Peter’s been back in touch with some impressive pics of his O scale building kits and layout:
“It took me 3 years to complete this layout.
It consists of a full circle of o scale 1/48
2 rail trains based on western roads, I. E. Rio grande, western pacific, sourthern pacific and Santa Fe.
All engines except for one atlas RS-1 are brass that were painted and decaled by me.
The back part underneath the painted backdrop on the wall is point to point on3 narrow gauge trains.
I completed all the scenery and track work which in itself was a ton of work.
Bench work is mostly 1 by 3 and 2 by 2 lumber for 48 inch height for good viewing and ease of getting underneath for electrical work.
Most buildings are craftsman style kits and there are a few scratch built ones as well.
The pics and vid’s are self explanatory. Any questions? Feel free to ask and I’ll expound on detail ,
TY Al”
A big thanks to Peter for sharing his O scale building kits.
Over the years he’s shared quite a lot – if you want to see his layout from start to finish, have a look here.
As you all probably know by now, one of things I really enjoy seeing is a layout appear from an empty bench – especially when it’s one that looks like Peter’s.
Although he says it’s completed, I’ll bet there will be changes and additions sometime soon. Are they ever finished? Why stop the fun!
That’s all for this time folks.
Please do keep ’em coming.
And if today is the day you stop dreaming and start doing, the Beginner’s Guide is here.
PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.
PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.
Need buildings for your layout? Have a look at the Silly Discount bundle.
Fun layout, love that graffiti guy!
Just wish i had the room and monay to run a 0 gauge
Peter. Good job. As the scale increases the need for more precise detail is required. You’ve nailed it. Well done.
Beautiful layout.
Now that’s an O scale layout, incredible detail throughout. Awesome /Beautiful build 👍😊
Cary B aka cbgadget
Peter…… great layout……great scenes… Marylyn……..
Need a lot of room for that in O scale.
To me, it’s the detail that makes a layout stand out. And yours is among the best. Great work, Peter!
Fantastic work there Peter! Beautiful layout.
Awesome job, great artistry and creativity. Thanks to you and AL for bringing this to us. Both you & Dangerous Dave- never can get enough!
I’ve been told to never combine scales. Well, when told that, I do the opposite and have a plan to combine ON30 on a upper level & S scale on the lower. I am having a little difficulty seeing how your ON30 & O look together and how you did that. Of course the difference between ON30 & S is very small and perhaps less risky but it concerns me that an effort and expense wont turn out.
Bill from Va’s layout of ON30 & O is so awesome and has inspired me to move forward but I’m still nervous because I’m not talented like you guys. Could you send us some pics to show ON30 & O together. Much thanks
I’m typically not a O scale kind of guy but in this case i really like your scenes and photog . By the way in first photo there seems to be a dead body on the ground..
The Critic
Brilliant details. The way you have posed your figures and the stories they tell plus the staging of the scene items tells a story too. very well done. I am impressed.
Rob McCrain – Farland Howe
Peter Great to see O scale Layouts and the scenery is outstanding! Like your Mountains and Bridge work very nice and a great video, Very much enjoyed looking at your work of art. God Speed!
Wow that is awesome.? I hope mine turns out that good.
Simply love your “O” scale layout
Excellent layout…detail is impressive!
Great layout! I love it!!
I am currently working on an “N” gauge layout, but I have been trying to collect O cars and track, so that some day I can build my own O gauge railroad, which is my ultimate goal. The problem that I’m having is that O is super expensive, and affordable bargains are hard to come by.
A wonderful layout. Carefully chosen equipment, great scenes. For me the bigger the scale the more realistic the trains sound and act as they move about. Such nice work.
Richard (r) from Hardin Mt USA
I enjoed seeing your O Scale Layout. I would like to know where you purchasrd your vegetable plants.I would appreciate if you could forward the info to me. Many thanks Bill Sutherland Peterborough Ontario
Great scenes and great photography. I especially enjoy seeing the context ,that is, the room it is in. I’d love to see a sketch of the layout
Great detail. Kinda like mini dioramas!
Great job! Its all in the details. That looks like my Dad’ ’35 Hupmobile up on blocks. Thanks for sharing
Very nice. Great to see an old school, two rail O gage layout!
Super Layout. Enjoy.
Thank you all, you’re too kind and it’s fun to share with you.
If you’d like to add a garden, I used corrugated cardboard, then a light covering of white glue to sprinkle fine shifted sand on it, then you have rows to plant away.
Some like it hot!
Wow, A great O gauge layout,
and you sure know how to grow great cabbages.
Peter that is very cool , great detail throughout . Most impressive . The scenes you’ve created are fun , reallly like the tobacco shop , and the water coming from the hose .. pretty cool stuff . Great layout sir , really takes the cake .
Tiz a fortunate fellow copping a feel on the park bench wile his wife looks upon with approval. Awsome work on the layout!
Sure, just look at what’s taking place in each setting. Nobody cares about the trains passing through😳. Figures are not in mid-flight so to speak and the 2 rail “O”? Have to research this a bit more, know of rumors with this but seeing is believing.
Once said and consensus proven true (not exact wording). A RR with smaller gauges you can only reach a point that’s “good enough” with extras.The minute/minuscule details are completely lost due to size/scale in itself. NOT with “O” certainly and the clickity-clack of rolling stock and fire and brimstone with those old 3-rail Lionel’s… artificial sound and smoke not applicable here.
Love these 3 word evals showing up.The spelling, thought and alias’ used are mesmerizing.
With Regards, Rich
Peter- great little scenes everywhere! And much better engine speed than we usually see for O scale. Thanks for sharing!
Nice work Peter! We also have an O Gauge layout, but your figures are awesome, so many different poses……where did you get them?
All I can find are construction workers in four different poses. I have to melt their arms and legs to form them into different positions.
Great work.
Boy Oh Boy Al……. I look forward to opening your emails everyday. Thanks!
Wow! Really nice work there! CWS
Fun Scenes, ya wanna jump in and experience them for real! I model the NP and GN so I love seeing photos of my favorite roads. I guess living on the “left coast” Will do that to ya… Thanks for sharing
Each scene is such a beautifully detailed set piece that could stand alone for many hobbyists, but the way you have integrated all makes me feel I am visiting a real small rural town, post WW II. (I know; I am 80 and grew up in a tiny KY community during WW II, served by the L & N R R, whose line bordered my grandparent’s farm, while my Dad served in the Army Air Corps in Europe for four years, during & post-war. You must have spent considerable time contemplating the impact you wanted to project for a viewer before you began the three years of effort to create. I think if I had the vision and desire to build this layout, I would have put in place “the end is near” scene first, just to keep the personal motivation up to continue. BTW, loco 238 is a true work of art. Thanks for your effort, the amazing result and most of all, the Memories!
I admire your layout.
Where do you purchase your cars and trucks ?
They all look so authentic to the time period
Thank you for sharing your layout, it’s really very nice
Linda H.
Stunning, gorgeous, and too many details to love about this layout. Great work!
Love this one! So many cool shots! Great work.
Awesome layout and pictures, thank you for sharing.
The detail is really nice great job !Like being there .
love it
Impressive or just three years work! Looks fantastic
Awesome layout
Great layout. Have fun.
You know you’re never finished.
Nice to see Smokey T Bear is watching out for sparks as the train makes it’s way through dry country.
O is a great scale to work with, if you have the room. Your layout combines some artistic skill with some fun scenes. Love it!
Well done!! What’s your source for 1/48 period type vehicles?