HO model railroad scenes

The talented Dan has been back in touch with more of his HO model railroad scenes:

Al, here is a continuation of the last set of photos around the layout.

Enough said. You got to keep the law happy.

HO model railroad scenes donut shop

Part of the overall scene.

model train bridge

One of the stores in town.

HO model railroad scenes store

The liars’ bench in front of a campaign headquarters to set the year of the layout.

 model train street store

Night along the stores. I don’t run the trains at “night” but it looks good anyway.

HO model railroad scenes store at night

HO scale store night

HO scale store night

HO model railroad scenes:

Look close and you will see that the sign painter has misspelled almost just under the ladder to the left.

HO model railroad scenes factory

Weddings are nice. The HO “tin cans” behind the Chevy are made from solder droppings.

HO model railroad scenes church

To help set the era of the layout the stop sign is yellow. The use of red for stop signs was still a few years away

model train crossing

This is a HO model railroad Fine Scale Miniature kit. The were great craftsman kits. I did weather this kit. The truck was a resin casting. I also like slogans for my businesses.

HO model railroad scenes factory

This truck was also a resin casting.

HO scale house truck

A local gas station. This is a Woodland Scenic kit.

HO model railroad scenes

Waiting for the train.

HO scale bench people

A house along the railroad.

HO model railroad scenes truck house

I spent a lot of time riding my bike to see the trains in my youth.

model train ho scale people waving at train

Al, I will have another set next week.

Thanks for letting me do these.

A huge big thanks to Dan for sharing his HO model railroad scenes – they really do bring his layout to life.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

model train answers

18 Responses to HO model railroad scenes

  1. Dale Hogan says:

    Dan, yes, the painter may have left the ‘L’ out of ‘A_MOST’, but he may have forgotten to leave a space between the ‘A’ and ‘MOST’, looking at the sign, it could be either! Just a thought!

  2. Rich B. says:

    Perfect, each a scene by itself. Yes, hope to see many more of these. Like the sign lettering schemes and easier redo ideas ^^^. What about Chiefs and Chefs? Think that was spelled Cheifs years ago. Each character also remains static for most part. As if waiting to see train coming in distance and stopping what doing or where going. Good idea to take things one step further with today’s release. Love to see wiring underneath or behind closed doors… how it all actually works.

    Rich, Regards

  3. Tony, Kitty Hawk NC says:

    Dan- excellent work- looking forward to more! The resin casted pick-up is especially well done, they are difficult to make look that good.

  4. Kenneth R Fox says:

    The buildings and a little of the scenery is nice, but would like to see more of the rail layout itself and the overall size of the layout.

  5. Stephen Hill says:

    Never cease to amaze . Great scenes , I especially like the lady window shopping at the emporium, where did you find her ? Love the boots , big ankles and the handbag .
    Good work , very nice layout .

  6. REGEL L. BISSO says:

    I don’t understand Dale Hogan’s comment.

  7. PAUL BOLLIN says:

    These are great and very realistic, especially the campaign headquarters.

  8. Rob McCrain says:

    There are some lovely buildings and scenes on this layout. Many stories are told and mysteries are peeked at in the vignettes. Rob M

  9. George Zaky says:

    It takes time & effort to put together a missive like this and I for one thank you.
    Your work is tops and the details astounding and since you committed to another show next week am excited to see it.
    Explain resin casting please- did you do it? Are all the details store bought? These little minor things are what make your work so great.
    Big Al
    Good show! Java & Dan. Nice.😁

  10. Jim Robinson says:

    Lots of great closeups. Would love to see a schematic or long-shot photo of the layout as a whole.

  11. steve c thompson says:

    Cops hanging out at the donut shop. Ha! Every scene has a yesteryear beautiful touch. Like a Norman Rockwell painting. Superb.

    Steve Thompson North Port, Florida

  12. robert dale tiemann says:

    cope at donut shop, how cliche, haha. love the old cars. really goos layout.

  13. Jim AZ says:

    Great scenes with fantastic detail. Your modeling skills are first class. I think the painter missed a space in the quote. And should have read “ A MOST CLEAN “. But then again, he may have forgotten the L. Either way, it’s conversational.

    Again, great shots and thanks for sharing.

    Jim AZ

  14. Runna Muck says:

    nice, HO the way to go.

  15. santafedan says:

    Several comments for those asking. Rich B, I have posted some of the wire before. I will post another set.
    Kieth Fox, I will post a diagram and some panoramas..
    Stephen Hill, and George Zaky, the figures are all from the various manufactures. However, I often repaint them and cut off legs or arms to fit. For example, the store window has some clothing figures. Notice that the legs are missing to make a manikin for the clothes.
    The rosin vehicles are just clear resin. You have to pain them. For the two trucks (blue and old one) I spray painted a base coat and them finished them with acrylics.

    Jim Robinson, on the way.

  16. Larry K Schweitzer says:

    Excellent work. I really like to see “aging” used to give the allusion of “real”. Clean, new looking things in a model have always been a distraction for me.

  17. Ken Johnson says:

    trying to figure out what years you are going for. Nixon sign is the 1968 election and the yellow stop sign, mandatory red started in 1954.
    so my question is what year / years are you shooting for?
    THANKS for humoring me
    Ken J

  18. santafedan says:

    Ken, red stop signs STARTED in the 50’s. While teaching drivers ed in the early 90’s I still found yellow stop signs. Not on federal highways though.

    The Nixon election was in 1960.

    My era is roughly 1958 to 1961 or so.

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