Frank’s layout goes western

“Hello again Al.

Here are some new pics from my Western Layout.

Some may notice some things not quite correct to scale or to the period but I am just using what I have and having some fun with it.

For instance My daughter thought I should include a DeLorean.

I first dismissed the Idea but some friends thought it was a good and fun Idea so there it sets in the barn.

I also Included some Hollywood Legends Like, The outlaw josey wales, Rooster Cogburn from True Grit. The Man with No Name from Clint Eastwoods Spegetti westerns and Zorro.

We Have the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral and Wild Bill too.


Just love Frank’s layout. He must have the patience of a saint.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

Got a model train question?

23 Responses to Frank’s layout goes western

  1. Martin says:

    Cowboy shootout & the car does fit in with the theme ‘Back to the future’

  2. Getting as bad as me , all for a bit of a laugh …good one

  3. Albert Weir says:

    wow this blew me away i was going to send pictures in of my completed layout but i am not so sure now this one is a stunner

  4. Roland Burch says:

    Great idea and great layout.

  5. Mike H says:

    The cliffs are amazing. Super layout.

  6. Tom says:

    Great Idea!!! Gone but not forgotten … the “ole ” west rides again. “True Grit” Awesome mountains … FANTASTIC!



  7. Arnie Steiner says:

    Nice work Frank. I’ve always loved the Old West and the shoot ’em up movies that I grew up with. Lots of fun playing with the idea on a layout. I especially love my favorite character of all time — Zorro.
    I not too long ago went to an annual Halloween party as Zorro; got top honors…

    Keep up the fun and the spirit of the Ol’ West!


  8. Cameron Davies says:

    nice one.

  9. paul Otway says:

    Love your scenery

  10. Ralph says:

    Wow! All at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

  11. Ian says:

    looks great think the shoot out is great ,you could add a good old western train hold up.

  12. Wayne says:

    Great piece of work!!! Blew me away with the gunfight!!

  13. THOMAS says:


  14. Jim Peters says:

    Has Anyone Created A Real Running Water Fall Using A Small Recirculating Pump? I Understand That Adding Real Water Around Electrical Connections Could Prove Fatal. But There’s Got To Be A Safe Way. Any Answers?

  15. put grd faut interruters on the circuits close to water a all joints use tar and buy heat shreak caps that you use a blow dryer to shreak the cap whatever you do do not fuck up the joint as you will never be able to take it apart never use larger fuses if you fuse your lite post for 3 on same fuse of 5 amps is lots or if its a motor for pumping water 5 amps is lots you can buy amp meters too to check the full load on things first before fusing things toohope this advice helps my fellow train lovers

  16. Dale says:

    First of all: great job of modeling. You obviously got a lot of hours of enjoyment while building it. I really support the light-hearted approach to your layout. If it isn’t fun, why bother.
    Regarding the real water comment: Remember that water splashes much further than we realize. The outermost ring of splash is made up of tiny droplets not readily seen at first. That moisture will eventually wet your scenery, so allow for that, should you decide to include a “real waterfall”.

  17. john andrew says:

    If you are going to ad real water to a layout waterfall just remember that real water collects dust and would have to filtered ,water also provides fine mist and the electrics just love to sparkle think again Please Best regards JohnA

  18. Peter Hill says:

    Good day Frank from “Down-under”. I am at age 73 starting on my HO scale narrow gauge model railway depicting the timber mill railways that dotted up & down the East Coast of New South Wales & Victoria. HOoo9, HOn3 and mainline tracks were all employed and so I have much variety to select from & will. The basic scenery is that of sandstone and many of these private railways went deep into the steep gorges and so I was most taken with the scenery you created on our “Wild West” layout, and I was wondering how you managed to achieve the typically eroded surfaces of your sandstone cliffs ??. I assume you used polystyrene foam sheets, stuck together to give the appearances of erosion to the stratas which looks just like it is here. Would you please be good enough to tell me how you achieved this outer appearance ??. As far as the colouring is concerned did you just use a water based acrylic paints or did you use a cement wash which was coloured to sandstone colouration. here we have. Here we have oxide powders which are sandstone colours. which can be used to colour cement . I appreciate that am intruding into your valuable time, but I will be most grateful if you would help e to understand how you created such realistic scenery. WELL DONE !! Best wishes from “Down-under. Peter Hill.

  19. Neil says:

    ” Respect ” man Respect./

    Seriously, I am so impressed, Where do people get these model making skills. Even with unlimited time and cash I could never produce that. I have been collecting track for a couple of years and had hoped to make a start on the first layout of my own since I was about 18. (42 years sad isn’t it !) but I could never produce something like that. In fact I probably won’t be able to make anything that I wouldn’t be too ashamed to show someone else. Perhaps I should forget the model railways and take up knitting instead. !!


  20. Frank Stroot says:

    It’s been awhile but I wanted to respond to s few questions People had about my western layout.
    Mr Peter Hill from down under. Thank you for your kind words.
    The mountains are indeed made from construction foam.
    I carved and scraped and cut all what you see.
    The erosion spots are just scraped at random.
    The paint was a base layer of eggshell white latex
    House paint. As for the detail I used an air brush and also used latex house paint using earth colors. I started with light coats and just gradually laid it on heater until it looked right.

  21. Stephen D Gispanski says:

    Great display of mountains Frank, on the water, looks great. As for real water, at Michel’s hobby store. They have little trays for painting that you can add to your lay out for water. As long as you make a area to keep the water from leaking out. You almost have to make it like the real area to hold water with a overflow container. That is where the tub, like a straw, goes into. ( It can not be a bag ). The overflow is where the water goes into when you turn off the power to the table. Remember everything has to be sealed. Using a fish pump on its on power outlet and its on toggle switch. I am in the planning stage for my lay out and I have a lot to do before the tracks meet the foam but it is getting there. Good luck, I will have running water also. It can be done but be very careful so it does not leak anywhere you have water.
    Stephen from St.Petersburg Florida.

  22. Julian Stuckey says:

    Love the scene from “Tombstone”. A great idea. Really caught me by surprise.

  23. Lou Caputo says:

    Albert and Neil: PLEASE do not be discouraged in the face of Frank’s magnificent Western layout. Yes, he did a really nice job especially that beautiful RR trestle. The mountains and the backdrop nearly put you INTO the layout. A great deal of imagination and hard work obviously went into this layout! BUT let’s each do the best we can and keep learning as we go along. Al opens the door to all hobbyists, and we don’t need to be competitive. There are no prizes being awarded. The payoff comes when we stand back and say to ourselves: ” I did that when I didn’t think I could, and it looks good to me!”

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