Rich has been in touch with his N scale model trains layouts – well, there’s quite a few more too as you’ll read:
“It has been approximately 15 months since I have sent in anything of my layouts.
I was not able to do very much for about a year. Finally had major back and neck surgery which has a 6 to 18 month recovery, but I am way ahead of schedule and am able to walk and stand and do stuff again. I am limited in some ways so it was time to rethink what I am doing with the train layouts as they are now.
I will be 83 soon, it seemed to me it’s time to re-arrange and downsize a bit.
So, I tore out the 20 year old G scale basement layout, and also dismantled the huge N scale California Zephyr layout.
All G scale equipment was moved up to the garage, and all N scale, TT scale, HO scale, and Lionel 3-rail equipment went down to the basement.
I cannot carry more than 25 pounds at a time, so for two months I dismantled and moved equipment. I had enough lumber piled up to build a small house, wow!!! I hate to waste stuff and try to repurpose as much as possible.
So now, in the garage will be a G scale point to point layout 3′ wide and around 3 walls totaling a length of 60 feet. This opened up a lot of room in the garage, both cars fit in and I still can work on the layout with plenty room.
Downstairs in the room that is 22′ by 17′ I have the smaller gauge layouts.
The N scale layout is 3′ by 12′, the little 32″ by 50” TT layout slides under the N scale layout.
The TT layout sits on it’s own table so I can slide it out to work on it, then slide it back under the N scale layout.
Next I built a 4′ by 8′ table with storage underneath and on wheels to put the Lionel 3-rail Polar Express and Hogwort Express trains on and allow me to run some other nice 3-rail locos I have.
Lastly, a former G scale shelf will now be for an HO switching layout which will be about 2′ wide by 16′ long.
So far this past couple weeks, I laid out the 3-rail Lionel track. And I have developed a new N scale layout plan. The track is laid out.
My inspiration came from a fellow that has built a wonderful 3′ by 7′ layout and has several you tube videos on his CCMR. Chicago Crossing Model Railroad.
I borrowed a lot of his layout and like the fact it involves Chicago as this allows me to use the equipment I already have.
Trying hard to be organized, each layout has storage underneath to store it’s train equipment,
So a fresh start all around, and lots to do.
N scale
N scale
N and TT scale layouts
Lionel 3 rail
Space for HO layout
G scale space!
TT scale
TT scale storage shelf
TT under the N scalelayout.
Thanks for all you do for us Al.
Happy New Year.
Richard Chapple Sr (Dick)(little r) from Hardin Montana USA”
A big thanks to Hall of Fame Rich for sharing his N scale model trains layouts, and the others.
There are lots of posts on the site of folk downsizing for one reason or another. What I love about it, is they all adapt so they can carry on playing with trains – no matter what life throws at them.
Rich’s N scale also reminded me of Dean’s N scale, which is also at the planning stage: N scale model railroad.
That’s all for today folks.
Please do keep ’em coming.
And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.
PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.
PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.
Need buildings for your layout? Have a look at the Silly Discount bundle.
very nice layouts. good work. nice ideas
You have quite a setup there!! Looks great! I don’t know how you find time to tackle four different scales.
Mind boggling with all different gauges “in progress”. Scenery is whimsical but well done, actually works. Work areas are really organized but why so many layouts?? I would have kept one scale and yard sales the rest… too overwhelming to ever finish anything even at my age 78.
Believe house will burn down first with all the extension cord wiring. NOT saying to be rude but real safety issue. Happens up here in the ME Outback continuously. Fire trucks up and down the road daily, some of these houses on historical registration. Sure, had master electrician license at 24YO among other things. All a blurr these days lmao. Please get a bit safer?
Hey Rich,
It’s great to see what all you have accomplished despite your age and health issues. Then again, having a goal and staying active is the secret to a full life. Great work. Keep it up.
Wow what progress – the only thing missing is S gauge 😀 !!
Rich…..nice job…..send pictures when continuing
It’s great that you are recovering well, I’m recovering from open heart surgery and aortic valve replacement. That’s quite a collection of trains you have and you have the room to run them all, great job !!!!! I have quite a collection of trains too but don’t have the room to set them all up. I’m like you, I won’t give up my trains either!!!!!!!!
What I would give for the space you have. Speedy recovery and keep up the great work.
Thanks for the nice comments folks. Hi Scott: I sold all of my S scale, Z scale, and Standard Gauge trains to gain some much needed room. For too many years I envisioned opening up a train house for the public and had acquired trains of every scale including my 1.5″ riding scale trains. I was never able to secure a building. But I like my trains, Steve Ruple you’re my buddy, over the years I have managed to start several people into the hobby.
Rich B. Thank you for your concern about electrical safety and your comments…really, I appreciate it. I do not have any extension cords in the room, what you are seeing are the pigtails of the LED shop lights. Total current draw from all the lights equals less than a standard 300watt bulb, low energy drain, no heat buildup, tight connections, these are throw away shop lights when the LEDs quit working so I did not want them hard wired in.There is a left over tangle of wires for cable TV, and other video cables that will be taken down when I get to it. The backdrop paintings you are referring to actually fit very well with the G scale layout before I dismantled it. I did not want to take these backdrops down, four of us painted over 90 feet of backdrops which took several weeks to do. Take a little time to look over my older submissions you will see more of the story on these.
I did display my trains publicly several times over the years which helped to start more model train enthusiasts and modelers.
Again, thank you all for taking a look, Happy New Year and good health to you all.
Hey Rich.
I see a clock in one of your photos.
Dump it. You’ve got all the time in the world buddy.
Toys will keep you going.
What JC Nelson says above. As one with some serious physical limitations, I’m grateful for you encouraging example.
Instead of commercial that said “got milk” your slogan could be “got books”
Hi Rich,
Your commentary was inspirational.
I am 76 and am about to embark on building my first train set. I want to build a 30″ x 14′ N scale of the Wild West. I have a 6′ x 10′ painting done by my high school friend. He is a gone now, but his painting remains. The train will go in a see-though plastic box in front of it. (The box because of little kids who come to visit.)
Anyway, I am in a hospital in Bangkok awaiting surgery for a disk that is almost completely blown away plus cancer tumors up and down my spine.
Hardin MT, eh? I LOVE Montana. My favorite state. This from someone who spent 34 years in rural Alaska. After 48 years teaching high school and college, I am now living in Thailand.
All the best,
George Guthridge