John’s layout update

John’s been back in touch again with a very detailed narrative on how his layout has taken shape:

“Many years ago when most would say that they did not have any room for a layout I built my first small layout.

I was newly married and we lived in a small apartment. The only room that I had was the secretarial return of my desk which was in the bedroom.

A few years later I was in college and nothing had changed: No time, no money, no space but I still had my desk and I built my third small layout in that space.

I did not know about the traditions in the UK and the only small design I knew was John Allen’s Time Saver.

The layout I built then lasted for many years. While other layouts have followed, the pattern for my modeling was pretty much set.

About 20 years ago or a little more I discovered Carl Arndt’s blog which was entirely devoted to what he called small and micro layouts. While he defined a micro layout as being four square feet or smaller, he was not as dogmatic about that size as some others have been since.

Carl focused on an idea, a principle, the idea was the smallest possible layout that still retained a defined purpose for existence. It was through Carl’s site that I first became aware of the Inglenook shunting layout (and several other plans suitable for the modeler with “no space” to build a layout.  

A short time later I discovered (a little too late) a delightful magazine known as Model Trains International, While I have collected several issues of that magazine I would very much like to collect all of them.

MTI and some other chance encounters with Railroad Modeller, Continental Modeller, and Model Rail broadened my horizons and interests. In all casas these offerings were far better, far more consistently suited to the space I had available than any of the major domestic magazines were.

While looking for certain trackplans I was introduced to this blog. In short order I found myself needing an enginehouse for one of my layouts — The only model that would fit the space was one of Al’s print out kits.

It was not long after that when almost every structure model I built would begin as a print out kit.

Then I started scratch building using the techniques I had learned from the Print-Out kits and John’s (not me) instructional videos.

Note: If you are ever feeling depressed, John’s tutorials on building Al’s kits is the absolute best and healthiest cure!

Now about my latest project.

I have been subscribing to Model Rail for about four years now or a little more. About six or seven years ago Model Rail included a little booklet that featured about six or seven very small layouts; one of the layouts featured was an N scale layout called “Clark’s Yard”.

I have wanted to build an H0 scale version for a long time now. When Model Rail had Bachmann build a bespoke version of the World War II USA 0-6-0 tank locomotive about four years ago I had to have one.

Of course a locomotive means that one needs something to display it on. The best display is a layout! Uh Oh… A layout means more equipment and more locomotives. And down the rabbit hole I went chasing Alice!

A layout? Yes! But now what? Clark’s yard was the obvious choice but even then something was missing. What was missing was a good way to hide the mouse hole that allows the train to leave the scene. That answer came with a picture that I saw on a Facebook page.

While I wish I had a photo of Clark’s Yard, here are two photographs that crystalized my vision. (The third photo is my version of the scene.)

printable building pub

diesel train next to pub printable building

diesel train pub

Once I had the track plan decided and how I would enter the scene, then other things began to fall into place.

On thing I knew I wanted was a dockside scene. I have wanted to try my hand at one of these for a while and seeing a scene with a canal narrow boat taking on coal was very much on my mind.

About two years ago I purchased a resin casting for such a boat (actually three such castings because it was almost the same price for three as it was for one once shipping was included.) this layout would be the perfect chance to put one of those castings to good use.  

Clark’s yard had a coal dump for a power plant where I have put my little dock (quay) scene.

One day I want to get a Clyde Puffer (which I will name Maude Lynn) for another small shunting layout featuring a dock scene. I have the ScaleScenes print out kit but I want to finish this project and a couple of others first!

Here is the dock area as it stands right now.

I painted the foam a dirty green and then used Gloss Mod Podge to give both texture and a watery look for this portion of the scene.

The paint is cheap acrylic (actually a combination of three colors) and the Mod Podge is a curiously thick type of clear drying PVA that textures well.

Mod Podge is also available in several finishes from matte to a very high gloss.

I am going to practice making cobblestones from DAS air dry clay to add more detail to the area where the wagons with coal are unloaded for the the coal to be transferred to the canal boat. We will see how that all works out in good time.

model train canal

model train canal barge

model railway canal

While I am firming up my canal dock scene, I am also trying to visualize the rest of the scene which will include a warehouse and other structures. I have noticed that the loading areas tend to be different on layouts set in Britain than those set here in the United States.

The Street Scene:

Right now the most developed part of this little layout is the street scene.

The roadway and sidewalks are from Al’s print out collection.

When I add automobiles the had part will be to remember to put them one the correct side of the street rather than the right side. (Yes, there is a bad pun here) While I am trying for a 1950’s -1960’s theme, a Morris Minor and a Ford Anglica are must haves.

I realize they might be as out of era as my private owner wagons but — What can I say, sometimes there is no accounting for taste.

As to the five structures that I have currently built:

The small office is a much modified Scalescenes free print out kit. It is the office from their coal yard but I have expanded it and added detail.

The large stone building is from one of Al’s print out kits (one of the low relief buildings). I believe this one is called canal and it is one of my favourites. I have modified this kit two or three times now and it is very fun to work with. The roof is from Scalescenes and it is from their low relief houses and shops kit if I remember.

The building on the right side behind the track started out as a Scalescenes print but has Al’s brick walls, my own windows, and enough other changes that I do not know if anyone would catch how it started! I have lettered it for the Salvation Army as I know they used to offer some lodging services at some of their locations.

Across the track from the Salvation Army is a pub, the Rose and Crown. This is a scratchbuilt building based on the White Swan as mentioned at the outset of this story. The roof is from Al’s textures and walls but everything else is my own work.

The last building is Sandy’s Candies. Sandy’s Sweets was also a possibility but I thought about that just a little too late. It, like the Salvation Army building began as a Scalescenes shop but I do not know how much of that is left under the paint and other textures.

model railway pub

model railway shop

model railway loco

model railway loco

The first structure that I built was this little office from Scalescenes.

As I share that I will also share the larger building that I built from Al’s low relief buildings kit.

The kit I chose is a three story building. I used that kit for a pair of two story buildings on another layout.

Here it is a one story building with a roof where I used Scalescenes textures for a slate roof.

I used the straws from a couple of “adult beverages” for the chimney flues on these structures.

scrach built building

printable building

printable building

printable buidling

The roof of this building is removable and I wanted to show how i made that happen.

While it is a nondescript industrial type building without a name (yet) I wanted it to catch the eye and draw it into the total scene.

scratch built printable building

scratch built printable building

I build my structures so they are removable.  

Once I figured out how to put “glass” in my windows all my new builds have “glass” in the windows.

The key is a product that I learned about called “canopy glue”. It is a relatively thin PVA type glue that dries clear and holds plastic to plastic and other materials very well.

Besides “glass” in the windows, where I can I try and make the roofs removable as well.

The Salvation Army building sits on its own base while the pub and Sandy’s Candies share a base.

All three of these buildings are awaiting chimneys with flue pipes as well. 

printable building

printable building

printable building

printable building

I still have a lot more to do to the layout but this tells the story to this point.



A huge big thank you to John for taking the time to expand on the narrative of his layout.

Of course, I’m biased, but I do enjoy it when I see some of the printable buildings on a layout.

And there also good news on that.

I have had a handful of mails asking about the bundle deals.

I did hope to have all the printable buildings in the store by now (It’s been on my to-do list forever), but seeing as I haven’t found the time, I thought why not?

What a great way to bring in the New Year by letting the Silly Discount sale see the light of day again.

It is a ridiculous deal: $199 of printable buildings for just $29.

Have a look and see for yourself.

It’s just for the New Year though, so please grab it now if you like the sound of it.

That’s all for today folks. Hope you have a wonderful New Year and I can’t wait to see what 2023 brings.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you stop dreaming about your layout and start doing, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

Small space HO train layout

John’s been back in touch with an upate on his small space HO train layout.

And as usual, he’s having fun:

“Hello Al

I have now completed the street scene portion of my latest modeling adventure.

I still need to get some figures from Hattons and maybe an auto or two.

I mentioned that I would provide a narrative about this project so I will give it a go.

For years I have been space and budget limited. To compensate I began building small layouts appropriate to the space I had available.

While I live “across the pond” in America, I found that certain British publications were far more helpful when it came to model railroading in small spaces than our native Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman.

Model Trains International was most inspirational and I wish I could collect every issue.

About seven or eight years ago I discovered Model Rail and when they came out with their bespoke USA tank engine I had to get one. Of course a Gronk followed and then an Ivatt 2-6-0. 

The addiction is getting worse. I just acquired an Austerity 0-6-0 tank and I am waiting on the arrival of a J-70 and a Sentinel.

Wagons and vans have also been collected and I am now trying to focus on the 1950’s to late 1960’s time frame. English English is slowly becoming my third language.

With the acquisition of British railway equipment, a layout is now in order. While I have a couple of projects under consideration, a small Inglenook with a dock for a canal narrow boat is where I have decided to start.

I was especially inspired by a photo of a locomotive threading it’s way between a pub and another structure. This looked like a unique way to exit the layout to reach the fiddle track.

While I very much enjoy what I have accomplished so far, this I a learning experience and I am already finding things that I will do differently on my next effort.

All the best,

Nevada, USA”

small space HO train layout level crossing

small space HO train layout

small space HO train layout model stream train level crossing

small space HO train layout

small space HO train layout

small space HO train layout

small space HO train layout fiddle yard

A big thanks to John.

Whenever he gets in touch I always think of his narrow gauge layout that looks like an absolute blast.

Here’s a pic of it with a link: Small gauge railroad

mini gauge loco

And here’s the youtube of it in action. Looks great fun:

And now on to Carol.

Although Christmas either feels like a distant memory or speeding towards you at an alarming rate, I thought this okay to post because it’s another good example of a small space HO train layout:

“Hi Al,

Over the years, I’ve truly enjoyed and learned a lot from your daily posts. I thought I would send you a couple of photos from my annual Christmas HO layout.

I put it up every year, starting at the end of November and it stays up though February. Each year I try to add or do something a little different.

This year I built my mountain & tunnel from a block of hard foam,using a hot wire/knife to carve out the center and mold the mountain.

I used the helpful tips from past postings from you and the other subscribers. Thanks!!  

There are over 250 people, which really make the town look alive and my board is lit up at night.

One of my favorite items, of which I’m very proud of, is my working band stand. I’ve used small speakers hooked up to a mixer and a iPod to provide sound.  

I call my layout Hansenville (named by a good friend of ours).

Thanks and keep the posts coming!!!!


small space HO train layout

small space HO train layout

small space HO train layout

small space HO train layout

small space HO train layout

christmas model train

christmas model railroad

christmas model railroad

christmas model railroad

model train

model train

model train

small space HO train layout

It’s always good to read when the blog helps others make a start on their layout, so I’m very much looking forward to seeing what the year brings.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

Christmas Model railroad layout

Don’s been in touch with his Christmas model railroad layout…


I have been a model railroader for a very long time. (since the late 50’s or early 60’s).

Like most boys, my folks gave me a Marx O-Gauge train set and things have progressed from there for the past 60 years.

As I sit at the kitchen table this Christmas morning, drinking my coffee and waiting for family to wake up, I decided to share some pictures of my model railroad.

The change over from bare benchwork to Christmas, started just before Halloween.

Thats when I start getting Christmas decorations out for the house and checking things over before I begin decorating a week before Thanksgiving.

It was then that my wife informed me, that the Christmas Village Tree would not be set up this year. Well, that was a good enough reason for me to focus on my layout. The only theme for the whole layout was/is Christmas.

I am not a professional by any means, I just enjoy Model Railroading and Christmas. So here are a few pictures of my layout. Hope you and your readers enjoy.

Merry Christmas,

christmas model train

christmas coffer van model train

christmas model train layout

christmas layout

model train Christmas layout

model train christmas snow

festive model train

model railroad Christmas

model train Christmas tree

And if you are after more Christmas layouts:

Christmas model railroads

Now an update from Hall of Fame member, John:

“Hi Al.

Thought you might like another update.

I have completed structure #3 and did a quick mock up of how the exit to the fiddle yard will look.

Two more structures will finish this end, a pub and a residence.


John Reynolds”

model steam train level crossing

model train level crossing

model train road crossing

A big thanks to John – his prevous pics on this are at the bottom of this post.

“Al, greetings from Dean from New Mexico.

I recently had to tackle the water features on my Scenic Ridge Railroad (the last big project for this layout).

I experimented with techniques and used a product called Mod Podge that is redily available from Amazon, hobby stores, or art stores.

Mod Podge is a PVA material that looks and behaves like white glue (Elmer’s).

As you can see, when wet it is thick enough to hold its position even on very steep slopes. It drys to a translucent reflective film that looks like water.

modge podge water

My procedure is:

1. Pour a soupy batch of plaster or hydrocal to give a flat surface on the bed where you want the water to be.

2. Tint it with dilute colors of brown and gray.

3. Use thin cottom pads (available in the ladies makeup section at stores) to increade the depth of water on waterfalls. Saturate the pads with Mod Podge or white glue. Dry.

4. Add 1 or more layers of Mod Podge, then let them dry.

5. With white paint and a dry brush, paint on simulated ripples on the water.

6. Seal the final product with Mod Podge sealer after complete drying.

Here are some final shots showing the results:

Cheers and thanks for everything you do for this hobby.


Dean’s last post is here, which touches on 3D printing, which brings us nicely to Joe.

Joe has only sent in one pic – but it made me think just how much 3D printing has come along:

“Christmas present from a retired US Army Command Master Sergeant.

3D printed Loc, tender, & .027 track.

Controlled by smartphone with forward camera, steam & light.


3d printed train

If anyone else has been playing with these 3D trains I’d love to hear from you.

And seeing as we are still talkling about Christmas, is it too late to post festive layouts?

I know Christmas has been and gone, but it’s before the New Year, so I thought I’d squash a few more in.

I don’t know what it is about Christmas layouts, but they all seem to capture so much of what this hobby is about:

A big thanks to Dean, John, Joe and to Don for sharing his Christmas Model railroad layout.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you join in on the fun, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.