Model train track design – Brian’s HOn3

Brian’s been tinkering with his model train track design and has now taken the plunge:

“Hi Alastair, an article on more work done on the lower level of my layout.

After viewing the temporary track layout in this area of the lower level of my layout, the decision was made to fix the track permanently in place.

This is after months of procrastination and moving / adding buildings and track.

model train track design

Here is the temporary track in place. This photo is before the turntable was put in place. (Top right) and before repainting the facia to the current grey.

lower level track Hon3

Here the track and points are being cut and positioned.

adding turntable to HOn3 layout

The turntable has been put in place. This is where I noticed that the track leading to the freight house on the wharf side was, 1 – the curve was too close to the turntable and 2 – the curve radius was too tight for a locomotive and to deliver freight to the wharf side. Therefore it had to be relocated.

 adding turnout to model train track

This point shown below had to be moved about two inches to the left to be able to increase the radius to allow locomotives and freight cars to be delivered to the wharf side and freight terminal.

model railroad adding turntable and turnout

Another view before moving the point and track. This move also entailed moving the Blue Point motor under the layout to its new position.

Model train track design:

 lower level model train layout

This view showing the new track layout leading to the freight terminal and wharf side.

testing model train track

Another view showing final placement of the track and before placing sleepers in all the gaps under the rails.

model train track design

This photo below shows the small engine facilities for refuelling the locomotives for the return journey to the yard at the other end of the ‘U’ shaped layouts lower level.

model train track design

Will need to do some minor adjustments to the building placement for clearances.

model train track design

Moving around to the next section behind the freight terminal, there was a lot of empty real estate and decided to add another point and track to some new industries. Here it is shown in it’s temporary position.

model railroad end of line

It can be seen here how much space (real estate) can be used for industry. This would allow for a lot more operation.

model train track design

Now to find some appropriate industries for this location. At least materials can now be delivered to the small wharf by rail.

model train track design

13Track work has been temporarily placed to see if it is workable.

 temporary placement of HO scale buildings

Track and point has now been fixed in place and all electrics connected.

model train track design

A view from the opposite end.

adding warehouse to model railroad

An overall view of the new area on the lower level.

model train track design

A more closer view of above. Nice and busy.

model train track design

Temporary positions of buildings to see what would work or won’t.

 temporary placement of HO scale buildings

Same again (excuse the arm) used to take the photo.

temporary placement of HO scale buildings

Some of the industries and more modern equipment (later era than my layouts era) shown was left over from a small modern layout that I helped build for a friend and he kindly donated the leftovers to me.

The next project here is to start with all the ground cover and scenery before I move onto the next and last section of the layout.

Still a lot of work to do and as they say – a layout is never finished.

All the best and a big thank you to Alastair for keeping this site going.

Brian – the HOn3 guy in Knysna RSA”

A big thanks to Hall of Fame Brian for sharing his model train track design update. Can’t wait to see how this one progresses.

Here’s some more posts on the thorny topic of track planning:

Model railroad track planning

Model railroad design

Model train track planner

Model train track plans

Track plan layout – do you need one?

I know some of you like to plan your layout, and others just jump in (Wayne’s always springs to mind).

Just remember, if you’re having fun, you’re doing right. It’s as simple as that.

One last thing – I’m going as fast as I can with the new store, until then, I’m putting these bundles together for a short while.

Here’s the silly discount bundle for just $29.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

13 Responses to Model train track design – Brian’s HOn3

  1. robert dale tiemann says:

    really nice set up. nice job.

  2. Stephen Hill says:

    Incredible detail , quite amazing. Buildings and structures are very nice , wharf and piers are way cool and very nicely detailed. Truly a talented modeler . Look forward to seeing it come together, please keep posting .

  3. tom gray says:

    Awesome modeling in your layout. Like your Galloping Goose too. Does it make a daily mail run?
    All the Best to you in your railroading.

  4. Robert says:

    We need to see water at the boat docks that’ll make the layout pop.
    The Critic

  5. george zaky says:

    What an astounding submission. Insight into the thinking & thought process of a DaVinci caliber modeler where we mortals may learn and marvel at the creation of a masterpiece. You never cease to blow me away at how you model, paint your canvas and have an inventory that boggles the mind.
    Cant thank you enough for the time & effort to display this work and hope to see those awesome details as you proceed.
    Big Al
    So many missives of great talent lately that my appreciation was redundant and so I kept silent but joyful of every one of them.
    Bless you for your hard work.

  6. Rob McCrain says:

    What a wonderful layout in progress. A sweeping track plan that seems well thought through. Many interesting structures. I will be fascinating to see this in the later stages. This one will be outstanding I am sure.

  7. MARKLIN ED says:

    What a great thought pattern, wonderful ideas. I have on idea take out the building and add another siding. Where did you get those models?

  8. Steve Ruple says:

    WOW !!! Brian, what a very nice layout you have been constructing. A lot of nice scenes, great work !!!!

  9. Dan Piccolo says:

    Will ground cover include ballast for the tracks.

  10. James says:

    Say, you don’t have an schematic drawing of your layout? I’d like to see it.

  11. Glyn Jones says:

    Great work Brian- looking forward to seeing the progress in what is clearly going to be an impressive layout.

  12. Will in NM says:

    Great layout update Brian! I love the way you kind of design the layout on the fly by placing your structures and then working the track until it suits you. Only one question though: what seaport did the Denver & Rio Grande Western or the RGS serve? The D&RGW did get to Salt Lake City, so I guess your seaport could be on the Great Salt Lake. 🙂
    p.s. Is that cork you’re laying your track on or some kind of fiberboard?

  13. Brian Messenger says:

    Hi Will, the bottom level is a fictitious place with the sea / lake base which runs HOn3 D&RGW locomotives and rolling stock and just continues around the ‘U’ shaped a yard and engine facilities at the other end.
    The two foot wide (bottom level) shelf layout itself is a base of 3/8 inch plywood with a layer of 1/8 th cork glued to the top. I have used this method on both levels of the train room. (Top level is only a foot wide – 12 inches)
    The way I figured out the track work was the industries came first (originally served by truck / road and eventually the industries needed rail to deliver the goods. (That my story and I am sticking to it).
    Brian – The HOn3 guy in Knysna RSA

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