Joe’s been in touch with his 4×8 HO model train layout in his basement:
“My layout is in a small corner of my basement.
Instead of a 4×8 table, I decided to do some bench work and go around the walls.
As you can see from the photos it fit very nicely allowing me to actually go three levels.
It is all DCC with sound.
The railroad itself is just based on scenes I remember as I kid.
A train Museum in New Hampshire gave me the idea of the train and trolly park.
I painted and put decals all my engines.
The little town and train yard are just my imagination at work and I really feel that is the fun in building a railroad. Use your imagination.
All together it took me almost 6 months to complete.
I actually built it for myself but love the look of the grandchildren when they watch with eyes so wide open. You can’t buy that look anywhere.
4×8 HO model train layout:
A wonderful layout – a big thanks to Joe for sharing his 4×8 HO model train layout.
Whenever a basement layout comes in, I always think of Harper’s: Basement train layouts.
I loved Jo’s words too. Who can resist a grandchild’s amazement and wonder?
Please do keep ’em coming. There’s quite a few 4×8 layouts on the blog now, here are a few more:
And here’s a whole page of ’em:
And if today is the big day when you make a start on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.
Remember, if you want your own 4×8 HO model train layout, or any size or scale layout, it’s all about making that start.
PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.
PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.
Nice one Joe, Lots of interest in a relatively small space. You must have worked like a beaver to complete it in 6 months
Cheers Steve R UK
What a great layout – and, in only 6 months labour. What will you be doing next ?
I especially enjoyed the street repair scene. It made my eyes ‘leak’ !
– dave in Ontario
I know that look! My grandkids and great grandkids all love Papa’s trains. Mine are not even half as good as yours. Congratulations!
You have a busy layout Joe. Look’s great. You have used all space wisly. send some more picture’s in was fun. thanks keep going .
wow what a great way to conserve space
lota detail and on 3 levels….
good job Joe
and I bet the grandkids really dig it!!
keep it runnin dude
Your model railroad was built with joy and love. Your enjoyment and children; grand; great; wide eyed seen from their hearts; their excitement is your reward for a layout well done. My grandchildren are my pride! my joy!
Thank you Joe and Al for sharing.
Job well done……looks great and as you have said it “it lites up the eyes” of the most important viewers- ‘Our babies”. Thx for sharing and keep sharing your wonders with us.. Harold Jr. GPTx
Nice job! A lot of detail in a small space. You worked hard in the 6 months. Well done
Greater Muttering and Cussing Railway Company
Very Cool… great tradition to pass on for those grand babies…
papa train
Excellent work. Like the different levels and bridges. The town looks great.
Steve Australia
great layout plenty of detail makes you want to go back and look over and over again my layout is just one level and one track but a bit of detail and your right the grand kids love it.
A ver nice layout.
What a great layout, I am about to start on my American Flyer layout, it going in a spare room., just got to find the time to build it. Joe you did an outstanding job I love it.
What a beautiful job you did. My grandchildren and my son would be very happy to have a layout like this. Great Job!
Dave Ober
Hi Joe, Nice layout ! I really like the 1 picture of the LIRR (C420?) engine and what appear to be Bachmann NYCTA red Bird subway cars in the back round. I am still in the planning phase of my physical plant but already have a huge rooster of rolling stock in O, HO and N guage, primarily LIRR and NYCTA livery. I am partial to those 2 since i use to work as an RCI for the NYCTA and actually worked on R-27 and R-29 red birds. I currently work as a Master Mechanic – field operations Manager at the LIRR Babylon yard. Great to see Dashing Dan alive and well and running on other layouts !
I do find myself agreeing with that notice saying “WATCH CHILDREN” – proper little beggars, some of them, got to have eyes in the back of your head!
Well Joe, you have put everything into this layout. If I was a kid (or even older) this would have to be considered a great layout. You have done a wonderful job of combining all the things model train guys want.
Nice layout!
Great !
Do we have a plan or layout drawing to see how it all fits together? Looks very “busy” – no wast space!
That’s terrific, however, what measurements did to you use? How wide and long did you make your layout? Here’s my delimma, have a tight space for train table in sons room, 7`by 20`, room is rectangular. Want to do like you did by going along the walls. How should I begin? Can anyone guide to where I can start?
Excellent eye for detail. Escpecially the road scene and town centre.
Great job! Love the LIRR Geep too!
One complaint I have with most of the layouts posted is that they don’t send in a diagram of the layout. Can you get a diagram for the layout. I am interested in doing an around the room display. Thank you
Joe…a great looking layout… please send lots more pictures !
Am sure your grandchildren are in awe of your magical ability to create something so interesting and wonderful…way to go Grandpa Joe ! Enjoy the layout and your grandchildren for a long time !
Dave, in New York
I don’t understand the people (like Neil Feder) that ask how to build a layout in a particular space? Each space has its own challenges and they should have the imagination to visualize what would fit in that space. If not, how can you do the difficult things that are required to finish the layout, such as wiring, scenery building, elevations, etc.. My problem is trying to decide which option, of many, to build. Much like “dangerous Dave” as he builds a layout and then tears it down to build something different.
So as not to be critical of Neil, allow me to give some suggestions to his 7’x 20’ room.
You could split the room into 7’ x 10’
You could elevate the layout above the bed and furniture on, either, the long wall or around the entire room (which would be really cool).
Gene @ pocono lake PA, USA
Love the lighting. Bought a bunch of that Woodland Scenics just plug stuff so I hope I have the same effects
Fantasic Layout… Since it is BIG and also 100% DCC….. Is there anything being done for train location? That is my current biggest problem.
I love the warmth of your layout, and what a great idea having a train-trolly park! A nice way to store your extra locos!
Bridget, you have to decide on what scale to model first. Thats number one! Ask Al about previous advice given, many good suggestions submitted. Most RR’s redesign their track layout several times before settling on one they like. Start small or modestly. Design so you can add more table length. Loops require space and the scale you choose will determine bare minimum length and width of table top. Peoples lives change. If you moved it out of that room, can you deconstruct parts OR destruct the train table entirely.
Start sketching room with what you need in room, bed, dresser, closet, door openings, desk, toy box, walkway, etc etc. Note electrical outlets and lighting locations. Best advice is to just start sketching room and then decide what space can be made available for the trains. Just get started. Smile.
Grandpa Joe, What a fun and interesting layout you’ve built there. Quite a feat to have accomplished so much in just six months! I have seen much larger and more complex layouts that look “sterile” in comparison to yours. Using your imagination to guide your layout has created a warm and lovely place for both you and your grand kids to enjoy. Keep up the good work and please share more photos when you can.
Tim, very well said for Bridgett, all I have to add, that are plenty of good layouts magazine in your local hobby store, the staff are knowledgible and gret for advices.
Pretty Neat.!!!!
All in 6 months.. WOW
John Schlemme, When I left New York City back in the late 50’s, they were still running bug eyed DD1’s and E-6 Atlantics. Now at 87, those engines are still my favorites. I started a model of a DD1 in 1-1/2 scale, but ran out of room, so I started to build it in 3/4 scale. I built 1/2 of the set but other interests kept me from building the other half. The DD1’s always fascinated me. I would watch them go by in Jamaica. They would rock from side-to-side when viewed head-on. I would even go to Penn station and watch them. I remember the ozone smell when the contactors would close.
i like the night lighting, nice job.
really nice the lighting. the one scene looks like the last part of cleanup at woodstock, lol.
Todays subject has much merit, the mountain plateau is really a second looker. Trusses add to interest as holding up next level, maybe really are? Sure, the lighting is a plus, I like as is without fiber optic or opaque windows etc. One of the old timers stated something like “You get to certain level and call it good enough”. Anybody ever use white/clear Xmas 120V LED lights for lighting? These days would have Arc-Fault circuit for that and overall GFCI feed of coarse. Unused bulbs, slip a shrink tube over lamp and cover individual lamps in use feed wiring, using shrink sleeving again. U/L approve to hang all over dried out tree lol.
Really surprised how so many RR’s out there aren’t burning the buildings there in down. John Allen’s G&D went away also after he died because of faulty space heater left on as I understand it… probably though a best kept secret on that one.
and Rich, regards
Very nice layout Joe and nice scenery too !!!
Joe you are right about the look on the grandkids face’s. I had an 8×20 three level Lionel layout and the kids were memorized by it each time they saw it. Great job!
I am surprised that no one asked you about those measurements 4X8. It just doesn’t seem possible for that to be a 4X8 layout. If that is true, Your radius must be very small, too small for any cars that are longer than 40 or 50 scale feet long. It is possible that it could be two 4X8 tables around the walls with a 2ft. piece in the middle. That I could see. Can you please submit the true measurements of that other wise beautiful layout. Thank you. Rocco from north Jersey USA.
Looks like a well planed out layout. That’s 1 thing I’m not so good at, I tend to be more of a spur of the moment person, I do things when I remember them and I should really plan a lot more in advance.
I always plan the track and where it’s going though and it usually ends up looking something like, it does on paper.
Thanks for sharing your layout, hope to see more. Phil, Durham, U.K.
Hi I’m Gary I am 59 years of age I am blind I’ve been collecting model trains since I was 8 years old, 3 years ago I went blind from a major stroke I am now trying to set up with help from care workers my own layout. Any ideas or suggestions would be great, I live in Australia Wagga NSW . Any help would be greatly appreciated