Here you go – as you can see, you get a lot more than I said you would – I just want you to be delighted with your purchase.
It also really makes me smile when I see the buildings on your layouts.
They are all HO scale. Reduce the print size to 54% for N scale.
The newest buildings and track plans are at the bottom of this list.
Please download the PDFs so you always have them!
3. Store with black shop front
5. Store with bricked out windows
6. Yellow cafe
8. Firestation
9. Blue store
10. Blue lock up
11. Green shack
12. Storage shed
Buildings 13 to 20 are all made from this scratch kit collection.
13. Warehouse.
14. Red Brick factory
15. White brick factory
16. Utility buildings
17. Side white brick building
18. Side factory building
19. Red townhouse
20. Brick townhouse
Buildings 13 to 20 are all made from this scratch kit collection.
21. Red barn
22. Flag side building
23. Flag shed
Buildings 21 to 23 are all made from this download.
24. Wooden Barn
25. Wooden signal box
26. Brick signal box
Buildings 25 and 26 are made from this download.
29. Engine shed
33. Roundhouse.
34 and 35. Small industrial buildings.
(Youtube is here for building 34 and 35)
Track plans PDF with links to their post.
Track plans PDF latest volume.
Here’s how to download the PDF’s – once the PDF is open, just look for the download button, which is usually top right.
Thanks for your support.
I’m really looking forward to seeing your builds!