John’s first layout

“Goodday Alastair.

My name is John Bakker and after looking at your tips and Dave’s layout photos , I was feeling confident enough to give it a go myself.

I actually had to build a shed first and sectioned a 6 metre area for the layout. Constructed a frame , topped it with orange-tongue flooring, designed the track layout , scenery , build the buildings etc. I had a lot of fun doing it as I am a recent retiree.

As I am nearing the completion I thought I would send you some photos of my work to see what your thoughts are. If you like what I have done I can send you some more photos including some of the trains I have which are mainly steam era.

I have a total of six trains , all DCC and three with sound. As you can see in one of the photos the trains are parked in a shunting yard where I can select the train I want to run, or as I did yesterday , had four trains running at once. I pay a lot of attention to detail, as you may have noticed. I made some of the trees myself, and a section of rock wall next to coal yard is real slate.

Thanks again for your advice photos etc.












“Hi Al , just about done those changes , this is the latest update …extra line added around the small station , and a village pond now added .



A big thanks to John and Dave.

That’s it for this time.

Please do keep ’em coming.

Don’t forget the Beginner’s Guide is here it today’s post has inspired you to spring into action.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

117 Responses to John’s first layout

  1. Ralph Berry says:

    Great layout John. Good to see an Ausie flavour. Where did you get those great background pictures?

  2. Raymond Bove says:

    Congratulations on such a fine effort. It’s quite admirable and an encouragement for all those who haven’t yet dared make the step.
    I am currently – slowly – embarking on my first “retirement layout” – not worth a photo yet – and the lesson remains the same as it was with my first and previous layouts of many moons ago: take your time, don’t rush things, keept it simple, don’t be overambitious – things can very quickly run out of hand (just imagine what the maintenance of a very large layout and a fleet of engines and rolling stock involves). And has John has done, produce a layout that combines realism with atmosphere. Well done!

  3. Deryck Howell says:

    Love John’s depth in his layout – and the Aussie flag in what seems like a mixed-country layout!

  4. Mike Wilson says:

    Excellent work, John! I too am interested in the background pictures,if you painted them your self,can I hire you? Ha! Great job!!

  5. Willie Kerr (Glasgow) says:

    Looks great to me. Well done to you.

  6. Austin Wilson says:

    Great layout. Love it. Currently on my fourth layout now, this one being a hollow square layout and so far I am impressed with it. One of the 4 X 8 foot 3/4 inch sheets of plywood is my railyard nine tracks wide with larger commercial buildings behind. Got three tracks going around, one passenger and two tracks for freight. Love model railroading.

  7. Donald F. Wick says:

    Excellent senics and track plan. I see industries and passenger stations. I like the (to be continued-under construction area) photo. Great posibilities in the whole layout design. Keep it going, John!
    Don Wick
    West Bend, WI USA

  8. Bud says:

    What a great layout you have created! I especially love the backdrop. I am into my sixth layout and hope it turns out as well! BRAVO!

  9. Gary O'Connor says:

    Simply stunning John.

    I have just started my first layout in N gauge on a layout that is 22′ long and 13′ wide. It will take me quite a while to get it anywhere near as fabulous as yours is.

    I was just wondering…….I’m an Aussie and if you don’t live too far away could you……No. 🙂

  10. Danny Barr says:

    very nice layout. I really like the back ground and the rocks that you have made. over all great layout/

  11. Ron Williams says:

    Great layout.

  12. Skip says:

    A true insperation to us novice starters here! Great detail is putting it mildly! Working on my true love hobby just like you, retired in 2008 and my 4 x 8 layout is growing. Sharing it with my 2yr old Grand Son has been a real joy! Keep on working and posting photos, gives us out here some real perspective of what can be accomplished!
    Skip Kerr
    Brunswick Ohio USA

  13. peter benson says:

    Well done Dave,look forward to your up dates.

  14. Bonny McDaniel aka Grannytoot says:

    Love John’s layout and, especially, the little scenes and the back drop. Dave’s little pond scene is a very nice addition to his remake of the area. It has given me even more incentive to get going on my second, larger, layout. Thanks, guys.

  15. John says:

    Good Job!

  16. Well done John , that is a nice layout you have built and a good manageable size ..well Done …From Dave

  17. Mike Hooper/Ottawa,Ontario says:

    Great layout John, I can almost smell the tar-laced ties[sleepers] on a hot summers day. The background scenes are great; you have really caught the atmosphere of a country setting. Best Wishes, Mike Hooper,Ottawa, Canada

  18. TJ says:

    Alastair, there is a way to code the photographs so that they can not be taken from your site. I have forgotten what the code is as I haven’t used it for many years, but I’m sure it is out there available for use. Good luck. TJ.

  19. Jaaques Shellaque says:

    I object to your negative connotation re: “cowboys”. The Cowboy is an icon
    of the old west (U.S.) standing for independence, hard work, and high moral
    values (i.e. John Wayne-type characters). I admit that not all lived up to the “standard”, but those were “rustlers”, “cut-throats”, “bandits” and other
    “bad guys”. Truly sorry that you have been plagued by “rip-off” artists.
    Great layouts, advice, etc. as always. Thanks.

  20. Joe Kincaid says:

    Your opening comments are very disturbing and disheartening. My heart, and my anger goes out to both of you. This website brings a wealth of information, tips, tricks, how to’s, and cost saving ideas, given freely by the contributors in a very neat and understanding fashion. Your efforts in bringing it to all of us are quite simply altruistic, with an obvious love for the hobby, crossing oceans around the world.
    The lack of respect for people’s intellectual property by stealing that information, and then distributing it for ANY purpose beyond advancement of the hobby, is scurrilous, underhanded, and, in many respects, illegal…at least in the USA! Especially if it is used for ridicule or commercial advancement in any form.
    As a member of the legal profession for over 30 years, I find myself ashamed and embarrassed by members of this hobby who would do such a nefarious and deleterious act. I, for one, will be on the lookout for anyone abusing the privilege of using this site, and will dutifully report any misuse back to you, and, wherever possible, will take steps to insure that it stops instantly, one act at a time.
    My heartfelt thanks to you, and all the wonderful contributors for their contributions, and sincerely hope that you will all continue.
    I end by saying, c’mon guys let’s all play nice in the sandbox.

    Joe Kincaid

  21. christine says:

    Nice, don’t forget weathering, That’s what makes it not look like a kids toy.

  22. Phil says:

    Great looking railway, good detail – is it 8×4 or bigger? – would love to see a track plan.
    Sad to hear about the rip-offs. Would be upset if it caused you to abandon as there are always great tips from your emails.
    Keep up the good work!

  23. Pete Morrish says:

    Yes John a great effort looking great

  24. Alan Roberts says:

    Great layout John, can’t believe it’s your first.
    I too am sorry you have been ripped off Al. I concur with Joe Kincaid, there are some evil people out there. Keep on shunting!

  25. Jan B says:

    Great work all the more as it is your first lay-out!!!

    Make it a little dirtier to make it look even more realistic and impressive.
    Not talking about weathering your rolling stock… keep that for later as it is pretty hard to make it look good. Start with scenery first. Ballast, greenery, buildings…

    Keep going and enjoy 🙂

  26. Michael Day says:

    Good stuff, Alastair but sorry to learn about the abuse of your site and hope it does not recur. Having pasted up a set just this week I can advise John’s backscenes came from International Models “Hills & Dales” series. When you Google International Models Backscenes you should note the 206 and 207 series actually come from the same set of originals, adjusted as to perspective, so watch out you don’t duplicate obvious skylines & other features in conspicuous locations if you need 40 ft in total.. I mounted the sheets on Masonite panels (a 3/16 inch hardboard shiny on one side), which can be bent, jammed between a workbench and a heavy chair and the curved middle portion dunked in water for a couple of days, curved corners being a lot more attractive than squared ones. The curved, dried Masonite shiny side was then primed. The backscenes are printed on heavy paper, as opposed to typical wallpaper and not being able to obtain in Canada the paste mentioned on the website I used Sherwin Williams 785. I found the paste dried too quickly as the sheets were being adjusted and a sloppier paste would have been better. I’m pleased with the result but with all the glorious countryside in Britain I would have thought it should be possible to photograph several hundred non-repetitive feet of backscene from several areas, printing them as required. I’m a Sussex South Downs fan and felt “Hills & Dales” was as close as I could get. If I could get over there with my camera I would! International Models seems to have the longest sets but for shorter layouts, take a look at Gaugemaster. Cheers. Michael

  27. simon holmes says:

    First layout?? Brilliant!! I’m going back to the drawing board!!

  28. Tom says:

    I tip my hat to you John, a job well done …. I can’t wait to see more. Maybe a video to both see and hear more.

    There is a right and wrong way for everything we do. Some people for what purpose choose the wrong way. That makes it tough for those doing what is right. Your steps hopefully will end this stealing, I sure hope so. Keep the vigil!
    I was asked by my Son … why do they do these things … how can we defeat them? By not being like them.

    Thanks, Alastair for everything, you will prevail!!!

    very best regards,


  29. what a great way to get into this hobby by building the train shed first. i built my shed to take the wifes car and my layout. nice layout more photos are needed. the update Dave is great. i need to go to the shed and do more on my layout. Very sad to here what some people are doing to your site Al i hope you catch them .

  30. John Brough says:

    I hope my first layout is half as good. like the Flag – It is the best flag in the world !!! You can guess where I come from John B

  31. Jon Irwin says:

    John, Fantastic effort ,especially for a first layout. Well done. Jon, Canberra Aust.

  32. John Brough says:

    Hi Al and fellow followers,

    Has anyone used the Heljan DCC Turntable and what comments doo you have. I am only starting out after retirement.
    I enjoy the tips and layouts.

    John B

  33. paul Otway says:


    I know how you feel mate.

    Someone recently hacked into my computer sent emails to my freinds and contacts. it caused a lot of mischief. An email to watchout for is called keeping up with the kemplars. Don’t open it just spam it if you see it.

    I send my pictures to other sites, but only as a joint email,

  34. James M says:

    This is the very first time that I have made a comment. I should like to echo the sentiments of those who have decried the behaviour of some deeply unpleasant people.


    I greatly appreciate this site and enjoy all the tips, advice and, most of all, inspiration that it provides.

    I am hoping to start my first layout when finally we return home and have a permanent base.

    All power to you and confusion to your enemies!

  35. Chris says:

    Very impressive layout for your first attempt John. Keep up the good work

  36. Wilma from Canada says:

    That’s a first layout? Oh my goodness. Congratulations on a wonderful layout.

  37. Colin Pryce says:

    John, you have done a great job in integrating your backdrop; I cannot see where the layout ends and the backdrop begins! Thanks Dave for your updates and your track camera shots – more please – just love sitting back and watching the passing views!
    Al, I have also been hacked recently on my yahoo mail (for the third time!) I have now changed to Gmail. I did send you a seperate message, but it seems you did not see it. Please advise how we can notify you of contact changes etc. All the best and good luck with the “Bandits”!

  38. Just wanted to add my admiration on your first layout John. Absolutely fantastic achievement for a first time out. Loved every thing about it. You really have a talent for detail.

  39. Charles says:

    Background and foreground blend beautifully!!!

  40. Paul says:

    What a great first effort. You should have alot fun with that. and since you went to the trouble of building a proper setting you can build anew when the time comes.

  41. DEREK PEARCE says:

    As a seemingly fellow “novice” my only comment is – you don’t need any help!!!! You have done one fabulous job!!!! Only hope my first shot turns out anywhere close. Best regards.

  42. John says:

    An awesome setup!

  43. Stuart says:

    very impressive, everything blends in so well and the background is just wonderful. excellent work

  44. Kelvin Bland says:

    Al tell Alick to ignore the rude comments his is a great layout and they are only jealous.

  45. ou have good reason to feel very proud for many reasons. You had to make so, so many hard choices and decisions in creating electrical, landscapes, track and building decisions to have it all come together in harmony–or at least appear so! And it does!!! Fantastic job. Cincinnati, OH

  46. David Scott says:

    So lovely to see, and reading the comments to keep things simple and not to cram everything in.
    We are now close to the Blubell railway and visited on a model weekend, yes the simple layouts were remembered.
    Sadly missed the Exeter shows this year now we have moved from EX2!!!

    David and modeling daughter Katie.

  47. Tracy Penman says:

    Great Layout! Keep up the good work!!!

  48. butch davis says:

    I don’t have a reply but a question. I want to try and build a military setting with military trains. do you have any good sites to purchase military trains.

  49. Don J says:

    This message is for JOHN. Just as others have said , you have a great layout. I especially like the ERIE Decapod steam engine # 2464. I model the ERIE & EL, & CNJ = Jersey Central. Keep up the nice work John
    DON J in the USA Raleigh, North Carolina

  50. GOPAL DAGA says:

    Very well done outfit ! love it. I too have small N scale layout with 2 trains running in opposite direction. now I wish to construct a bigger one with all DCC controls with number of features, like running &stopping light on & off, whistling, signals & turnouts working in synchronized manner, level crossings, house lights, water fall,
    With ACCESORIES like, fire engines working, working signage, welder on duty, shunting yard(operational with timer) any many more.

    GOPAL Daga
    Calcutta, INDIA

  51. Stan says:

    I greatly appreciate this site and enjoy all the tips, advice and, most of all, inspiration that it provides.

  52. Tom Pendergast says:

    The Erie 2464 Locomotive is it a “Decapod”? If so what scale and where did you get it?
    The Decapod was the largest locomotive of its time. Baldwin made a bunch of them for Russia but the order was canceled and they were used in the US. #950 was used to haul iron ore to the ore docks in Ashland Wisconsin.

  53. Justin says:

    I have had a layout for over three years it has been rebuilt three times it is a fall tipe seen in the us I have a big boy a sd70ace 2 gp35-2 and a sd45 and a alco.
    0-4-0 Pennsylvania steemer

  54. Justin says:

    I like this site it’s informative it awesome

  55. Ryan says:

    Very impressive! My wife and I have decided to build one of our own. Although we know absolutely nothing about them, after seeing what you have done makes me extremely excited and motivated to get started. If you have any advice on a good starter kit and what to look for I would like to hear from you.

  56. don ward says:

    I can’t believe what I see for a first attempt. I started mine in 1972… too large for a first attempt. Still not running and nowhere near finished. When you come to Milwaukee, stop by to give me a finishing hand. Great work.


  57. Jim shelley says:

    Hello, I have some HO trains, cars for sales if your interested they are about 40 years old and still in the boxes in good condition

  58. John the world of trains has changed soo much since i was a kid. I really appreciate the help you have given me over the last few weeks. In the last 2 months from knowing nothing i feel that i have come a long way thanks from this forum and trial and Frustrating error. I must say your layout looks like your in Train Heaven you have a lot of knowledge and it shows. To bad we didnt live closer🚂 Thank you again pete 🛤

  59. Ian Schoeman says:

    A great layout. Well done

  60. Great stuff! says:

    Great stuff!

  61. Jojo says:

    I am new to model trains. I have planned a track around the wall of my bar and man cave. This will be about 12″ from the ceiling and attached to the wall. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
    Thanks Jojo

  62. Rodney Van Dyke says:

    I did not know I was joining a unofficial large group of recent retirees who take up model railroading. At age 72 and working since age 14 I am exploring new territory. I have an original box American Flyer received in 1947 for Christmas. Worked with reluctance within the last 20 years. I want to make it part of my new layout – HO I have decided on because of cost and availability and size. My first question is how to add track to my original American Flyer-size? and how to get running again – only thing missing is transformer and track connection.

    I am looking for help as I take my first steps. I have worked out room for a 38″ x 80 ” layout using a hollow core door – large size. I am taking over part of the garage to my wife’s dismay. Have read many books and done a lot of planning.

  63. Louis G. Bray says:

    A great way it is, keep up your work.
    Lou G. Bray

  64. looking forward to see whats up —– have a n-sale layout already but always looking for ways to make it better running and better looking —– i am kind of old school work with just the basics —– blocks ( about 50 ) on d.c. only ———– very low finances —— if / since your free i am interested to hear from you and your company from time to time .—— or as thing’s come up and change in the future with new things —– mike

  65. Ranjit Singh says:

    Hi, John,
    Very impressive, if fact I have “O” knowledge about setting up model trains. Recently I had these desire to get involve in Model Trains, since then been actively looking in the nets for ideas and details. I am interested in HO Scale Models and a simple 10’x6′ layout with DCC system. Need some advise.

  66. Yes, awesome! I too wonder where to get the background scenery, JPW

  67. Rich Cazzarin says:

    I’m having trouble getting my train to run. It’s my first layout. Don’t kmow where to start looking. Anyone have any ideas? Johns layout is me in a new emai as I’m not computer savvy.

  68. joseph king says:

    Dear Al,
    I am Seeking to purchase 1940 era Linonel trains and information setup information.
    kind regards for your time and trouble.
    Simon king
    washington state

  69. Mike Childs says:

    Great layout. Excellent work. Very informative. Thank you.

  70. terry witkowski says:

    for a 1st time layout, john’s done an excellent job. i”l have to follow these blogs more often. i’m not beyond learning more. and thanks to john for great pivtures.

  71. Gerrit Veldkamp says:


  72. Bob Walker says:

    Fantastic layout! And it’s your first attempt? Wow… I also am curious as to where you got your backgrounds… I do have a question & please forgive my ignorance as I’m only now (at age 63) looking to get into model railroading (used to have an O gauge Lionel set as a kid)… given that I see only 2 rails, are you running HO, or S gauge? Or is it a 2-rail O gauge? Many thanx & keep up the great quality of work!

    -Bob W. Temple, NH, USA

  73. Bob Guilford says:

    Alastair…Hi, Just a note to congratulate you on your project. Work well done and I wish I had the room in my basement workroom to accommodate an HO layout of this size. Since my son was nine years old, I have maintained an L shaped layout that measures about 9′ by 9′ less 4′ by 4′. It is of HO gauge and limited to the area that it now occupies ( unless I cut a hole in the wall and extend it into an ad-
    joining family room ). I currently live in Iowa in a small town and would like to model the railroad facilities that existed in my home town in the Nebraska Sand-hills. Have you ever seen a layout that exited through a wall into an adjoining room? I think it would be my only way to gain the additional space. Thanks, Bob

  74. LARRY GOOLSBY says:

    wow john! i have 10 train sets. been setting in boxes for 30 years. seeing this gives me the fever again.

  75. John,
    Thanks for your e-mail and video of your layout. I built a 10 ft by 5 ft HO layout for my two sons thirty years ago. We still have the trains but I gave the layout to my neighbor who has twins grandsons that will enjoy the layout. Of my two sons the youngest one is deep into building models so I am hoping I can get him interested in building an additional building and expand his hobby building model air plains and add space for a new larger train layout. Your video is an inspiration to me to talk my youngest son to bet back into building another layout.

    Sincere thanks,
    Tom Slack Jr.

  76. dennis shipp says:

    Thank you It looks like a Great layout, Love to see it. Hope to keep seeing news from you.

  77. John you over loaded a 84 year old! In thepast have sevarl layouts for Lione Ho gauge N gage and G gauge! Not looking for a layout like you! Just a small less that 4’x6′ and possibly some sicery!

  78. Burt Sharf says:

    Am just starting to build from scratch (at the retired age of 82). I grew up at the terminus of the C & O Railroad in Newport News, Virginia and am looking for anything regarding trains in the area. They had a large “yard” for coal cars to be loaded on ships, bridges to go under, and all sorts of unloading equipment, plus (to a small boy) “miles of tanks”.

    If only I will be able to do half as well as John. What a fantastic job!!!

    Al, thanks for the help.


  79. harry awarski says:

    congratulations on a good looking layout. Very well done.

  80. Carl in Kansas says:

    Cutting a hole to run trains into another room is not uncommon. Those holes are commonly referred to as “mouse holes”. One way to benefit from mouse holes is to build a yard (fiddle tracks) on the other side. You can build several trains, then run them one or two at a time, passing through the hole as a single track. Just add a tunnel entrance on each side.

    If not a yard facility, build a loop where you can run the train out of the room, then back in through a double tunnel. Either way, the other side is blind to you, so keep that in mind as you create your design.

    Carl in Kansas.

  81. mike sampogna says:

    I love the fencing you used around the train station. Where can I purchase this fencing? Thanks and for a first time effort you have done a magnificent job.

  82. Cary B says:

    Very nice John, I love the details and buildings.

    Cary B

  83. John Fitzwater says:

    Grat job! Best layout I’ve ever seen. Keep up the great work.

  84. BARRY HERMAN says:

    You set the bar very high. Great looking

  85. You are way ahead of me. I’m a beginner.

  86. Robert Brady says:

    To Dangerous; OH Magoo you’ve done it again…. Bravo
    Want to hear some engine sounds,whistle,bell, flange squeal/scrape.You don’t use your DCC decoder much.Lets hear that horn blast! LOL!

  87. Absolutely the best 1st layout I’ve ever seen. Great work

  88. Harold Cornell says:

    I hope all is well asI have not received any new e mais in the past 2 days. I enjoy the fotos and envy the talent and the skills required to bulls the layouts. I look forward every day to read the latest e mail.

  89. Tony Foderaro says:

    Very nice! Job

  90. marvin ketchem says:

    GREAT job!. Love the countryside background,infact, where did you get them?

  91. Hemi says:

    THAT is ONE GREAT start for a first layout! NICE JOB!!!!!!

    Question is, whats next to do to it? JUST AWESOME! ~Hemi

  92. albert Luppo says:

    If you were in the service a boastful “WELL DONE” would be in order. Strong wishes for your future endeavors.

  93. John K. Green Lake,Wi says:

    Fantastic 1st layout. Especially like the converted Pullman diner car. I can almost smell the the food. Great tree swing also.

  94. david hurley says:

    When I was a teenager me and my friend built a layout in his parents basement around the furnace. At the time my father owned a bar and got advertisements from the beer companies. One was a stacked three panel add that flashed one at a
    time. I cut them apart and made three billboards and placed them around the layout.

  95. Chris Sylvester says:

    GREAT JOB ON YOUR FIRST LAYOUT !!! I really like it !now you can always keep adding to it

  96. Cliff Jacobaen says:

    Great job for a first layout, really looks professional allready!!

  97. Tim Cover says:

    Not too Bad of a layout. Their are some of the detail, that is is displayed, in
    your layout. I like the track plans aslso.

  98. Mark T. Pianka says:

    John Great Layout, I really like the Job you Done!

  99. Will in NM says:

    John, Amazing first layout! Congratulations on such a well done job. Loved your backgrounds and all the details. Like others, I’d like to see your track plan. You’ve created a wonderful imaginary world that I (and probably many others) would be happy to live in.

    Dave, Love the new duck pond and burger joint. Your videos always put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing.

  100. Awesome job, John! I especially like the way you integrate the photo backgrounds seamlessly into your work. Your rock/cliff/bluff work is also really good. A bit of weathering on your buildings would make it difficult to discern between your model layout and the real thing!

  101. bob goetz says:

    you did a bang up job on what you have done much better than my 1st, but if you become a true railroader you will learn it is never finished. something will always tease you about rehabbing it or you will want to add room or just add something in an area in place of something you have already finish. while i must truly admit you have done one hell of a job on what i see. great show. keep up the great work.

  102. Very well done!

  103. Dan says:

    i think the sheep in video near shearing LOL

  104. I, too am from Baltimore but now live in Shrewsbury,pa. Your layout is very impressive. I love the backround you have created depth. It is the best I have seen.
    I wish had that creativity. Keep up you great work.

  105. John D. says:


    that is your 1st layout?

    wow! great work!!

  106. Jim AZ says:

    Nicely done. Great backdrop and the street scenes and buildings are interesting. I actually have a few of those structures on my layout.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Jim AZ

  107. wayne russell irwin says:

    very remarkable.

  108. Don says:

    awesome, well done, great setup, love the old-fashioned passenger train & the entire setup is great.

  109. Rich B. says:

    Can’t add anything here that hasn’t been said. Find this amazing for a 1st., everything is easy on the eyes and the backdrops… can’t get any better as I see it.

    Rich, regarding

  110. John Philip Ruetz says:

    Great back ground. It caught my eye right away. Blends in real nice . I love it. Keep up the good work.

  111. robert dale tiemann says:

    first one? really good job.

  112. Dale Hogan says:

    Hi John, your layout looks good! The international flavour of the layout makes it interesting as well! If I may John, a club’s layout I worked on had a curtain around it as well but what we did was to use velcro to hold it onto the layout frame. We stapled / glued the sticky side of the velcro to the layout’s frame then sewed the soft side of the velcro to the curtain so that the curtain can be held in place by the velcro, plus it can be put on flat. This is only a suggestion to you John. Remember, a model railway is never finished…. 🙂 Good work, Dale.

  113. Craig Proctor says:

    Beautiful layout John. Can’t wait to see more! Thank you for sharing.

  114. Colin Edinburgh says:

    Dave. Once again excellent upgrades. You never stop surprising us finding an area on your layout that you can make such a change. Love the pond.

  115. Bob Beard says:

    Wonderful layout John.. You’ve done a masterful job, especially for a first attempt. I, myself am retired and am in the slow process of selling my house and downsizing, I only hope my third attempt ends up as good as your first attempt. I really appreciate your scenery and the realistic placement of your structures. Unlike a lot of layouts, yours does not have a crowded appearance. Your layout illustrates how much a backdrop adds to the realism of a layout. As one commenter noted you have done a superb job of creating depth in a very small area. Great job.

  116. matison says:

    This is a great first layout. There’s a lot going on, and it has many interesting details to see. One of the other things that I like, is that the whole layout is shown in addition to some close-ups. Lately, many submissions have awesome close-ups of individual scenes, but there are no big picture shots to show how it all goes together. I think that it would be better to have a pic or two of the whole layout to accompany the detail shots, so that we can see the big picture.

  117. Keith Bowman says:

    Thank you for great IN-FOCUS pics of a great layout.
    Aussie admirer

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