A little more from Phil’s layout

Phile has been in touch again. His last post is here.

“Hi Al.

Many thanks for posting my correspondence to you,

My grandchildren and myself was taken aback when we opened the email link.

I would also like to thank the guys who made their comments, I have taken advice given as seen in these picture’s.

I will be working on the second deck of the track next then working out how to get more power to the top deck s I seam to be fading as the locos move away from the main power supply.

I have bought a DCC system but not got my head around the setting up as yet.

Both my grandchildren have put their mark on the layout TELLING me I have done things wrong keen to point out how

Thomas the tank is how a train set should be lol.

I have added a safety barrier in case of derailments as suggested by one kind gent.

Once again many thanks for putting a smile on my grandchildren’s face when they saw the pics posted on your site.







“Hello Al.

Tommy Wilkens here from Palm Coast Florida USA.

Thanks for the wonderful site you run and all the helpful tips.

I have enclosed some pictures of my little village layout that I built completely out of balsa wood and the whole thing was free hand built.

The names of all the building are named after my 5 grand kids.My train gauge is O scale.

I have really enjoyed the project and we keep building on.

Thanks again and please feel free to use the pictures I have sent to you.

Cheers Tommy”






“Here’s what I did with the facade. Thanks Al!”

model train scenery

Pete has done a spectacular job on with the print out scenery – don’t forget there’s lots more just like in the store.

And of course, there’s John’s step by step video for the embankment here.

That’s all this time folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

Beginner’s Guide is here if you want to get off the side lines.



PS Heading off to ebay? Latest ebay cheat sheet here.

14 Responses to A little more from Phil’s layout

  1. Shlack says:

    Bravo Phil, Great to see the efforts of fellow “high railers”.
    (And keeping the grand kids busy and happy).

  2. David Howarth says:

    Well done Phill , once you get the hang of DCC you will love it , far better than analogue ….Nice set up you have made there Tommy …Dangerous Dave

  3. Carl says:

    Phil: to get more power to all regions of your layout, run feeder wires to the track at approx. every 3 feet. I like the suitcase connectors to attach the feeders to the main bus wire. Use 2 diff colour wires and make sure the feeders are always on the same side or you’ll end up with a short. Good luck with your DCC.
    Carl, Port Hope, Ontario

  4. Mike Pettruzzelli says:

    Phil….Could you possibly be a “Displaced” Seattle Seahawks fan?…That sure looks like the their place of business to me…Neat little layout…Looks like fun….Mike

  5. As long as you are having fun it doe’s not matter what scale you like or how huge
    your village is ! I would be able to enjoy O to Z or any thing between and have fun
    with all if I had the time +room +money to build in all of them !
    I like your projects and the fact that you include the family in the fun !

  6. paul Otway says:

    Nice layouts

  7. Vic Heffren says:

    Looks like a fun layout!

  8. Peter P says:

    Hi Phil, well done. Your “power fade ptoblem” can be attributed to a few things. One reply said to use more dropper wires. We always use droppers for each section of track beyween rail joiners. The joiners, over time, tend to oxidise forming a barrier for the elecricity to flow. Also loose joiners do not help.
    Also a very important part of the wiring, is the copper core diameter (ie. Not the insulation). An absolute minimum would be 1.5mmm dia, on up to 2 mm dia or more. The length of run is also a factor. The longer the run the more “volt drop” you will have, therefor requiring larger diameter copper wire.
    I hope the preceeding is useful to you
    Happy modell
    Finally if your transfomer is too low in amps, and you like to run several locos at once, you will not have enough juice fore them all! 3 amp supply would be a minimum for a modest layout. Cheers, Pete

  9. Phil says:

    Hi All.
    Many thanks for your messages, Pete _ Many thanks for your advice, my overall length of track used is approx. 170foot, so maybe dropper wires will be my next step on getting all up and running correctly. Once again big thanks to all.

  10. tim mcmrnamin says:

    to tommy wilkins
    i like your layout

  11. Robert Brady says:

    YO TOMMY what exactly is that arena used for ? That’s what you call nose bleed section, lol
    Why did u chose O scale w/that 3 rail track ?
    The Critic

  12. Erick says:

    Nice workmanship. Would like to see more.

  13. Paul Niswander says:

    I presume Bady is as dogmatic about his religion and politics as he is about his scale! Get a life and Go 3-track!! Its all about fun!!!

  14. william j plmer says:

    very nice

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