Model railroad construction

Jon’s been back in touch with his model railroad construction so far:


Here are a few photos to share with the group.

Still a work in progress.


Thank you,


shelf layout

model railroad construction

model railroad construction

model railroad scenery

model railroad curve

model railroad construction

model railroad pickup truck

track side scenery

model train corner scene

And if you want to jog your memory about Jon’s layout, here’s his last post: Track layout.

model railroad incline bridge

Now on to Arnie.

He shared his track plan in this post and has taken all your comments on board.

Have a look at what he’s come up with now:


Arnie again in sunny Florida. Thought about all the nice comments your readers gave and did a little modifying of the layout.

Used all the comments and came up with this new layout which has both the trolley and the turntable.

Attached is a copy of the modified layout and all I have to do its make it. Also attached is a 3d picture of the layout.

I will start work on it soon and will update your readers with pictures.

The turntable has less arms and takes less room and I still have the trolley running down the center.

This should make both camps happy and I would like to see their comments.

regards to all your readers and to you.


model railroad track plan

A big thanks to Arnie and to Jon for sharing his model railroad construction so far.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

11 Responses to Model railroad construction

  1. Brian Olson says:

    Your space is similar to the unfinished loft in our home, lots of room to work with. Good you included a roundhouse as it gives you so much operating potential along with your spur lines,

    Nice work,

  2. Don says:

    nicely done

  3. David Howarth says:

    Looking good and a nice long run for the trains …

  4. Tony, Kitty Hawk NC says:


    Nice work! I like how you have modelled the road leading into town-realistic looking. So many layouts have roads that just stop and lead nowhere. Thanks for the update.

  5. Grant Miles says:

    Arnie, Nice work on your layout design. I might suggest that the trolley run, rather than straight, have a curve element. Perhaps a gentle turn up to sw35 and crossover 30. Could add a bit of interest. Cheers, Grant

  6. Stephen Hill says:

    Jon , looks great , very nice detail . You have the workings of a fine display , keep us posted . Very nice job .

  7. george zaky says:

    Am always jealous of long layouts. Very nice plan and very nice buildings. Enjoy the man cave.
    What a cool solution. Now you have a fan club anxiously waiting to see what that really looks like for real so ” Get er done!” Please keep us up on progress.

  8. Scott says:

    Perfect Arnie – good blend and balance – you should stop by and see my American Flyer layout sometime – all pure AC Gilbert equipment – built a turntable from an Erector set – I’m in Malabar on the east coast of central florida

  9. Gary M from Long Island says:

    Jon…….. Wow……great job………love the detail

    Arnie……..great track plan….that should be a lot of fun when completed and operating.

  10. robert dale tiemann says:

    very nice use of space.

  11. Rich B. says:

    1st layout, just my thought. Layout is great but if that’s foil covered attic insulation and running zip cords… would hate to see an electrical short lighting up the entire ceiling. Even if temporary, think I would have all cords and plug in lamps on running boards (wood strips, nothing fancy) even if temporary.

    2nd layout isn’t something “The Arnie” is working on. Is there more than 1 Arnie? Will be sight to behold.


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