Starting a model train layout

We’re starting with Allen today because today’s post is all about starting a model train layout.

He’s shared pics of something I am always banging on about: making a start.

It’s probably the most important part of any layout.

You can sit there day dreaming, cogitating or planning – but until you grab a table and start putting track down, it’s all pie in the sky.

That’s why I happily post pics and narratives of half built layouts (and it’s also good to see the journey – I do love an update).

Just remember, it’s the start that stops most people when it comes to a model railroad.

Take Allen, for example. There’s not a lot to see on his layout so far, but he’s made that start. He’s up and running!

“Hello Al.

i am sending a couple pictures of my ho model railroad i have most of the track layed and now the hardest part the scenery!


starting a model train layout

starting a model train layout

starting a a model train layout

starting a a model train layout

starting a a model train layout

starting a a model train layout

starting a a model train layout

Now on to Henry:

“Hello Alastair

Thank you for your daily emails, I always look forward to seeing them pop up in my inbox.

I have added names to all the towns represented on my layout, and in one of the small towns, semaphore signals are still in operation, so I had to add some LED lights so that it can be seen during the night time too.

The semaphore signals have a red and green lens, so depending on the position of the blade, the light either shows danger/red and when the blade is in the raised (upper quadrant) position, it shows green.

I would like to share a few photos and a video tour of my layout.



model railroad signals

model train circuit lable

model train circuit lable

model train circuit lable

model railroad freight train

model railroad steam train

A big thanks to Henry and Allen who have shown what starting a model train layout is all about – stop dreaming, start doing!

You can see Henry’s last post here.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

11 Responses to Starting a model train layout

  1. robert tiemann says:

    nice layout. a lot of work.

  2. david howarth says:

    A good start there Allen

  3. Tom Strangeway says:

    Thanks Henry.
    That brought back some memories of travelling on SAR/ SAS.
    Where’s the blue train?
    Keep going. It’s a wonderful railway.
    Tom. Ex SA in the 80’s

  4. GaryM from Long Island says:

    Wow…a lot of work in both those layouts. They are coming along really great

  5. Henry van Wyk says:

    Tom, the blue train is in storage, as it is summer in SA now, and the blue train coaches come with a warning that they are prone to warping if exposed to high temperatures for to long. As my layout is in my garage, I rather play it safe and store it in the house.

  6. George Zaky says:

    Nice layout. Where are the mountains going?
    Wow! What a complex layout. Double level in a garage & a workshop. Every square inch spoken for.
    Big Al- Thanks

  7. TJK says:

    I can really appreciate how Dangerous Dave is a MASTER MODELER, having a top shelf layout and still he encourages others when we all have a sliver of his capabilities. A tip of the hat to Dave.

  8. Mark T. Pianka says:

    Great looking layouts must show when completed!

  9. Erick says:

    Wow pretty kool? Keep up good Workmanship.

  10. Neal Gordon says:

    Looking good, Allen.
    As a modeler focused primarily on operation, I would love to see a track diagram.

  11. David McElwain says:

    Allen, it appears you are off to an excellent start. I like your choice in motive power and rolling stock.

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