Jeff’s been in touch with his HO scale freight cars.
But before that, I have two things to say.
Firstly, every year about now I like to add someone to the Hall of Fame.
So I’d like to welcome, the very latest member…. Glyn!
To be honest, I don’t know how he fell through the cracks, he’s shared some very helpful posts over the years, and they are stunners too.
You can see the Hall of Famers here.
Welcome Glyn!
Secondly, I’ve had more than a few mails over the last few days asking me something that’s really made me scratch my head.
I think I’ve made a mistake with the Silly sale.
The question I keep getting is why are there so few printable buildings this year with the silly sale?
So what to do?
I’ve always listened to you lovely lot. I read your comments, read you mails, and always try and get the tone right.
Clearly, I’m way off beam on this one.
So here’s what I’ve done – there are now 36 buildings bundled with the Beginner’s Guide, which at the moment is just $19.
Yes, you read that right, 36 printable buildings (which sell for $324 in the store) for just $19.
A very silly deal. You can see them all below.
Oh, and why we’re at it, another question I’m getting a lot is why do you bundle them with the Beginner’s Guide all the time?
The simple answer is because I’m old and the technicalities of getting products online is a soul destroying job.
But adding stuff to products already there is simple enough.
So there you go. I’ve rambled enough now, and hopefully put two wrongs right.
Let’s get back to Jeff:
He’s a man of few words, but he has a layout with lots going on with those containers. Looks fun:
“My rebooted NFL mantua layout.
Jeff’s post reminded me of Dan’s when it comes to freight:
And now on to Fred.
Course, I’m biased, but I love what he’s done.
He’s made some engine sheds from the printable building range.
But here’s the thing – a cheap engine shed on ebay or Amazon is around $50 (you could spend a lot more if you wanted).
So three engine sheds would set you back around $150 – but not with the printable buildings!
You could do exactly what Fred has done below for just $19 (only until tomorrow).
“Hi Al,
Love your site.
Bought your printable buildings several years ago.
For a while I tried to figure out how to best take advantage of the purchase.
Recencently I just found a way to use some of the treasures.
I figured you would like to see what you added to my lay-out.
I have included a few pictures.
Happy Model Trains
A huge big thanks to Fred, he’s done a fantastic job on the printable buildings.
The people inside the engine sheds, and the LED lighting, really sets them off.
As I said, I am biased, but I think they look great.
In fact, the engine shed bundle, is one of the most popular on the blog.
Now on to the silly sale.
If you missed my rambling above: right now, $19 gets you $342 worth of printable buildings, as well as the beginner’s guide and 160 track plans.
A big thank you to everyone who has bought the Beginner’s Guide for just $19 and supported the site.
I know some of you do it just for the new buildings (and that’s fine), and some of you do it just to help keep the site going.
I’m very grateful to both camps because it’s a constant struggle at the mo, which is why I put this silly offer together.
You get 36 free print out buildings with the Beginner’s Guide, and it’s just $19 for the lot. I know, crazy right?
None of the buildings sell for les than $9 in the store, so that’s $324 worth of printable buildings.
Then there’s the Beginner’s guide which sells at £27 – so you are saving a whopping $342.
Of course, I’m biased, but it’s a crazy deal.
And just to show how much fun you can have with printable buildings (they are brilliant to dip your toe in the water with this hobby), here’s a small selection of them on layouts:
“Al, like you I have been retired for some time now.
I have gone back to my American Flyer, s Guage boyhood train.
I have had “n guage, HO, G scale”, and this American Flyer has been the most fun of all. I guess it takes me back to my parents basement where my 4 x 8 foot layout was back in the early 50’s.
I resized your wonderful old barn and had so much fun building it. Here are some pics. Hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have.
Jerry from Illinois, USA.”
Great project and a lot of fun. The barn is on it’s way to the Railroad Club.
I have enjoyed your site for a long time, since I have retired had to find something to fill the spare time, I purchased one of your bundles and printed out one of the Engine sheds among many others.
I have created my own version of the Engine shed as shown in the pictures.
Side walls have ventilation fan vents.
I have dreamed to set up a model railroad layout for a long time and when I started to make it a reality one thing came up after another, like kids, education, weddings and now I have time and room to finish the dream, but not much of a budget.
Best to all talented people like Hall of Fame Dave, talented hobbyists and their many beautiful layouts.
And of course, there’s lots of the printable buildings on your layouts.
Here some pictures of them:
Mike has used a lot of the houses and grain elevators (not featured in the bundle – just using a print out example).
Rick’s has also made quite a bit of the printable buildings for his layout:
Rob has also created quite a few of the houses:
Cecil did a fab job on the Church:
Again, the church doesn’t feature in this bundle but you get the idea.
Lita has started the scenery with the houses.
Here Glyn has used the viaduct print for a bridge base.
Gene adds a light to his engine shed and houses.
Rob adds a tunnel to his layout.
Nick’s simple layout looks fantastic.
Dana’s engine house (It’s on the bottom one of this one).
Peter’s Viaduct (it’s on the bottom of this post).
Richard’s layout has lots of the printable buildings!
Mike’s layout also has lots of the printable building on.
Stephen’s layout is another one with the Engine House.
Michael has done a great job on the houses.
Lots of the printable buildings on Bob’s HO scale
John’s printable building street.
There are many, many more on the blog. It really does make my day when I open my inbox and see some on a layout.
Also, they are a great way to make that all important start – and that’s what it’s all about.
Right now, until Monday, you get 36 free printable buildings with the Beginner’s Guide for just $19!.
Here’s what you get:
So you get 36 printable buildings and the Beginner’s Guide for just $19 – but only until Monday.
That’s all for today folks.
Please do keep ’em coming.
And frankly you couldn’t pick a better time to take the plunge with the Beginner’s Guide – it’s just $19, 36 free buildings, and you also get the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing you’ve supported the blog and helped kept the show on the road.
PS None of the buildings sell for les than $9 in the store, so with the Beginner’s Guide, you are saving $342 – but only until tomorrow!
PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.
Nice work with making the sheds Fred, they look great
Wow extensive setup!
The sheds look terrific!
busy busy busy lots of work there. i like the sheds.i like the prot authority touch, does it work faster than the ones we have on the east and west coast? just wondering.
Thanks Fred see your a Marklin train man. You also are using the old metal tracks. Great job with the printout sheds. I have Marklin K tracks for my trains. But I have seen the C tracks and they look like the best track system.
Thanks Al again for your site.
Thank you for the nice comments.
Robert Dale Tiemann: not sure how to respond – feel free to email me directly for more details.
Marklin ed: I’ve had M tracks since I was 5 years old (70 years ago). I’ve stayed with what my childhood offered and just added what I needed for my current lay-out. I really like the look and flexibility of the K track but I agree the C track is good too.
Am I missing something? A terminal container crane yet no containers or well cars.
I see he has many of the Mantua NFL cars. I have the complete set.
love the staggered engine houses
Fred, ‘Texas’, nice looking engine sheds, having worked in them, the floorboards inside the sheds appear too clean and should be dirtier, they should have dirt, oil, grease, etc stains on them, looking at prototypical flooring and not just loco sheds, should give you an idea as how to do it.
still a really nice setup.