Train layout in a shed

Ian’s been in touch – he’s shared his train layout in a shed:

“Hi Alistair,

My interest in trains started at the age of 6 yrs.

When I lived in Great Torrington, my father use to take me down to the station where I spent most of my time taking train numbers ( don’t ask me why).

During that time I got to speak to many engine drivers as well as the fireman. It was because of this that I was offered a trip on the footplate on the Petrockstow line.

Could you imagine that happening now especially with the so called Health and Safety rules.

I was hooked. It was then a built my first Tri-ang analogue layout.

After years of moving around Devon, Dorset and Norfolk I married a Weymouth girl whose father happened to be the Weymouth Station master and the second layout was built. This time it was digital, a train layout in a shed approx. 18@x15’ and was a very complicated layout.

About 3 years ago we moved house which had a long but narrow garden, once the house was in some sort of order a shed measuring 14’x10’ arrived on Nov 2020 somewhat smaller than I wanted.

Rob our electrician was summoned to wire up the shed on one condition that a cup of tea and a visit to the model railway construction was in order should any work be undertaken in the house.

I had an idea as to how the layout should look so first the baseboard was constructed using 3/8” ply and 3”x2” legs which would support my weight, the base width itself was anything between 24” to 36” which gave me plenty of room for the marshalling yard etc.

At this point a second base board was added underneath this ran the full width and length of the shed to incorporate a single track eventually ending up under the control board with four siding fiddle yards, entrance to the fiddle yard is via the tunnel nearest the wall.

Inclines of 1” every 24” were made of ply/hardboard and covered in cardboard, mod rock and a thin layer of Polyfilla to give the rock effect.

Once the inclines, tunnels and bridges were in place and the whole thing wired up to the control board I ran several trains with various rolling stock to make sure of any mishaps.

Next was the Faller car system which I had from my previous layout, as you can see from the video the little VW Camper van run really well sadly only enough room for a single track.

Access to the shed was made from a sliding section 18”x24” (I hope I don’t put on any weight) which can be removed and stored when required, ballast and scenery were next on the agenda, buildings placed in various positions to give me some idea of how the scenery was to be created.

Two sections of the hills can be removed for easy access should a train become derailed, the first is behind the garage the second is in front which allows me to clamber up onto the base board to get to the far corners if required.

Only a 3rd of the scenery is partly finish if ever it is, I don’t want to shut myself in the shed for the rest of my retirement, so I joined a model flying club something I’ve always been interested in.

So dry weekends are spent flying, wet weekends are spent either in the shed or repairing the WOT trainer, for some reason the cornfield in the surrounding landing patch seems to jump up at the plane when landing.

I’m not a model train buff and I’m sure some of you will look at the layout with disapproval especially the way the building etc are placed but to me it’s the way I see it even if some of the engines are pulling the wrong rolling stock, it’s all in the satisfaction of scratch building and running the trains achieving something on your own.


making model train layout in shed

making model railway tunnels in shed

model railway sidings train layout shed

model railway embankment train layout shed

There’s been quite a few train layouts in sheds recently – a simple way to get your own space. And think of the peace and quiet…

Here’s Ron’s: Garden shed model railway layout.

Next on to Dan, who has been busy with some of the printable buildings:

“You will recognize most of this stuff as much of it is yours.

The 3 sided tower covers the drain from the kitchen and has windows from the building next to it.

As this is somewhat distant I did not do the relief that John recommends. Great to do while watching football (not soccer) playoffs.

Greenery and other landscape treatments will finish it off. But first I have track work to do.

Have a great balance of the day.

Dan, aka MN Dan.”

printable buildings

Now on to Bill who has a question:

“Hi Al,

Thank you for all the posts! I read them every day and save most of them for future.

I have finally started! As a kid, I set up my Lionel around the Christmas tree and ran it until tinsel fell on the tracks popping the circuit breaker. It has been seventy years since those days and I have finally started my layout.

I decided my first effort would be a conservative 4 x 8 early twentieth century California Sierra Mountains logging operation with two connected tracks in HO scale; an upper/inner logging track bringing rough cut logs down to the mill and village where they would be cut and loaded onto flat cars for transport to “market” on a larger mainline.

I have completed the bench work and laid out both lines, but now I am losing some confidence. My lower mainline should be fine with 18” radius and 2% incline/decline, but I’m more concerned about the upper layout. I have designed the track on a 12” radius with 3% to 4% incline/decline hills. My intention is use a small loco, x 6 x, or Shay at slow speeds pulling three or four logging cars. Am I destined for continuous frustration with derailments using this tight of turns?

Thanks in advance for your input.


California, USA”

Please leave a comment below if you can help Bill.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you get started on your layout, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

model train answers

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2

Jim’s been back in touch with his Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2

Unfortunately his mail was languishing in the blizzard that is my inbox for the last week or so.

How I missed it is beyond me. Anyhow:

“Greetings, Alastair. Hope all is well with you and yours.

It’s been some time since I’ve posted anything any where. I have been busy adding a few things to my layout and weathering several rail cars.

However, I recently purchased a new Broadway Limited 2-8-2 ATSF steam locomotive with oil tender, sound and smoke.

The B&B Depot needed additional equipment for their excursion train rides.

Business is good, so more cars plus a buffer car were needed.

Hope you and your subscribers enjoy the video.

Jim AZ”

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2 steam train

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2 with freight

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2 with freight

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2 rockface

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2 engine shed

steam train freight

steam train

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2 baggage car

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2 passengers

passenger carriage

Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2 rock face

Love what Jim has done with his Santa Fe Broadway 2-8-2. It really looks he’s ejoying every minute of his layout.

Jim’s last post is here:

Jim’s stunning cab ride video

And the one before that:

Jim’s video update

And you can see more of Jim’s Broadways here too: Broadway Limited HO scale.

A big thanks to Jim.

That’s all for today folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you pick the hobby back up, the model train Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.

HO model railroad lake – Ben’s

Ben’s been back in touch. Have a look at his HO model railroad lake – he’s got it spot on:

“Hi Al,

It’s been some time since my last post to you. I’ve had some interesting challenges over the past year, which include a bout with pneumonia, basement flooding and a gas line break at the house.

But, now thankfully everything is well and back together.

I’ve finished the 9 scenes I’ve been working on in my HO layout for the past 4 years and thought I would share them with you and your readers.

Here are pictures of the 9 scenes.

If your readers are interested, they can view a video I made that shows more detail of each scene, the 3 lines of trains running and other fun stuff.

HO model railroad lake

Golden Pond – Created from memories of childhood summer vacations.

HO model railroad lake

Whispering Creek – An enhanced vision of a creek near our home.

HO scale VW camper

Grandma’s House at Grill and Chill Park – Summertime fun when I was a teen at the local park.

HO scale  freight

Hazel Dell School and Prairie Road – One room schoolhouse I attended and the road leading to the farm.

model railroad barn farmyard

Olson’s Dairy Farm – Childhood memories of life on the farm.

HO scale grass scene

Shelby’s Garden – Named after and created for my wife, who loves to garden.

HO model railroad lake

Lake Shelby – Imaginary mountain lake scene.

HO scale farmyard barn printable building

Barn Made From Al’s Beginner’s Guide – What fun!

The last picture is of the barn I made from downloading your Beginners Guide. It was my first attempt, so it’s not perfect but it was a lot of fun to make!

Thank you for all you do in posting and sending out everyone’s projects, pictures and such!

Ben From Chicago.”

A big thanks to Ben – a really nice HO model railroad lake there.

His video is very good too. If you’re toying with the idea of making a start, it’s well worth watching.

If you’d like to see Ben’s other posts on his railroad:

Ben’s HO layout update

That’s all this time folks.

Please do keep ’em coming.

And if today is the day you stop dreaming and start doing, the Beginner’s Guide is here.



PS Latest ebay cheat sheet is here.

PPS More HO scale train layouts here if that’s your thing.