Disney World model train

Scott’s been in touch, he’s shared pics of his Disney World model train layout:

“Hello Alastair!

I wanted to share pictures of my Disney themed layout.

I call it “The Mostly Magic Kingdom Railroad”.

It’s approx. 5’ x 7’ with a loop of HO scale life/like track for the Walt Disney World Railroad set they used to sell at the parks.

It also has a loop of track for the Walt Disney World Monorail Playset.

I make a lot of my scenery from found objects like packing foam and containers along with bottle caps and things like that.

Buildings are a mix of scratch built, n & Ho scale kits, Disney Playsets, and dollar tree Christmas village accessories.

Happy modeling!

Milton, Florida”

 Disney World model train

 HO scale steam

model train layout

Disney World model train

Disney World model train:

Disney World model train

ho scale disney gate

Disney World model train

Disney World model train

 Disney World model train

model train layout

 HO scale steam overhead view

A huge big thanks to Scott for sharing his Disney World model train – I do love a layout theme.

It’s also a great example of two of my fave sayings:

1) Your layout, your rules.

2) A layout can be whatever you want it to be.

If you want further proof of that, have a look at another Disney themed layout:

Track wiring for model trains

Or how about a Harry Potter themed layout:

Harry Potter model train

It really is ‘your layout, your rules’, so if you want to add a lego staduim to your layout, there’s nothing stopping you:

Model train fun.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a Disney World model train, Harry Potter or whatever, just have fun folks.

Some like doing scenery, some like just running trains. It really is just up to you.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

model train answers

20 Responses to Disney World model train

  1. Ellis James English says:

    Scott, I have to say that is spot on. There are many layouts, thousands of scenes dioramas, When one builds and designs something that evokes memories, a past that brings smiles and wonderment at the details, you hit it. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. robert dale tiemann says:

    original ides, i think. i really like the monrail. tight space.

  3. David J. Neral says:

    Great job, Scott
    I like it.

  4. Don says:

    the Cinderella Castle at Disney World or Land which it was in Florida, is now gone to a fire that burned it down last week sadly. so it will at least live on in the train display & the monorail is awesome. great setup.

  5. Brian Rockey says:

    Well done Scott, really original – always nice to see something different.
    Best to all.
    Brian, Wokingham, UK

  6. George Zaky says:

    What a hoot! So much of the Disney themes packed in a small space. Love the monorail, the castle, EPCOT, etc. and the lighting effects. Disney created the park for children of all ages kinda like our hobby-for us old kids. I hope you have a lot of kids ogling your handiwork.
    Big Al
    This kindled some fond memories. Much thanks

  7. TJK says:

    The casting of Blue lights in the night scene is terrific!
    Nicely done Scott.

  8. Wes Eakin says:

    Thank you Scott for sharing your very creative layout. WELL DONE! One word of advice is to turn the open air passenger cars around so the passengers are always facing forward just like in the real Disney World. Would like to see a video of it operating. Great fun! Wes, from the Bluegrass State.

  9. Wes Eakin says:

    Hey Don,
    Best to check out ‘Snopes’ before posting. “Indeed, the story and Tik Tok video did not describe real-life events. Mouse Trap News describes itself as a Disney-themed satire blog, and notes in its about page that all of its stories are strictly fictional.” “Snopes compared that footage, which did not show active flames, to videos of firework shows at Cinderella Castle and determined that a firework show was the likely origin of the footage.” Sorry…. It’s still there. Wes

  10. Nick says:

    The castle did not burn. Good grief.

  11. Ross Herbert says:

    Very nicely done.
    I live in Florida and it brought back memories.
    I really like the monorail loop.

  12. Raymond Cohlmia says:

    Thank you so much, the Disney train is absolutely wonderful, as a Disney fan myself. I am building a Disney monorail train at the other end of my layout and you have given me new inspiration.

    Incidentally, the castle did not burn down. That was a social-media hoax.

    Ray, Oklahoma City

  13. KenG says:

    I love it Scott! The lighting on Cinderella’s Castle looked great!
    I remember when many of these sets for being sold, and out here at Disneyland in the early years of California Adventure they sold unique sets as well.
    And I do love you have Splash Mountain! You are not the only domestic Disney park that still has it!

  14. Steve Ruple says:

    That’s cool, I have both of those trains also they are very awesome. Actually I have three Disney trains, one is a 0n3 train.

  15. Tom H. says:

    Absolutely amazing! Impressive! Breathtaking! Dazzling!

  16. welder Dave says:

    That I think is the first Disney themed layout I have seen and its very good .At the admission price now you could build a nice one ! Its amazing how many really thought they had a fire !!Shows how we need to take anything with a BIG grain of salt on social media Or any other news for that matter now days too much misinformation !

  17. richard rudolph says:

    Incredible amount of work!

  18. Jim AZ says:

    WOW! Amazing. Brings back memories. Way back. Your structural buildings are so real. Impressed by the night time photo. Great job.

    Jim AZ

  19. Andrew Aves says:

    Wonderful Scott – What a superb fun layout
    Andrew in Oz

  20. Red says:

    “That’s an amazing layout. It brought back many happy memories from my young adulthood when I visited Disneyland frequently when it was affordable! However, I haven’t been to any Disney attraction in over 25 years and do not plan to visit again, as they have become too expensive and have an overly leftist agenda that is not suitable for children.”
    Thanks for the memories!

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