HO Layout 8×15

“My HO layout 8×15 is nowhere close to being done. I started with a bare room back in Feb. I stopped working on it the first of April.

I had a item on my bucket list that I wanted to do. I set my HO layout aside, got on my motorcycle, and went on a 3 mo. 11,000 mile, and 19 states. When I returned home I started back on my layout.

Regardless of my age of 77, Parkinson, bad knees, overweight and a dozen other things they want to give me a pill for, I am getting things done.

I had a track problem when I left on my trip, but figured it out, then corrected it when I returned home.

I would like to share some pictures with you, and the other model railroading enthusiasts.

The next shot is a hill that I am trying to create distance. This whole section is N gauge.

My sister in law sent me some ceramic little houses she got in Ireland. They’re N gauge size, so I placed them up on the hill, bought N gauge people, cars, some with lights, cows, and street lamps.

When I started putting lighting in I had to learn how to solder hair.

The other shot is the famous government “owned “comet mine” the critic got started by saying my rocks looked like a meteor had hit the area.

The shot is at night with the farmhouse and barn in the background,and the ice house and meat packers, and stock yard.

Any suggestions for improvement are welcome.

If you remember the “critic” comment on my rocks in my hills, created the comet mine.

That mine has grown quite a bit.

Here is some of the stuff I am working on.

Thank you


steep hill with cars model railroad

meat packing shop model raiload

ho layout 8x15 night time lights

A big thanks to Wayne. Here’s what I really love about the blog: seeing folk make a start, and then slowly but steadily progress.

And nothing demonstrates this more than Wayne. Have a look and see for yourself.

Wayne’s very first post on his HO layout 8×15 is here.

HO track layout

Wayne’s second post on his layout is here.

HO layout scratch build

Wayne’s third HO layout post.

HO layout progress

HO scale layout update number 4

HO tunnels progress

Wayne’s 5th update on his HO layout 8×15

HO scale mine factory

I do admire the way Wayne has grabbed the bull by the horns and just gone for it – it’s the start that stops most of us when it comes to a layout.

A HO Layout 8×15 seems to be a very popular size too – here’s Jeff’s 8×15 HO scale if you missed it.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And don’t forget the Beginner’s Guide, if today is the day you start your railroad adventure.



PS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

Need buildings for your layout? Have a look at the Silly Discount bundle.

16 Responses to HO Layout 8×15

  1. Al, Thanks again for what you do., Makes my day. Regarding Wayne, who seems to share his opinion of ” the critic” along with a lot of us folks. Mom always said,
    “if you can’t say something nice, don’t ….ETC.”. My opinion is that the “critic”
    should spend a lot of time in front of a mirror and I realize that the above is not
    worth publishing…..RJ Toledo Ohio USA

  2. Brian Messenger says:

    I agree with Richard wholeheartedly about the “critic”. Enough said 😜
    Brian – the HOn3 guy – Knysna RSA

  3. TJK says:

    RJ……Dropping a bomb on the “critic”……love it!!!

  4. Beautiful layout.

  5. Mark T. Pianka says:

    Nice looking layout, Great bridge work, lets see that layout completed. looking good!

  6. BUBBa says:

    Great layout !
    Tell us more about the bike trip. What states ?
    Sounds like a great trip. Your ride ?

  7. I do like what you’ve done.

  8. Erick says:

    Nice.!!!! Would like to see more. I hope mine turns out that good.

  9. tim says:

    Nice to see the raw beginning construction of layout. Sure to be fun getting it completed.

  10. Fred Gevalt says:

    May a “meteor shower” fall on the critic! Wayne will still be tooling down the highway on his hawg, looking for adventure, whilst solving a model RR problem in his mind.

    Don’t have Parkinsons (yet) but I’m right behind you Wayne (on my Road King) keep on trucking!

    Fred Gevalt

  11. Richard Chapple Sr says:

    Wow what a good article Wayne. You have done a lot and have enjoyed every bit of it. I laughed to see the way you responded to the Critic in a humorous way as it appears to me you are laughing with him and not at him or being angry. I see the Critic as having a type of humor in his responses while living up to the term Critic. So I too prefer to chuckle with him. He is a model railroader too and I imagine if we could see some of his work, it probably would put my work to shame. Hopefully he will post some of his railroad for us to enjoy. Personally I have to apply a lot of effort not to be thin skinned about various comments I have had from others because I can tend to be weak in that area. Constructive criticism is always welcome, destructive criticism is just that.
    Wow Wayne, this 80 year old would enjoy having you as a neighbor. We would absolutely have fun. Good job.
    Dick (little r) from Hardin Mt USA

  12. TJK says:

    I ANXIOUSLY await a still photo or video from the “critic” of his modeling efforts. Seems he is a sleeper just laying low,
    Just waiting to criticize those who are just plain enjoying a hobby.

  13. Ole Buddy Dave says:

    Nice layout you have there. I know that I sometimes have to “walk away” from my layout when frustrated with a problem with track, but with a fresh mind and a good road trip (or golf trip) seems to work wonders on mind set. Love the Comet mine.
    Keep up the good work, I too am anxiously waiting to see photos from “the critic”
    This is a wonderful hobby, and I am planning on sending pics of my layout soon. I have been working on it for 5 years. Loved the pics you sent Wayne!
    Ole buddy Dave

  14. Stephen Hill says:

    Looking like the makings of a fine layout .
    Ignore the cabooses , you’re the engineer of your layout .
    Keep up the good work .

  15. Gerald says:

    Great modeling of a gravel road!

  16. John Sussmann says:

    Wayne keep up the great work. It looks fantastic.

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