Basement model railroad layouts

The collection of basement model railroad layouts on the blog is growing – here’s Glenn’s.

“I started this layout a few years ago now and it as taken over my basement.

I have 4 different layouts on the go right now.

My layouts are of no particular place.

As you see by the pictures I have away to go yet.

I hope you like what you see so far.



(All images are clickable)

Basement model railroad layouts

model railroad laying track

Basement model railroad layouts

model railroad laying track

Basement model railroad layouts

model train track

Basement model railroad layouts

model train track plan

model railroad truck park

Another basement layout that springs to mind is Joe’s:

Joe’s basement layout

“Hello Al:

I’ve been a reader of your emails for several years and find what you do to be so enjoyable and inspirational.

I’m from the States, a place called Ann Arbor, Michigan.

It’s a university town in the north central part of the county.

I was a model railroader as a teenager, but dropped the hobby for about 5 decades.

A visit to Germany and Switzerland in 2003 got me reinterested in trains.

I decided to model the places I saw on that trip – Murren Switzerland and St. Goar Germany.

I’ve placed a picture below of one section of my layout.

If you or your readers would be interested in seeing more let me know. I’m no dangerous David, (love his work and videos), but I try.


I don’t know about you, but I’d love to see more of Rob’s layout.

A big thanks to Rob and to Glenn for adding to the basement model railroad layouts.

Glenn’s layout was a trip down memory lane for me too – I’d almost forgotten about the church in the print out scenery range. Thought it looked fab.

That’s all today folks.

Don’t forget the Beginner’s Guide if you want to get going on your layout – or just make the one you have better.

Keep ’em coming.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

Need buildings for your layout? Have a look at the Silly Discount bundle.

32 Responses to Basement model railroad layouts

  1. Postie7 says:

    Glen, looks to be coming along nicely, my only worry would be access under the shelf to the rails below.
    Bob. More please that looks brilliant, love the different scenes you incorporate so smoothly and the river looks almost real.
    Keep up the good work
    Eric (Leeds) UK

  2. NJ Mark says:

    To both: Great looking scenery! What gauge trains are you into? Cheers! NJ Mark

  3. Bruce says:

    You omitted a pic of the interconnect between that part beyond in the last pic. How does that loop? connect? In the last pic it appears you plan another upper level as depicted by the board across the window. Please continue with your advancements in the layout.

    No fair with teasing. When will you post other pics of your very nice Euorpean layout?

    Bruce in SC USA

  4. Steve Collis says:

    Thanks Rob, where did you get the figures and house models from, love what you are doing, what gauge are you working in?

    Like you I was inspired by Germany and I am now also using Marklin C track

    God bless


  5. Bob Richards says:

    Both are very interesting and I am looking forward to seeing more pics. It looks like both are very good layouts.

  6. Gary P. Dettl says:


    Would love to see more photos of your layout. It appears that you are off to a great start. Looking forward to seeing more pics.
    Gary in Plainfield, IL

  7. Alan Carnes says:

    Thanks for all your pictures. I enjoy each days posts

  8. Ramsey Arnold says:

    Glen – especially enjoyed your waterfront scenes And Lighthouse. Thanks!

  9. Stephen Kurtz says:

    You should be commended for the work you have done on your train layout. I’m very impressed. I like some of the transition tracks and where you have placed your buildings with the businesses.

  10. paul vogel says:

    Very nice Glenn, would like to see more in the future. Very clean work so far !!!

  11. Thomas Murphy says:

    Hi Glen and Rob,
    Both of your layouts look quite interesting. Would love to see more. Thank you for sharing.
    Regards, Tom (USA).

  12. VictorKoyano says:

    I like those olde kit buildings he has. I used to have some by Revell and Aurora or whatever. They cost a barely affordable $0.98 when l was a child on allowances. These still are made and cost so nicer because even my SSA allowance kept up on COL. But Glen’s Vollmer and Faller German stuff is now too costlier. Hey, l wish l invested on those German stuff. Their prices are now in three figures for some like a Vollmer sawmill l paid $34.98 for. It’s one expensive kit that’s not too intricately detailed. Last time Walthers had one it was well over a hundred dollars. It has a motor but does little. No lights or other amenities like Woodland Scenics has. I gotta get one. I’m now in O scale. Thanks for the view.

  13. Jim says:

    Nice work guys. Would like to see more.

    Jim AZ

  14. Jim - Bay City, MI says:

    Your Alpine village captures the mental image that I see when I think of a small Swiss community nestled in the mountains. The river is beautiful. Post more pictures. Is that a glacier creeping down the hillside in the background?
    Best regards,

  15. Rod Mackay says:

    Well done Rob, reminds me of persuading my wife to go whitewater rafting down the Flaz from Pontresina, the water was that amazing white-green meltwater colour and she got so cold two beefy Swiss guys had to lift her off the raft – I was laughing too hard!

  16. Jim Sulkosky says:

    Looks Great keep up the great work.

  17. Bill Collins says:

    Good job! Are you using Bachmann EZ track?

  18. Guys
    Would like to see track plans of both layouts. Very nice so far.

  19. Mike RICHARDSON says:

    Rob, great work. I look forward to seeing more of your work

    Alabama Mike

  20. Gary M from Long Island says:

    Glen…..WOW!! that is and will become quite a fabulous layout. Keep the updates coming.

    Rob……That’s one impressive picture.

  21. Dwight in Toronto says:

    Rob – just wanted to say that the Grindelwald area of Switzerland is perhaps my favourite part of the entire globe … I’ve been fortunate enough to have been there several times. Good for you, discovering Murren, that hidden gem of a Swiss village sitting high and elusive, way up on the rim of the Lauterbrunen valley. A tiny, isolated little town with no road access, served by a short (4 miles, maybe?) quaint little point-to-point, 3-stop railway. Heaven on earth.

  22. Rob Schweitzer says:

    Response to questions from Rob.
    The section of the layout in the picture is gauge HOm. It runs Bemo locos and rolling stock.
    I do have more pictures of another layout area I’ve just finished. I’ll get those out soon. The newer areas of the layout have three rail track so I can run both the HOm and standard HO trains.
    Thanks for all the positive comments.
    A special thanks to Al for all he does to keep this forum going.

  23. Marklin ed. says:

    Thanks AL AGAIN
    Both great layouts
    Hello Rob there is a group call European Train Enthusiasts. You maybe interested in this group

  24. Erick says:

    Nice workmanship, I hope mine comes out that good.

  25. Wayne R. says:

    Glenn: Do you have a pic to see the whole layout. Its hard for me to see how it all goes together.
    Plus where in Newfoundland do you live? Where you affected by the hurricane? Like what you shown though.

    Rob more pictures.

  26. John P of NY says:

    Very well done and not over done. Less is more in many cases.

  27. TJK says:

    Nice job to both Glenn and Rob…….but Victor you take the cake!
    The mention of Revell and Aurora certainly have jogged my memory.
    I would collect discarded bottles, toss them in my wagon and bring the returns to a local variety store, cash in my .02 cents each and save until I could purchase a model weather it be a car, aircraft, military vehicle or warship.
    We used to have to sign our name and address on a clipboard at the hobby shop in order to purchase airplane glue.
    Thanks for rekindling those memories.
    And as always a thanks to Al.

  28. robert dale tiemann says:

    looks like ho gauge.nice layout.

  29. Brian Olson says:

    Always good to see turntables and round houses on layouts. I have one on my N Scale layout and it adds so much operating fun.

  30. Bill Allen says:

    I’m sure all of us would love to see more of your European layout! I’m working “My Little Bit of Germany” in N scale and would like to see what you have done. We can always use the tips of others. Been to St Goer, it’s beautiful.

  31. Steve Ruple says:

    Awesome layouts, keep up the good work.

  32. michael walsh says:

    Looks awesome. All these different posts are really giving me some really good hints and ideas as i start out on my train journey building my on project.

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