thanks for sharing and I’d like to see the track plan too.

  38. robert dale tiemann says:

    hitch hiker huh. never thought of that. very nice n gauge.

  39. Jim M says:

    Umm, I may be a bit off base, but I think the reason that the level of detail in this layout looks more like HO than N is because it is HO. I noticed too many things that were/are available in HO but not in N – Revell buildings, Tyco/Mantua locomotives, the ubiquitous Atlas curved chord truss bridge, CMW vehicles, etc. Doesn’t take away from the achievement of a great layout, but it might be misleading to some people who would think these items are available in N. I’m in N scale and while I do wish we had some of those things in N, N scale today is such a far cry from what we began with 60 years ago that we should just be grateful for what we have and not suffer from what is actually HO envy.

  40. Don says:

    the coal depot is awesome

  41. James says:

    Say, uh, I didn’t see the different levels? Am I missing something!

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