Lionel model train

Doug has been in touch with his Lionel model train:

“Dear Al,

I have followed your postings for some time revelling at the awesome displays that you readers have.

As there are many many more hobbyists using the HO and N scales, the set ups they had were mere curiosities to me as I run an older Lionel 027 and am limited to how much detail I can create.

Of late however you have been posting articles of the larger sets so I decided I would send you a sample of what I had created.

In 1959 I received a Lionel train set at Christmas, as the years passed the set got bounced around, in moving boxes, from house to house, being set up several times and taken down once more.

The intention had always been to give the set to my son once he began a family, however when he bought himself a hobby farm which included a fair size barn it was decided to once again set the tracks up and see what happened.

In or around the year 2005 the Canadian dollar became par with the almighty American dollars and for a few weeks it even exceeded the value. At that moment I proceeded to purchase additional tracks and cars to enhance the set up as the actual space I had was now 22 feet in length and 18 feet wide. This was a far cry for the 4 x 8 setups I had been used to.

Unfortunately my son met someone and decided to sell his farm, leaving me with little choice but to pack things up my Lionel train set only this time I had some 50 packing boxes full.

At the same time I had decided to get together with my high school sweet heart who I had not seen in 39 years. She accepted to allow me to bring my trains with me and I moved to Calgary, Alberta from Montreal, the only hitch was I could not set the trains up inside her house.

Eventually I was able to construct a small set up along the outside wall of the house, with another smaller operation in the garage. during the winter months both set up were mothballed.

My companion past away in 2018 from cancer, leaving me with little option but to pack the train setup once again so it could be moved.

I decided then as I was to be living alone to purchase a residence where I could enjoy the trains to their fullest extent all year long and this is finally what I was able to accomplish. No doubt at my death the trains will be packed up for one final move, but I happily will not be around to see that happen.

I have organized the layout so one track runs completely around the outside, which the other track runs more or less in an L, yet also can transfer off on to the centre table.

I had purchased two legacy locomotives so that when my grandchildren visit they can run each their own, on either track, all my other other engines have to be controlled by a transformer which at their young age they find a bit complicated.

As for photos, I had to do a bit of organizing, as the grand kids had been very busy with their imaginations and several of my scenes had been taken out of context. I have included a zipped file of some 43 photos for you to use as you wish – I have letter coded them with my paragraphs of the description)

So if you will permit the first shot is what you see as you descend into the basement.

Lionel model train

lionel model train lighthouse

lionel train set

lionel train set

lionel backdrop

Under the bridge I not having more room, placed a small mock up of a camp ground my companion had help make while we were together in Calgary.

lionel model train cars

In my city I have used several different structures some being Wrebbit 3 D puzzles , the tall building were also puzzles I had accumulated while working for a gift distribution company, the side walks are from Majo kits , the roads are HO Play Tape which I enlarged to fit my 1/43 scale vehicles.

lionel model train car

lionel signal box

lionel fire station

Taking you in to a more industrial area I have created from card stock a replica of a transport warehouse M&D a transport company with whom I did business back in 1968.( there is some interior work in the warehouse)

lionel train warehouse

lionel warehouse

lionel warehouse

lionel model train warehouse

Of course any one using the large trains will recognize the Marx terminal , this comes from a boy hood friend who got it as an Christmas present but who was not really into trains and since he had three daughters figured I could make better use of it. ( a shot of the interior of this warehouse also)

lionel loading platform

I have tried to create a more or less suburban area again using Wrebbit 3 D puzzles , I am not quite finished organizing the area to suit my tastes , I need organize a more grassy looking base on which to place the houses ( this is one work in progress area).

lionel house

lionel house

As I very into trucks ( I have some 300 of them many still in boxes) I reconstructed a service station I had purchased when I was about 13 ( which I foolishly gave away when I got married).

lionel truck stop

lionel lorry

lionel truck stop

In Calgary, I had made a simple water scene to allow for connecting the two tables I had built at the side of the house so decided I would incorporate it once more in my new location. (work in progress is fixing the over pass that was demolished at the time of the move)( S, T and U)

lionel train set

lionel harbor

lionel water scene

As I had a good number of Wrebbit 3 D houses I created another suburban area.

lionel train set houses

lionel train set houses

lionel train set houses

Town centre is made up of card stock, 3 D, K-Line, Lionel and other buildings . I used an old tobacco container to make my water tower, labeling it with the name of the town I was brought up in.

lionel houses

lionel road

lionel road

lionel road

The next area is a location that is a work in progress, I have several card stock buildings – Clever and Evans – products that I am cutting and gluing together trusting I will have room enough to place them here , and on the lift up platform.

lionel train set

This takes us into the middle section where you can see the outside track running through the bridge and across to the side table and the other track running around the interior which connects to the interior track on the side table . Again there are a multitude of makes of buildings.

lionel train set

lionel model train truck warehouse

lionel model train street scene

lionel model train truck

lionel track and road

lionel model train city

lionel model train cars street

The next to last photos was my latest work making a commercial street scene, one photo was taken with people lined up on the street, the second was with out the people as my grandchildren had banged into table and knocked all the people off.

lionel model train stores

lionel model railroad stores

Cold winters are long in Canada, and now that I am set up in my very own basement I can spend hours up hours working , running and otherwise enjoying myself with my set up. This very last photo is really a favourite of mine, it shows just how much fun you can have, letting your imagination run with out having to be political correct.

lionel train set police station

Trusting you enjoyed the tour as I have enjoyed all that you have posted.


Moncton New Brunswick


A big thanks to Doug for sharing his lionel train set with us – and his narrative too.

You can see his Lionel trains running here.

That’s all for today folks, hope you enjoyed it as much as me.

Whenever I get a Lionel email through, it always reminds me of Bill’s Lionel model railroad.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming because it’s ghostly quiet this end.

And if today is the day you do something for yourself instead of everybody else, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

Making trees model railroad

Rob’s sent in these pics and youtube on making trees for your model railroad.

Have a look at the results – impressve stuff:

“Hi Al,

I have decided to build a small remnant primordial forest for my layout Farland.

The tree I built for my holiday video was the first in the series. I have built two more since then and I am working on my first deciduous tree now which will be the subject of my next video, not this one.

This video is about building a Fir tree, an evergreen.

I experimented using sawdust to simulate bark in the video. I did not think of doing it until I had the first layer of foliage glued to the branches. It could have been a disaster adding the bark after the foliage but it worked out okay.

The tree I built next did get its sawdust/bark first and I also painted it before any foliage went on and it turned out really well. I have included photos of both the video subject tree and the one built subsequent to the video.


tree trunk for model train

tre trunk with foliage

tree model railroad

tree model train

model train tree

model train tree

making trees model railroad

making trees model railroad

making trees model railroad

tree foliage model railroad

making trees model railroad

A big thanks to Hall of Fame member Rob for his ‘making trees model railroad’ tutorial.

Over the years there have been quite a few on plants, trees and grass. Here are some of them:

Adding grass to your layout

Tall grass

That’s all for today folks.

And don’t forget the Beginner’s Guide is here if you want to start your own layout.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

N scale DCC Bristol and Cheston Line

Yale’s been back in touch with his ‘finished’ N scale DCC layout.

“Schiffy here.

There have been a lot of updates to our N Scale Bristol and Cheston Line since my last post.

We underwent a name change. It is now Fairfield and Cheston.

With the completion of the Industrial Complex this phase of our railroad construction is pretty much done. That is if you can ever be done.

I’ve enclosed some photos which show the detailing that we started to add.

It is lot of work for arthritis hands but very satisfying.

We upgraded to DCC and added three DCC locomotives and two throttles in addition to the one that is on the DCC console. We used the jump ports and our old DC power pacs. My next goal is to have computer control of all train operations.

I am adding NMRI software along with some hardware so that we will be controlling our layout from our computer. In an earlier life I wrote computer programs.

I am looking forward to writing routines that will operate several routes including control of turnouts, signals and station stops.

For those folks thinking about this I will post my progress.

In the meanwhile hope you enjoy the enclosed photos.


N scale dcc

N DCC scale curves

N scale DCC industrial station

N scale DCC gas station

N scale DCC curves

A big thanks to sharing his N scale DCC layout.

His last post is here if you want to see the progress.

Now on to Wayne.

If you want to get up to speed on Wayne’s layot, here’s the story so far:

1. Wayne’s very first post on his HO layout 8×15 is here.
2. Wayne’s HO layout update
3. Wayne’s third HO layout update.
4. HO scale layout update number 4
5. Wayne’s 5th update on his HO layout 8×15
6. Wayne’s 6th HO scale update

Now for his latest:

“Well I think I have the hardest part done. I have the trusle done and in place. Not to shabby for a old guy with a broken arm. I really like seeing what other people do with their layouts.


HO scale bridge

HO scale trestle bridge

HO scale trestle bridge

HO scale trestle bridge

A big thanks to Wayne and Yale.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you grab the bull by the horns, just like Wayne did, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.