Mountain layout – John’s

We’re starting with John’s mountain layout today:

“Hi Al,

I thought I’d opine on a subject that is sometimes overlooked as we build our miniature railroad worlds.

My article here is on “focusing” or “guiding” our visitors to a scene.

A little background. In the real world as we visit a park, take a walk in the country, or amble through a museum, most of us will not remember in any detail 90% of the day.

On the way home as we look back at our adventure, we’ll remember specific parts of the day’s journey. Very little or at best most is not pinned to our memory.

So then, what made the memory flashbulb go off? The scene had something to draw our eye and hold it long enough to imprint a memory. Museums are expert at this, we don’t remember the hallway to the dinosaur bones, but remember the bones.

On my layout, I’ve tried to have 3 places where my visitors “take in a scene” as shown in the schematic picture.

In model building we often take great pride in the details of the model, place it on the layout and then have to mention those detail labors of love to our visitors as they are drawn to looking elsewhere.

In the pictures I have attached, I have taken from the perspective of the persons visiting my West Virginia mountains, and try to show how I’ve worked to stage the scenes.

Obviously since we are looking at the HO world from what would be equivalent to a helicopter window flying some 500 feet or more in the air, one will see a larger scene than if we were walking along the road in the real world.

That means some manipulation of space is required. I try to present the whole scene, then as one gets closer, mini-scenes of the total.

If my visitors are interested in details, such as in the “old mine” picture, I try to have some holes in the trees or places to look past the building to see those details. In the case of the old mine, I made a “funnel” in the hills to draw the eye past the new mine to the old one.

If I want to create focus, and I can, I provide extra light on a place, as shown by example the picture of my electrical sub-station.

Since I’m modeling mountains in the coal mine sections, I have the advantage of adding details on levels. The picture of the old water tower above the mines supplying water to them is an example of elevating the scene to a different level, as is the picture of wooden bridge which is lower and more in the foreground. Going from eye level and continuing downward, I modeled a canyon under the bridges which drops to just 3” above the floor.

Most of what I have here has been sent in before in articles Al has been kind enough to post, but I thought I’d try to add a new perspective to what we do as we build our models.

I’m happy with the way this layout came out… but some of the radius of the turns are too tight, so I can’t run many of the locomotives and passenger equipment I’d like to have as part of the running environment.

So I’ve been slowing down on “new” construction as I’m going to be moving the layout to a new location. (groan) Starting in a month or so, I’ll be sawing the thing into pieces which I can move from the basement of the house to the top floor attic, some 3 floors (and 5 doorways!) up.

First job is to finish the upstairs room, put down a new floor, get lighting and power where I need it, paint walls and ceiling for background, and add some baseboard heat.

I hope to document the work on what will be very likely my last layout!


John From Baltimore”

A big thanks to John.

If you want to read his last post, it’s right here.

Now on to another John:

“I have been at this 20×16 layout for almost a year now and i think i finally got the first layer done.

I dont have a “plan” i just know what i want in my head.

My first layout was 4×8 and i realized that for HO this was way to small for everything i wanted and to incorporate the things my dad and i wanted to add to his layout when i was a tadpole.

2 mains lines merge to 1 in the what will be the country, a few sides and a lil train watching and switching, has a bit of everything i guess.

I am from Baraboo WI so the Barnum and bailey circus is in my veins and as a little kid, every day i seen the circus train.

One town over North Freedom has a RR museum and you can ride the old steams, in my mind how can you not love trains lol.

After double the size of my old layout this one seems small too, just never enough room for my imagination.


starting your train layout track work

starting your train layout sceney

starting your train layout track work

Now on to Robert, who has sent in a good piece on something I’m always going on about: making a start.

“I have been working on a humble N gauge layout that serves two purposes.

It puts a train around our little Christmas tree, and the rest of the year there’s a mountain in the center with a lighthouse on top for the grandkids to amuse themselves with when they visit.

The whole thing sits atop my stereo cabinet. The layout had to be compact and lightweight.

1. I started with Styrofoam insulation sheets. I used low-temperature hot melt along the edges to fuse the sheets. The finished foam base is about 2.5 by 5 feet. I outlined where the tracks would fall and sketched the position of the mountain. The inside track is a figure eight, and the outside is an oval with a trestle in front.

2. I braced the Styrofoam with furring strips and added squares of furring strips as standoffs to provide space for wiring.

3. Next, I laid the track down, proved it with the trains, made adjustments, then glued it down using Loctite Power Grab construction adhesive. The three blocks in the center serve to hold the Christmas tree legs. They also serve to define the outside shape of the mountain.

4. I outlined the shape of the walls of the mountain on cardstock, then broke up chunks of Styrofoam and used them like building blocks, gluing them with hotmelt on top of the cardstock outline. Notice the shoe I made from cardstock to hold the foot of the tree. I did this for two of the three legs.

5. Here you can see a partially completed wall. I numbered each of the wall outlines so I would not confuse where each one went. I then sculpted the wall with a razor blade and covered it with tissue and diluted white glue to make it appear more like rock.

6. After outlining the locations of the walls, I used diluted white glue and toilet paper to add texture to the tunnel floor.

7. Here is a shot of the painted cave floor with the mountain walls glued in place.

8. Next, I cut foam for the tops of the entrances and a center piece for the top of the tunnels or cave. The entrance tops will be glued in place while the center piece is a friction fit.

9. I used tissue to trace the outline of the mountain walls and then cut a sheet of foam to match the tracing.

10. The piece that fits inside the mountain is then glued to the piece that serves as a base for the top of the mountain.

11. Turn the piece over and it fits snugly into the mountain base.

12. I built up the mountain top and prepared it for the lighthouse. The village to the left is Sunnydale, and the village on the right is Forest Falls. Pete’s dragon Elliott is sitting in his cave, anxiously awaiting his apples and a cocktail by the beach. Sunnydale, a happy little cul-de-sac, will have a gondola ride to the top of the mountain.

Much more to do…


A big thanks to Robert and both Johns.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you poke boredom in the eye, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

Control Panel with Berrett toggle switches for Kato Unitrack layout

Edward’s been in touch with his Kato unitrack layout:

“Hi Al,

Attached are pictures of a Control Panel for my n scale Kato Unitrack layout shown in pic A.

It is a modification with Kato Unitrack layout from the 5th Edition of Hornby Railways Track Plans.

kato unitrack layout

Hornby orginal:

hornby track layout

The panel is mounted on a pull-out shelf under the layout.

model train control panel

pic 1 – Top of pullout shelf with switch yard diagram. Toggles inserted in cutouts in foam board under the turnout locations in the diagram.

Toggle leads threaded through the perforated board to the control circuits underneath.

control panel circuits

pic 2 – Underside. Power supplies to rear, Track power leads with mini Tamiya sockets for Kato power leads on right.

Small green circuit board is the Digitrax AR1 automatic reverse Controller for DCC operation of the Kato turntable.

Berrett Toggle circuit boards mounted on aluminum strip in middle.

Plugin panel with mini Tamiya sockets for cables to Kato turnouts at rear.

tamiya sockets control panel

pic 3 – Front view of plugin panel with mini Tamiya sockets for cables to Kato turnouts.

model railroad control panel

pic 4 – The finished panel.

Hope these ideas help others using Kato Unitrack.


Now on to Chuck who is in the middle of his layout:

“Hi Al,

I promised you that I would send you photos of what I am building with your downloads.

Sorry it took ne a while, but I am a slow worker!

The photos are of the engine house, which I modified, added interior wall framing, windows, and made it a little longer on one side.

The embankment wall has also been used as bridge supports and a stone platform for the station of my mining town.

I also have used the wooden tunnel portal to make several retaining walls.

And finally, I used the jetty wall as a base for one of the wharves at my waterfront area.

As can be seen in the photos there is a lot of work left to do in all areas of the layout, but I am having a blast using your print outs!

Thanks to John’s great videos, I have found several uses for the printouts and I will update you as work progresses.

Thanks for your site and the great inspiration!


Chuck from California”

printable building engine shed

printable building engine shed

engine shed with locomotives

engine shed with locomotives

engine shed with locomotives

printable building engine shed

printable building engine shed

printable building engine shed

A big thanks to Edward and Chuck.

I do enjoy seeing what you’ve made with the printable buildings.

Here’s a collection of stuff from a while back too – you really are a creative lot. John’s videos always raise a smile too.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you wave goodbye to boredom and get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

Scratch built N scale models

Richard has been in touch with his N scale scratch built models.

As you’ll read, he hasn’t laid an inch of track yet.

But he’s made a start, and more importantly, having fun – which was good enough for me.

And I also love what he’s done:

“Hello Alistair,

I’ve really been enjoying the emails, blogs, photos and “how to’s” from your site.

Thought I’d throw my 2 cents in with some photos of my first few scratch N scale builds.

All of these are made from balsa strips, popsicle sticks!, 0.03 inch thick styrene, a 0.06″ “For Sale” sign (purchased at my local hardware store for $2.00) , brick and stone paper printed on the back of wall paper, and styrene roofing sheets.

Most of the windows were purchased on ebay, but some were 3D printed (I’m still on a huge learning curve for this!).

I’m using the scale of 1/155 – 1/160 and therefore One foot = approx 2mm.

Some are complete but others have a few details to finish.

The first photo shows some of the materials that I use.

The funny thing is that I haven’t laid an inch of track yet! I wanted to have some buildings ready to go before I start my layout.

Thanks for letting me post!



materials for scratch build

N scale scratch built model stone barn scratch build

N scale scratch built model house

scratch built n scale house

N scale scratch built model factory

N scale scratch built model factory

scratch built signal box

scratch built signal box

N scale barn scratch build

n scale barn scratch build

scratch build house n scale

scratch build house n scale

scratch build house n scale

Now on to Dave:

“Just uploaded my completed work on the track problems on the layout, touch wood now all running smoothly until them Gremlins come back and start causing problems again.

I just have to finish off with some track grime, but need to wait till all perfectly dry then can finish it off, but for now happy with it all.



model railway

model railway

model railway

Thanks to Dave, and a big thanks to Richard too for sharing his N scale scratch built buildings.

It just goes to show the most important part of any layout is to make a start and have fun.

I know most of you lay track then get busy on the scenery.

But as Richard shows, there are no hard and fast rules.

If you want to make that start with a few models, roll up your sleeves like Richard and make that start.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you poke boredom in the eye, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More N scale layouts here if that’s your thing.

model train answers